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Do you know any good yoga books / youtube channels?


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I'd like to try yoga. I want to move more, use the body. I feel I'm not moving enough. So I'd like to find some good yoga routine I could do every day, something so that I can start moving more. Maybe start feeling better about and in my body. Maybe gain some flexibility and sweat a bit.


I've tried kriya yoga in the past but I'd like to try something with more movement with the whole body. I did like Maha Mudra though.


I'd love to find some youtube channel where someone guides through the entire exercise, kind of like an online yoga class. Though I haven't found any that resonates.


If you know any good books or youtube channels, I'd love to hear 😊

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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