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Meditation and pursuing desire


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Alright, so as it seems for me at least now on the path, the purpose of meditation is helping to resolve with this moment, to be with it as it is, just as it is, not running away, not trying to escape, not trying to achieve something beyond, just living, nothing.

I believe that this practice is essentially enjoying and being free in this moment, now, and abide in it - always.


Well then, with that said, since everything is now, then the practice helps to live more wholly and free of resistance/suffering (because also suffering is now).


Now when desire arises there are many times doubts and negative thought clouds and self referential thinking that cloud the vision, feel bad, and believe them to be right and infallible.

Meditation is supposed to make it easier for letting the desire come and shine?

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Out of curiosity, why do you say that?

Sitting for only 30 minutes a day isn't enough?

30 minutes already feels like quite some time... 2 hours sounds like a chunk of my day.

Also, my feet, butt and lower back hurt quite a bit after 30 minutes of sitting crossed leg on the floor leaning on something a little uncomfortable. An hour seems like a path for suffering, an opening gate for all the clouds to come.

I like to think that 30 minutes is good enough for now because I believe if I go any longer then I'll enter the fog. It is like doing a quick run before it gets foggy.

But I'm really open to what you have to say

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@fopylo If you want to meditate, then meditate. If you don't, then don't. If you want to do it 20-30 min, then that's fine, if you want to do it 2 hours, that's fine too. Don't let someone tell you their concepts that you must meditate 2 hours it's just not true. It may be true for them, not for every one else. I had gravitated towards Self-inquiry, not meditation. Sitting quiet, legs crossed, back hurting never was my cup of tea. 

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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7 hours ago, fopylo said:

Out of curiosity, why do you say that?

Sitting for only 30 minutes a day isn't enough?


7 hours ago, fopylo said:

I'll enter the fog. It is like doing a quick run before it gets foggy.

For not to enter or realize there is no foggs only thoughts and end the attachment, long sitting is important. Your back hurts, whom is there? 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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