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A lie to maintain equilibrium

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'A lie to maintain equilibrium

To hold me in this dead realm

This last ever dream


I'm the thought that never crossed my mind


Disguised in the evident

Forever unredeemed'


Love these lyrics. They struck very deep. It feels like they're telling me something that I'm not quite capable of fully grasping. I'm particularly curious about the very first line:


'A lie to maintain equilibrium'


What is this pointing towards? What do you think?

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5 hours ago, ivankiss said:

'A lie to maintain equilibrium

Lie’ means not true.  A  lie… ‘to maintain’ means believing something which isn’t true, to maintain that something else is true (equilibrium). 

Equilibrium means a state. The ‘lie’ is to maintain the belief that there is equilibrium / state(s).


5 hours ago, ivankiss said:

To hold me in this dead realm

Dead realm’ denotes that there are multiple realms / realities, which is based on the lie there is equilibrium / state(s). 

Hold me in’ denotes that the belief in equilibrium / states ‘holds you in’ … the dead realm’…or, asleep in beliving there are multiple realms / realities.  


5 hours ago, ivankiss said:

This last ever dream

Last as in, without the believing in equilibrium / state(s), there would no longer be the belief in a plurality of realities or separate selves which have, know or are in equilibrium / states or separate realities. Unfettered & unobscured by the beliefs, the one reality that is would be awake. Aka self-realization. Not a conceptualization of truth (dream, separate selves, states, etc), just the truth. 


5 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I'm the thought that never crossed my mind

You’re the thought so to speak, that there isn’t and never was equilibrium / states, thoughts or a my mind… which therefore a “thought” never actually crossed. 


5 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Disguised in the evident

Forever unredeemed'

Disguised” “in the evident” means not disguised at all. Or, that equilibrium / states is really just thoughts, and this is readily obvious & self-evident in direct experience. 

Forever unredeemed” means cursed, suffering, forever veiled. Redeemed means reclaimed, as in reclaiming the evident truth of direct experience ‘from’ the believed conceptualizations of direct experience (separate selves in states & multiple realities). 

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5 hours ago, ivankiss said:


'A lie to maintain equilibrium'


What is this pointing towards? What do you think?

Equilibrium is the point of balance and stability. Sort of like resting energy. Adding or taking away something from the equation will lead to a new equilibrium where the energy can rest. (Maybe i'm talking out my ass, but that would be my way of explaining it).


In order for the self/psyche/energy to maintain its equilibrium, it will have to continue producing/staying in the same energy by telling the same lies, otherwise it would lead to a change in the end. Thats why change is hard, your system is trying to maintain its equilibrium. Only with persistence or a big enough sudden change in energy can you get to a new equilibrium. Did i mention equilibrium?

Edited by WhiteOwl
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@Phil @WhiteOwl


Thanks, enjoyed reading that. I like it.


In direct experience, equilibrium is what enables me to stand up straight and walk. It's a sensation, a feeling. I would not link it to thinking, or mental balance. Though if I think about it deeper, I can kinda see how it's all connected.


If a thought is 'the lie', could it be that that is what's necessary in order to maintain equilibrium (feeling) and keep on walking, perfectly balanced?


'I am the thought that never crossed my mind'


I would make a distinction here between a thought that is 'manifested into tangible reality' and a thought that is simply thought (intangible, unseen). I don't have to think about the door in front of me in order for there to be an appearance of a door. I can let go of thinking for a moment, yet there is still 'a door' right there. I guess I interpret this line as pointing towards the appearance of 'me' (for example, the appearance of a body) without having to think about it. It's a thought that is not being thought of.


I'm articulating this terribly, but hopefully you kinda understand what I'm saying/asking.


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2 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Phil @WhiteOwl


Thanks, enjoyed reading that. I like it.


In direct experience, equilibrium is what enables me to stand up straight and walk. It's a sensation, a feeling. I would not link it to thinking, or mental balance. Though if I think about it deeper, I can kinda see how it's all connected.


For sure its all connected. For you to stand up straight and walk, you need the correct equilibrium of probably 100's or 1000's of molecules/chemicals in your body, if the balance is too low or too high for some you might not be able to walk at all. And its well known by science that your chemical-balances are manipulated by thinking among pretty much everything else. 

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