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The right and wrong, guilt and morality


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What do you think is right and wrong?


What do you mean by "right" or "wrong"?


What is conscience?


Is there true guilt?


How do we know what is the right thing to do?


...is there any actuality or reality to morals and ethics? What about karma?


How about prisons and punishments? Should murderers and rapists be punished?


What does it mean to be moral or ethical?

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30 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

What does it mean to be moral or ethical?

The general consensus is, morals is to what you would say "that's wrong" and ethics includes why it could be wrong for you.


Obviously what is right and wrong is relative to what is not right and wrong and to what is a better right and wrong. 


Whichever has the more wholesome, considerate, sensitive course towards sentience is relatively the right thing, morally speaking.



Edited by Eothasian

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