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How to replace a 'negative' belief?


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I adapted quite a few 'negative' or 'limiting' beliefs as I was going through life. And in a sense, I can see them holding me back now, as I am trying to make some changes and create a better, more fulfilling life for myself. I'm good at quite a few things, but my belief system needs quite some work - I'd say.


How do I prove a particular belief wrong? 


For example, one of the beliefs I hold, is that I must engage in hardcore physical labour to earn money and survive. Basically, break myself in half. I believe that I must do something that I absolutely hate doing in order to make money.


If you ask me at any time of the day, I'd tell you that that's not how things are supposed to be. I'd tell you that you can find a way to do what you enjoy and still earn money. However, there is this feeling that comes up telling me that that's not what I actually believe. As if a voice somewhere back in my mind was saying: 'inauthentic, false'.


How do I make it so that it truly feels authentic and real? How do I start believing what I want 100%? 


My guess is (and this is what I've been kinda practicing too) is to simply keep walking towards what you want to see becoming reality, despite any belief or disbelief in your mind. Simply keep trying and trying until one day you wake up living the life you wanted. I'm guessing there's a possibility that even once you've made it you won't be able to believe it. But you will be living it, nevertheless.


What is your experience with this? Any suggestions?

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24 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Basically, break myself in half. I believe that I must do something that I absolutely hate doing in order to make money.

All I can say is, listen to what feels good in you and allow its legitimacy to affect you, give it room in you. When it comes up?

Edited by Eothasian

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Look for evidence to the contrary and celebrate it. Talk to people who live the life you believe isn't possible. Use the dreamboard, journal and envision, do stuff you like, etc.


A belief is just a thought, and you can always choose another thought or drop that thought now. There is no separate self holding beliefs. It's a good way to point out that someone is shooting themselves in the foot but the belief/thought "I hold bad beliefs" is itself also shooting yourself in the foot. Moment by moment. One thought at a time. 

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@Mandy That's great news haha! It's kinda what I suspected to be true. So there is no belief system per se, right? No beliefs either, right? There's only ever a thought that's arising right this moment? No piling up, no place where it's all stored or held?


53 minutes ago, Eothasian said:


Because I do things that I don't like doing 😄

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17 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Mandy That's great news haha! It's kinda what I suspected to be true. So there is no belief system per se, right? No beliefs either, right? There's only ever a thought that's arising right this moment? No piling up, no place where it's all stored or held?

That great news, the relief, is what truly letting go of a belief feels like. 😁

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23 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I adapted quite a few 'negative' or 'limiting' beliefs as I was going through life.

Maybe that’s one thought only experienced now, like the thought ‘a hundred thoughts’. 


23 hours ago, ivankiss said:

And in a sense, I can see them holding me back now, as I am trying to make some changes and create a better, more fulfilling life for myself. I'm good at quite a few things, but my belief system needs quite some work - I'd say.

Is the perceiver really perceived?

When focusing upon what’s wanted, where is the belief system?


23 hours ago, ivankiss said:

How do I prove a particular belief wrong? 

Could you prove a mirage in the desert is wrong?

Is the prover the mirage?

23 hours ago, ivankiss said:


For example, one of the beliefs I hold, is that I must engage in hardcore physical labour to earn money and survive. Basically, break myself in half. I believe that I must do something that I absolutely hate doing in order to make money.

Which is prior, the I or the belief?

23 hours ago, ivankiss said:


If you ask me at any time of the day, I'd tell you that that's not how things are supposed to be. I'd tell you that you can find a way to do what you enjoy and still earn money. However, there is this feeling that comes up telling me that that's not what I actually believe. As if a voice somewhere back in my mind was saying: 'inauthentic, false'.


How do I make it so that it truly feels authentic and real? How do I start believing what I want 100%? 

Is there what is & how what is is supposed to be?

23 hours ago, ivankiss said:


My guess is (and this is what I've been kinda practicing too) is to simply keep walking towards what you want to see becoming reality, despite any belief or disbelief in your mind. Simply keep trying and trying until one day you wake up living the life you wanted. I'm guessing there's a possibility that even once you've made it you won't be able to believe it. But you will be living it, nevertheless.


What is your experience with this? Any suggestions?

Is there one day you make it & wake up to the life you want, or is waking up to the life you want the end of days?

Have you ever woken up to a day which is not, this day? 

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