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Gym workout routine

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So I'm thinking of going to the gym after a long, long pause. Used to go reguralry but depression etc. kind of got into the way.


I found a gym where I could also go swimming + sauna after the gym, no extra charge! The thought of swimming feels really good. It's fun but also good exercise. Perfect.


So I'd like to have a routine for basically general wellbeing, feeling good, but also kind of burn some fat and look better etc.


What kind of routine would be the best one? I'm thinking bigger movements, no machines. Squats etc. Any advice? Do you think doing 2-3 full body workouts every week would be good?

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That does sound perfect. I'd go just for the swimming and sauna. 🙂 Swimming can be a great workout alone. I'd start small and work up, making your enjoyment of going and going regularly my focus. Observe other people at the gym, think about what you want to focus on, what exercises you gravitate to, and settle into a routine that evolves with you naturally. 

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On 8/29/2022 at 6:58 AM, Blessed2 said:

So I'd like to have a routine for basically general wellbeing, feeling good, but also kind of burn some fat and look better etc.


What kind of routine would be the best one? I'm thinking bigger movements, no machines. Squats etc. Any advice?

Sounds like swimming. 🙂


On 8/29/2022 at 6:58 AM, Blessed2 said:

Do you think doing 2-3 full body workouts every week would be good?

It’s just preference, but I prefer every morning. Maybe spread it out. 


Look for something to clean up in diet too, to get more bang for you buck. 

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