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Glimpse of Awaking?


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I was meditating like always, "watching" thoughts.

it's like

"i wonder if i see the next thought"

"oh it's a thought"


"recent random talk with friend appears"

"oh it's a thought"

"it's getting peaceful"
"oh it's a thought"



and suddenly it hit me.


Who the holy fucking shit, is the one, trying to watch thoughts? are we two?

What are thoughts made of? What is thought? Who is the one, watching it?

i've heard this inquires million times, obviously, but for the first time it really, really "clicked". Like it really resonated for the first time, it wasn't conceptual at all.


Than, it felt as the seemingly "gap" between observer of thought and observed thought closed, and it's all the same stuff


it was a tremendous sense of silence and peace, so natural, and enjoyable.


As it doesn't make any difference if there is a thought or not, it's the same, empty, knowing space. it's "I". It doesn't matter if it seems like "i'm consciousness of thought" or "in thought stream", it's all the same "knowing".


I have no idea if it was awaking or whatever i don't feel any different, and there's no any change at all. 

 Honestly it is so stupid simple, that it feels dumb to even write about it 😄 but for the first time it's not next concept, it was pure experience, and it makes all the difference.

❤️ love.

Edited by Forza21
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14 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

Than, it felt as the seemingly "gap" between observer of thought and observed thought closed, and it's all the same stuff


Yes! The silence sought by the "seeker" is actually silence appearing as the thoughts that appear to be about a seeker.


Its all silence, or Awareness.


Awareness effortlessly appears as all of this, so awareness is not inside something, nor does it hold things within it, it simply is appearing as everything. 


When a thought arises, I suggest feeling into the thought, recognizing that theres no observer or observed, recognize that the thought is another "thing" awareness (you) is appearing as. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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3 minutes ago, Orb said:




Yes! The silence sought by the "seeker" is actually silence appearing as the thoughts that appear to be about a seeker.


Its all silence, or Awareness.


Awareness effortlessly appears as all of this, so awareness is not inside something, nor does it hold things within it, it simply is appearing as everything. 


When a thought arises, I suggest feeling into the thought, recognizing that theres no observer or observed, recognize that the thought is another "thing" awareness (you) is appearing as. 

Lol, it's so strange, i i really heard this billion times, but now i feel it in my "guts" it's amazing! ❤️❤️❤️ 

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@Forza21 yep 😌👍



"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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1 hour ago, Forza21 said:

I was meditating like always, "watching" thoughts.

it's like

"i wonder if i see the next thought"

"oh it's a thought"


"recent random talk with friend appears"

"oh it's a thought"

"it's getting peaceful"
"oh it's a thought"



and suddenly it hit me.


Who the holy fucking shit, is the one, trying to watch thoughts? are we two?

What are thoughts made of? What is thought? Who is the one, watching it?

i've heard this inquires million times, obviously, but for the first time it really, really "clicked". Like it really resonated for the first time, it wasn't conceptual at all.


Than, it felt as the seemingly "gap" between observer of thought and observed thought closed, and it's all the same stuff


it was a tremendous sense of silence and peace, so natural, and enjoyable.


As it doesn't make any difference if there is a thought or not, it's the same, empty, knowing space. it's "I". It doesn't matter if it seems like "i'm consciousness of thought" or "in thought stream", it's all the same "knowing".


I have no idea if it was awaking or whatever i don't feel any different, and there's no any change at all. 

 Honestly it is so stupid simple, that it feels dumb to even write about it 😄 but for the first time it's not next concept, it was pure experience, and it makes all the difference.

❤️ love.


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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