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What does it mean to be man ?what is masculinity?

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How do you  define masculinity?  What are the traits of a "real man "? What does it even  mean to be a man?  Is it by being tough and hard nosed and bitter all the time? Or is this just toxic masculinity? 

Curious to know how would you define masculinity. Because I feel out of touch with my masculinity. And I want to grow on that area .

Edited by Someone here
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@Someone here

Insecurity is an emotion experienced, felt, when the thought that you are immature is believed. You’re not immature, you’re nothing less than awesome, just as you are. 

I have a hunch you’re at a major turning point in your life, and it relates to seeing that philosophizing / conceptualizing / mental masturbation is not the same as inspecting beliefs, liberating Truth, resulting in feeling just as you desire to - as yourself. 


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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Because  I'm not exercising my masculinity enough in my life. By that I mean I'm not showing enough masculine traits .I'm irresponsible and childish in my behaviour in general. I'm 24 but  I'm still immature. 


Like Phil said, you believe that you are immature. No one really wants to be mature, get old and die, they want to continue to have a childlike wonder and fun. Why do you want to be mature, what does that really represent or symbolize for you? 

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On 7/14/2022 at 1:43 PM, Someone here said:

Because  I'm not exercising my masculinity enough in my life. By that I mean I'm not showing enough masculine traits .I'm irresponsible and childish in my behaviour in general. I'm 24 but  I'm still immature. 


There's a lot in modern society which strives to keep us in a youthful state, to postpone growing up.  Developing toughness and courage is a worthy aim. One way is to take on some responsibility - do you have much responsibility and leadership in your life? At home or work, where you have some ownership and control of the situation, and other people are relying on you.  

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