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How to release anger


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The last days a lot of surpressed anger has been coming up that I partially turn against myself. It is quite heavy and I want to ask how to release it. The problem is that from an accident a few years ago where I broke my spine, feet and elbow I can't do many kinds of sport I love anymore and standing and walking is a limited good for me.  once a week I go to the gym but it isn't enough. Maybe there are other, more constructive, ways to do something with this energy.


In my case the anger also manifests in strong pains and issues I have are like extremely magnified. Is that with other people as well the case? I was just today at the dentist because I had a strong tooth ache over the last days and they found nothing. That happens at a certain level. But at times when I felt good I had no issues at all for months.

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I think a punching bag would be great, journaling about it and going absolutely crazy with anger in your journal entries can help, going for a run. 


Maybe you can find a low intensity form of exercise that'll still release endorphins, one great example is cycling, you can get a great workout from it and it's low intensity (doesn't impact the body as much).

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15 hours ago, Starlight said:

Maybe there are other, more constructive, ways to do something with this energy.

Yes, there are limitless ways to share the limitless good you are, which is unlimited. 

15 hours ago, Starlight said:

In my case the anger also manifests in strong pains and issues I have are like extremely magnified.

Discouragement feels as it does because your inner being is never discouraged. Realizing distinctions between pain and suffering might be very clarifying & relieving. Is going to the gym not enough in terms of physical therapy, motion, range, strength, or not enough in terms of how you feel?

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