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Letting go of attachment to a past experience


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I have this experience of a past memory coming up. Recently just a very short clip of an embarrassing moment (feel some guilt/shame), and im able to quickly just be aware of the feeling in my body and im not really focusing on the clip anymore. Is giving space to the feeling and  hereby trying to let it go the best way to release it and make peace with it? or would anyone maybe recommend something else once the feeling is there. Since its coming up for a reason i am worried to just push it under the rug again

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I would journal about it specifically. Or you can even write about it here if you like. Sometimes when we consciously tell a story, we see that it didn't really happen to us, but that we were the Author of it, it was written for us by us. Anything that triggers strong feelings usually ends up veiling a plethora of insight, hilarious revelations, guidance for what we want, etc when we let go of the character identification mindset. So while it might sound counter-intuitive, I'd tell the story of it. 





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For example one of my most mortifying moments was being a teenager, not paying attention in class (totally zoned out) and then spontaneously offering to read the part of one of the most explicit scenes in the book we were reading, with the most popular, snotty girl in highschool who had already been chosen for the female part, (I volunteered for the male one). I went to a conservative high school, was Christian but felt like everyone else around was too judgmental but ignored my own judgement and hated all the repression and emphasis on appearances all around. I didn't realize that the reason no one else was offering to read the part was because it was the most sexually explicit part of the book. The play, it turns out, (The Crucible), has powerful themes of puritanism, reputation, goodness, judgement, etc. Looking back on it now, it's stunning and beautiful that I attracted that moment into my experience. It also makes sense why the discord I felt when I was MORTIFIED for hours and days and years after felt SO bad. It was so not how Source/Author me saw that moment. Today, the person I most align with "being" would volunteer for the part consciously, read it with her and enjoy it. 😂

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@Mandy Yes i will start to journal about the stories and events that are close to me, as some of it has been "following" me for years (more the other way around). I have just been away for a little while contemplating it, and getting a new perspective on the things will be incredible and seems so obvious that it needs to be done.

@PhilSame as my reply to Mandy.. There are things to be gained and appreciated in all of them i am sure. Looking forward to view things with a different perspective. It seems so clear how i can create something else for myself right now. 


Thank you guys 🙂

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