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1 hour ago, karkaore said:

Have you been in a position where any question about anything is automatically a wrong one, no matter how you would frame it?

Yes, kind of, at least to some degree.

Sometimes 'the answer' is non-answer, silence.

Sometimes 'the answer' is not asking the question to begin with. It seems that often true insight is not an answer / knowledge, it is seeing the question for what it is. It is shining light on the very context in which the question is asked.

I amย the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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What do you mean?

Contemplation requires openness.

It looks like making conclusions beforehand isย a self-imposed obstacle. This isnโ€™t contemplation.ย How could you know whether it is true or mistaken?ย You may be stuck in intellect.

Iโ€™d recommend open questioning and to avoid extrapolating.

What is X? is a useful template which I also usually take for granted.

Not to invalidate paradoxes and confusion.

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5 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

It seems that often true insight is not an answer / knowledge, it is seeing the question for what it is.


4 hours ago, MetaSage said:

It looks like making conclusions beforehand isย a self-imposed obstacle.

Yes it is. Though we aren't talking about conclusions.

What I basically meant was that I feel as if at some point questioning start losing its value as the question itself starts to "get in the way". It's quite strange for me to find myself in this "state" as questioning was such a strong tool "before".

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