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Insight about the outcome of "goals"


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This morning i had an insight while feeling very clear after some days of inner turmoil and self doubt. It's nothing i've never heard before but it really clicked this time, for now at least.


I have been extremely focused on getting my music progressing quickly (wanting success), to the point where making it turns into suffering. So with finding the perfect girlfriend. Needing it to happen quickly for me to feel good. Generally very attached to ideas about how things should be in all areas of my life (friendships, work etc). 


It struck me how boring and ridiculous it would be to just get to have it all right now as i want it. Having it all settled is not the interesting part of this experience, but the journey (yea, def nothing new) is. Made me feel a kind of exciting anticipation of what will happen the next moment, even when doing something very ordinary, as i really don't know what will happen.

The next "step" on the journey (enjoying the moment) is just as interesting now, as the step you take when you have it as you would want it.


I want to sustain this feeling😃 (felt cute, might delete later kind of post).

Edited by WhiteOwl
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