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Very angry


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On 7/24/2024 at 12:44 PM, Mandy said:

I'm not familiar with the sport, can you explain more about why would your continually almost submitting to him would make him angry enough to go against his training and hurt you? 


It’s a 1v1 combat sport where you win by submission. No impacts but choking, breaking arm/legs etc. ( of course you tap before that, but that’s up to you).

Its like asking why they are trying to score goals in a soccer match. 

In the sport though you know you have to take extra care, especially when training, so you don’t go all in for a knee-bar (something that can ruin the knee), but give your mate time to tap beforehand. 
Sounds like that guys ego took over, I would be mad as well.


As a more experienced practitioner you have to take even more care. Easy to hurt others in that sport


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5 hours ago, Kevin said:

I would say why these emotions are being experienced is because they haven’t been previously. Or they have somehow been rejected and not allowed. It seems like some times it’s been done so long that I even forget what the emotions are about or why I’m feeling it. For example, the topic I discussed on the last call we had about the resentment towards my mom. I didn’t even remember any of that or why there was always that tension felt around her until it came up during the call. The emotion was present whenever I thought of her or was around her but I’d completely forgotten why or what it was about. I believe that there are other topics where something similar is going on but I’m just not aware of what it is.

That is incredibly insightful. 


5 hours ago, Kevin said:

lol this one is classic cryptic Phil.

It’s present direct experience. 🤷‍♂️ 


Notice when you compare yourself to the guy it all feels off and turns into an emotional shit show. 😅

It’s cause consciousness is incomparable.

Being is nothing like experience, at all. (Insanity).

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