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Question about release and catharsis.


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16 minutes ago, Phil said:


So what is the message of the guidance (fear) with respect to that interpretation?

Why does it feel so deeply ‘off’?

I don’t know. First thing that comes to mind is it feels off because I genuinely don’t know. Second thing that comes to mind is no one is judging me. Judgmental thoughts about me and others are happening here only.

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35 minutes ago, Phil said:


Yeah, keep going with that. More deeply. 


I’ve thought of all those things before. People always say that everyone is more worried about them self and no one is noticing what you’re doing. It’s true but I still experiences the fear.


I used to think that maybe I just didn’t think of the right reason as to why I feel the fear because when I think of the right reason for why it’s silly then I believe the fear will go away. That seems silly though, right? Like you don’t get rid of fear by thinking the right thoughts. You don’t solve these things by thinking the right thoughts.

My guess is this is an emotional thing going on. So the solution is acceptance and continuing to allow the feelings to come up. The old way of just pushing the fear away because it’s not gonna help me meet people hasn’t worked.

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Yeah I agree with non-aversion / allowing emotions to be felt. And also receiving the message & allowing the interpretation to change in alignment with truth. 


In one way fear is more specifically “intense off-ness” as in an interpretation feels intensely off as compared to reality / actuality / direct experience. Concern of what other people think has several limiting discordant beliefs baked in. That you, awareness are a person, that there are other people, that you think, and that other people think. With that interpretation the true nature would feel much more pronounced, clarifying & aligning the misinterpretation. 

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2 hours ago, Phil said:


Yeah I agree with non-aversion / allowing emotions to be felt. And also receiving the message & allowing the interpretation to change in alignment with truth. 


In one way fear is more specifically “intense off-ness” as in an interpretation feels intensely off as compared to reality / actuality / direct experience. Concern of what other people think has several limiting discordant beliefs baked in. That you, awareness are a person, that there are other people, that you think, and that other people think. With that interpretation the true nature would feel much more pronounced, clarifying & aligning the misinterpretation. 

Gotcha that makes sense I think.

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On 7/5/2024 at 6:34 PM, Kevin said:

I believe expressing it and processing it is taking care of it.

Completely understandable. The nature of beliefs is that they tend to obscure the landscape of actuality.

Inherently, seeing things for what they are will come with time.

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2 hours ago, Phil said:


That’s great! 

Any lingering other thoughts / emotions sub-contentment? 

Are you really feeling contentment? Nothing needed, nothing needs to change? 

Well to be honest I am feeling a lot better. However I am probably feeling some boredom and pessimism. It just seems like it takes awhile sometimes for things to turn out ok.

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