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Why I quit “non-duality”


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 Nonduality isn't a philosophy or a way of understanding or thinking or believing. Nonduality is a keyword, you can quit the keyword and cease using the keyword, but you can't quit or leave or disagree with nonduality, as it literally means and points to that there is no exclusion. 


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I think he's absolutely right in what he says about how it can become just another dogma if you're not careful - just something you choose to believe, rather than something you experience as a living reality from moment to moment. I do get that sense from a lot of people who speak the language of non-duality that it's just become another form of fundamentalism, and it is just the dullest, most obnoxious form of fundamentalist ever, honestly.😆

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17 hours ago, Mandy said:

 Nonduality isn't a philosophy or a way of understanding or thinking or believing. Nonduality is a keyword, you can quit the keyword and cease using the keyword, but you can't quit or leave or disagree with nonduality, as it literally means and points to that there is no exclusion. 


👍I agree.


Also, while the idea that is known as “nonduality” is a pointing to this immediate all inclusiveness. It can also be known that  nondual literature can appear as a dogmatic narrative, the opposite is also true, in that “ nonduality” is that which does away with all dogmatic narrative. 


Similar to the idea of using a thorn to remove a thorn, then both are discarded.

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12 hours ago, Daniel said:

I think he's absolutely right in what he says about how it can become just another dogma if you're not careful - just something you choose to believe, rather than something you experience as a living reality from moment to moment. I do get that sense from a lot of people who speak the language of non-duality that it's just become another form of fundamentalism, and it is just the dullest, most obnoxious form of fundamentalist ever, honestly.😆

Yes, I too hear that. 

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4 hours ago, Jane said:

…..laugher is like oxygen, get too much, get too high, not enough and you gonna die😎

Blimey, I need to get on the laughing gas in that case because I don't do much beyond a titter or a chuckle these days.😳

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