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I’m not doing good.


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Basically I’m feeling very overwhelmed. Basically I’m feeling this constant feeling of fear and a feeling I would label heartbreak. The feeling is similar to how I felt when my first girlfriend in high school broke up with me. Also there’s this girl I went on a date with before. And I liked her and I thought she liked me but I texted her a couple hours ago to ask her in a date and she hasn’t responded and now I’m questioning if we were ever on the same page. Maybe she didn’t realize the first date was a date? Idk.


So I had this theory. Suffering isn’t just how life is. Especially what I’m experiencing now. This suffering I’m experiencing isn’t how life is. But all the suffering I’m experiencing is the key to waking up. So maybe all this stuff going on is what I want because this is how I wake up. So I’ve been trying to ignore the thoughts about how I’ll never find love and life’s just gonna suck forever. And I’ve been trying to just focus on feeling the fear and the sadness. But I’m very overwhelmed and to be honest I wish it would just stop. And basically I’m feeling very lost and confused and am looking for some guidance.

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10 hours ago, Mandy said:

Pretend that another member wrote your post and write a response.  

I would say that ultimately this is what I want. Getting triggered like this is very painful but it needs to happen in order to be free of this suffering.


The trigger is pointing to pain that’s already here. It’s a call for help.

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I get triggered vs beliefs are triggered. 

I’m not doing good vs I am Good, there isn’t a doer

Overwhelmed vs overwhelment 

Feeling of fear vs emotional guidance for thoughts, fear

Heartbreaking vs heart-opening

Suffering is the key to waking up vs suffering is of some interpretations (which emotion is guidance for)

Suffering is or isn’t what life is vs ‘life’ is a veiling concept (suffering) 🤍

Seeking and or expecting love from without vs from within and sharing it freely and giving yourself away, and giving yourself away, and giving yourself away until there’s nothing left but what is true. 

Allow to mind… if love is self and self is infinite, love must veil itself of itself, for there to seem to be - experience. 

What would it be like if that, is this? 

It seems prior to sadness is a deep sorrow, and prior to that deep deep sorrow is what’a sought, and seeking. Allow the layers to unveil themselves of you. They will. 

Distraction like a movie is always ok to get attention off of thoughts. The movie always ends being the ‘right’ one. 

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15 hours ago, Phil said:

I get triggered vs beliefs are triggered. 

I’m not doing good vs I am Good, there isn’t a doer

Overwhelmed vs overwhelment 

Feeling of fear vs emotional guidance for thoughts, fear

Heartbreaking vs heart-opening

Suffering is the key to waking up vs suffering is of some interpretations (which emotion is guidance for)

Suffering is or isn’t what life is vs ‘life’ is a veiling concept (suffering) 🤍

I guess beliefs are getting triggered which is ultimately a good thing.


15 hours ago, Phil said:


Seeking and or expecting love from without vs from within and sharing it freely and giving yourself away, and giving yourself away, and giving yourself away until there’s nothing left but what is true. 


Yeah that feels a lot better than expecting fulfillment from others

15 hours ago, Phil said:

Allow to mind… if love is self and self is infinite, love must veil itself of itself, for there to seem to be - experience. 


Is it possible to see through the veil constantly? Would you even want to?

15 hours ago, Phil said:

What would it be like if that, is this? 

It seems prior to sadness is a deep sorrow, and prior to that deep deep sorrow is what’a sought, and seeking. Allow the layers to unveil themselves of you. They will. 

Distraction like a movie is always ok to get attention off of thoughts. The movie always ends being the ‘right’ one. 

Yep. When things get crazy a movie can really help.

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10 minutes ago, Kevin said:

I don’t know. Is there a common saying or something?

It's just another way of saying and relaxing into that everything is working out, even if it looks like something the me would like to reject. 

 Youtube Channel  

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5 minutes ago, Mandy said:

It's just another way of saying and relaxing into that everything is working out, even if it looks like something the me would like to reject. 

Oh that makes sense. And yeah when I meet the right girl I’m gonna be so glad this one didn’t work out.

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