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What Am I Still Missing Regarding Spiritual Enlightenment?

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I like you @Someone here. You are a cool guy. A genuine seeker. I am glad we got to interact. 

No matter where you are, no matter what you do, all you need to remember, is that you are the truth. And not even.


8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

It's a man-made concept invented by gurus to lure desperate confused people who are going through existential crisis

Definitely, such things happen. But I would suggest to drop even that notion, in the long run. Don't carry it around for too long. It's not healthy.


All the best to you.

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4 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Definitely, such things happen. But I would suggest to drop even that notion, in the long run. Don't carry it around for too long. It's not healthy.

I know personally Some people who claim  to be enlightened. Phil just Boils it down to  seeing through your ego etc..  it comes from many eastern religions. I can't find any actual evidence of it. People spend a lot of money.. time..and effort to become enightened. Let them chase their  tail I say .I don't give a fuck .

7 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

I like you @Someone here. You are a cool guy. A genuine seeker. I am glad we got to interact. 

No matter where you are, no matter what you do, all you need to remember, is that you are the truth. And not even.

Not  sure what are your actual intentions here are (we were almost fighting online just the other day lol). But in case you are sincere then thanks!

"Truth " is simply this present moment. That's all .everyone is making a big deal about it from gurus to religions to philosophers to scientists etc  ..but in fact it's so obvious and overlooked.

 the idea that one can attain a state of "enlightenment" is bullshit in that there isn't a measurable "enlightened" scale or special knowledge of the universe to attain.

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Phil just Boils it down to  seeing through your ego etc

There isn’t a your ego, a Phil, religions, philosophers or scientists. That there is would be… ego. 


“Phil just boils it down to” is the same as “It's a man-made concept invented by gurus to lure desperate confused people”.


Deflection & projection. 


6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

the idea that one can attain a state of "enlightenment" is bullshit in that there isn't a measurable "enlightened" scale or special knowledge of the universe to attain.

It’s an idea. 


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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Phil said:

When is what gonna end?

The whole "sep self of thought " thingy ? I bet that you are just trolling with this upgrade to shorten the phrase to "sep"🤣

9 minutes ago, Phil said:

There isn’t a your ego, a Phil, religions, philosophers or scientists. That there is would be… ego. 


“Phil just boils it down to” is the same as “It's a man-made concept invented by gurus to lure desperate confused people”.


Deflection & projection. 


It’s an idea. 


Have you ever been or been around someone who was completely present? Completely kind? Completely patient? Completely wise? These are qualities of an enlightened being in my book .its not a knoweldge ..insight ..or state of consciousness. Have you met some Indian people irl before ?if you have  Why do they give you this no ego vibe as if they are a bunch of nobody's walking around ?

Sometimes my grandpa was enlightened. For moments i have been enlightened. I don't think it's a state that we can permanently exist in. It's not like you "become enlightened" and then it's all sunshine and rainbows. 

And it has nothing to do with feeling better as you suggest quite often . Its just the pure truth .

Edited by Someone here
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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

The whole "sep self of thought " thingy ?

It isn’t a thing which began or could end, it’s thought & thought attachment. So ‘it ends’ with meditation.


2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Have you ever been or been around someone who was completely present?



2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Completely kind? Completely patient? Completely wise?



2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

These are qualities of an enlightened being in my book .its not a knoweldge ..insight ..or state of consciousness.

That’s a belief based on conjecture. That there are separate selves which become enlightened. It’s the gurus deception thingy you mentioned. While not true it is insightful and intuitive and could be listened to instead of another video or whatever. There’s no supplement for meditation. Sorry not sorry.  


2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Have you met some Indian people irl before ?



2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

if you have  Why do they give you this no ego vibe as if they are a bunch of nobody's walking around ?

Never experienced that. 


2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Sometimes my grandpa was enlightened.

Same belief, that you’re a person, human, separate self and there are beings / sep selves which do or don’t become enlightened. 


2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

For moments i have been enlightened.

No you haven’t, the conditioning is just deeply reinforced as it were, by what you put in front of you. So to speak. 


2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I don't think it's a state that we can permanently exist in.

States is a belief of the same ilk. 


2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

It's not like you "become enlightened" and then it's all sunshine and rainbows. 

This is perfectly accurate:


2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And it has nothing to do with feeling better as you suggest quite often . It’s just the pure truth .

Indeed. Pure truth, inseparable from feeling. 

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9 minutes ago, Phil said:

Now get back to conceptualizing, philosophizing and suffering

huh? As if you yourself don't conceptualize ? Then what are you doing on this forum all day every day ?

Yeah sure everyone is philosophizing but you are inspecting and there is a clear line between the two that is not mushy .

4 minutes ago, Phil said:

It actually is “all sunshine and rainbows”. 

Not possible to be "all " sunshine and pink butterflies..because you are talking about the whole of reality ..and the whole of reality MUST of course include hardships ..pain ..and suffering ..and you can NEVER deny this because you yourself have gone through it yourself throughout the course of your life and you still gonna go through more . Dare you say you don't /didn't experience suffering..in your very first video on your YT channel you said that 20 years ago you experienced anxiety and depression.  Then you tried meditation 🧘‍♂️  and eating healthy and a couple of other things and it fixed your illness.  

9 minutes ago, Phil said:

Loa actually is immutable

What does loa have to do with anything? 


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34 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I know personally Some people who claim  to be enlightened

That must suck.

35 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Not  sure what are your actual intentions here are (we were almost fighting online just the other day lol).

Not just the other day. We were "fighting" more or less all these years. Whenever we interacted. But what I am trying to say is that it was also very cool, fun and insightful. I liked seeing you around.

38 minutes ago, Someone here said:

But in case you are sincere then thanks!

Of course.

39 minutes ago, Someone here said:

"Truth " is simply this present moment. That's all .everyone is making a big deal about it from gurus to religions to philosophers to scientists etc  ..but in fact it's so obvious and overlooked.

 the idea that one can attain a state of "enlightenment" is bullshit in that there isn't a measurable "enlightened" scale or special knowledge of the universe to attain.

Whatever floats your goats.

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Just now, Someone here said:

huh? As if you yourself don't conceptualize ?

No. There truly, actually, really, really, really isn’t a sep self, nor mind. 



So to speak, if you peaked into my mind you would be like oh wow, holy fuck, there truly is literally nothing happening!


Also so to speak, the more recent experience of someone putting the electrode skull cap on it was just flat line / beeeeeeep, and he said “how are you alive?”, and I said, “I’m not”. 


Just now, Someone here said:

Then what are you doing on this forum all day every day ? Yeah sure everyone is philosophizing but you are inspecting and there is a clear line between the two that is not mushy .

Same presumption of sep selves. 🤷


6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Not possible to be "all " sunshine and pink butterflies..because you are talking about the whole of reality ..and the whole of reality MUST of course include hardships ..pain ..and suffering ..and

What is whole doesn’t have “parts” all of which are included. That which is whole is indivisible infinite. 

Infinite can not know finite. “Parts” is thought “parts”, the thought is wholeness appearing as the thought which is not a thing. 

“To be all sunshine & rainbows” denotes to become, and what’s being said is there is no sep self or selves, and therein no “becoming”. 


6 minutes ago, Someone here said:


you can NEVER deny this because you yourself have gone through it yourself throughout the course of your life and you still gonna go through more .

Thought attachment is basically thoughts appear and in terms of identity are believed. When it’s said there truly, truly, truly is no you, apparently, thought atatchment happens followed by deflection, rationalization and projection onto, a “you”. Which again, there isn’t. 


6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Dare you say you don't /didn't experience suffering..in your very first video on your YT channel you said that 20 years ago you experienced anxiety and depression.  Then you tried meditation 🧘‍♂️  and eating healthy and a couple of other things and it fixed your illness.  

It’s not about words or what anyone else (seemingly) says or doesn’t say. That is trivial petty minutia. 

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