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What Am I Still Missing Regarding Spiritual Enlightenment?

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On 5/28/2024 at 4:59 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

Today's composition, not bad for a few hours work: (I did the single space after a period for people who like that for a change):

This is readily observable to me. Observe the interactions on spirituality forums as a microcosm. But it works like this in all life. Egos are like crocodiles and want to win. See how now you're the crocodile coming to eat me. See how this works? You want to win. This is all ego, the illusion, samsara, It's how it works. It's why samsara is samsara if you (or me) are attached to it. It's the game of ego. It's how it works. The illusion is a set of crocodiles. We'd have to deny the obvious not to see this. Align with what exactly. The emotional scale? Who is doing the aligning? It's an illusion, it's not real, but it's still apparent. Just like a mirage is apparent but not real. The mirage is still real as an appearance. It's noticeable in other words. Some people seem to deny the noticeability of the appearance. Even though dreams are an illusion we can still talk about the dream -- the way the dream appears.

Nobody is saying the dream is True. This is a subtle issue and I'm glad we're discussing it here. Denial of what? You don't always make yourself clear in the first instance. Who is denying? I'm already there lol. Of course all of us are speaking in the illusion. The Self doesn't have eyes, ears, hands, feet. This is like mirage telling another mirage "You're a mirage." This is hilarious. I love this stuff. It is funny. Now I'm starting to get where the humor in all this comes from. I appreciate being pushed with the enlightenment stuff. I get it. It's what we talk about. I know you're as passionate about enlightenment as I am.


Tell me something you think I'm missing in enlightenment -- give me the pointer. I could turn this around on you too though. Are you doing this? Are you dropping the knowledge you have, which is you = knowledge = thought? This kind of advice eats itself because if it's true you're doing what you're telling me to avoid doing. When you teach a separate self, you're already taking a plunge into maya. That's what we do. We enter the illusion to teach others who don't exist. That's what our Being's being does, because it's gotta presumably do something as the illusion. There's gonna be some movie playing regardless. Love is where the movie is about awakening others to Truth. That's a True Love Story right there. Good luck with this one: I tried talking about the shadow on here and it was a disaster. Even in a spirituality community, it's still a crocodile tank lol.

Almost as absurd as this cobbled together gobbledygook pastiche.  Like, wtf is that even supposed to be? 

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Hi Joseph. 


I liked your post talking about Advaita Vedanta. Are you studying it? I'm reading Aparoksanubhuti and listening to Swami Sarvapriyananda's audios on it. 


Have you found this thread illuminating? What's been most? I'm suspicious of forums, especially for questions like this, but who knows. 


I think there's Realization, Stabilization, and Integration. Realization is easy, relatively, though few get it. It's the stabilization & integration that really challenges. How do we take our practice off mat? 


“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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35 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

Hi Joseph. 


I liked your post talking about Advaita Vedanta. Are you studying it? I'm reading Aparoksanubhuti and listening to Swami Sarvapriyananda's audios on it. 


Have you found this thread illuminating? What's been most? I'm suspicious of forums, especially for questions like this, but who knows. 


I think there's Realization, Stabilization, and Integration. Realization is easy, relatively, though few get it. It's the stabilization & integration that really challenges. How do we take our practice off mat? 



I was having fun here but also re-integrating Advaita Vedanta and testing it out.

💬 🗯️🤍

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