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Willingness vs unwillingness


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So lately I’ve been wanted the process of emotions coming up to speed up. Yesterday it was kind of too much. Kind of overwhelming. Hopefully I’m not oversimplifying but it seems like this whole process is about either willingness to be present and feel or unwillingness which leads to suffering and conceptualizing and aversion.


It’s tough though because it seems like sometimes there’s willingness and then sometimes theres suffering and resistance and wanting to feel a different way. And it seems like I have no control over that process. Kevin can’t decide to just be willing when there’s aversion. But I can see that all the suffering comes from conceptualizing, focusing on thoughts like “this will never end unless I do something rn”. 

I guess I’m just frustrated because when I feel very open to emotions, life seems so smooth and pleasant. And then sometimes I experience aversion and I start going into problem solving mode which is more aversion. And when I go into that mode I see that it’s not working and it’s causing suffering but idk what to do.

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Remembering that momentum is momentum can be helpful. If you find that you're anxious notice that's the momentum, and have the patience with yourself to let it play out. The strange thing is that then it's already gone, because you went from impatience to boredom. 😂

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2 hours ago, Mandy said:

Remembering that momentum is momentum can be helpful. If you find that you're anxious notice that's the momentum, and have the patience with yourself to let it play out. The strange thing is that then it's already gone, because you went from impatience to boredom. 😂

Damn it’s really that simple I guess. Sometimes in the thick of it, it really seems complicated. I’m fully convinced there is many steps and it’s going to be difficult. I guess when I think that then I experience overwhelm. So yeah I guess it’s actually really simple.

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