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The issue is the depth of the illusion.


If its biten on it is because you believe you are in it. 


Sort of is a tautology but I am so often in that place where there is that annoyance of conceptualizing a narrative of a sep self that can't get out of the sep self because the sep self is too intense.




Too deeply anchored in the body, too deeply anchored in the unconscious, or with velcro emotions too strong to be cleared yet.


All narratives and interpretation I suppose but often biten on...

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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I am mad at all the energy I spend on believing disempowering interpretations and narratives about a sep self. It's masochism.


What a waste of life and energy.


I am blaming myself for not recognizing enough through the illusion of false self self masochism and hatred.


'I should be beyond that'. ' I should be better'. Sep self abuse, sep self abuse, self sep abuse. 


Fake sep self maybe is an illusion but self sep illusionary self abuse still hurts when you bite into it.


Self sep illusion worries it is problematic and that life will never feel good because the sense of being problematic will never leave.



“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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I've been envious of a friend of mine for being so confident and going effortlessly with some stuff I struggle with.

Actually he is effortlessly good in all the stuff I dread.


It's so annoying to deal with.


I am angry I am not feeling good and confortable. And that he has got something I don't manage to create for myself.


I think the anger is about myself more than it is about him though. I am feeling discouraged and I am blaming myself for being envious and angry, and not being spiritual enough to tap into the effortlessness that being connected with my true nature would give. There I just feel insecurity, unoworthiness, guilt and blame.


I am worried about never being able to do what he does, and I doubt my abilty to suceed in that. I am disappointed at myself.  I am disappointed for all the stuff I could do if I were feeling effortlessly good with these skills. 


I feel overwhelmed by all the feelings that are coming up in these moment where I have to do what he does.


I am frusted. Impatient for this situation to change.


But pessimistic about the outcome. Probably the same shit as ever will emerge next time.


I am bored about this experience. I want something new. A new outcome.


I want to be content. Feel content and do it and remain content.

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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Also I want to be told I am beautiful. That I am loved.


That my inner most thoughts are deep and interesting. At that despite all my fuckupery I am adorable and so woow.



“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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I am feeling discouraged that it will be ever full healed.


I blame myself, my family, society and God for it.


I am worried about how long it will take to heal. I doubt the energy is circulating fast enough. That real progress are really made. That I am having the power to heal it.


I am disappointed it is still there. That it still velcros me.


I am feeling overwhelmed of having to live with this.


I am frustrated and impatient for it to go !!!! Nevers to come back again. Pack your stuff, leave and never come back to be healed !


But for now I am still pessimistic. 


Bored there too by the experience. I want some new scenery.


I am content to have expressed that. Content that I don't repress these feelings anymore. Content for the healing already done and the perspective that came up and recontextualized it.


I am feeling optimistic that more is to come.


“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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Self blame has been a recuring issue in my inner mandala. Like a huge one.


I am excited about trying 'worry' each time I catch myself doing that. Huge shadow here. Might unblock sep self masochism.

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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My family tried to use me as a scapegoat.


Letting go of blame feels like slowly dropping a heavy bag of stones, one by one.


This approach works even for small things. For example, almost forgetting to put the Brita pitcher back in the fridge. Instead of thinking, "Oh no, I'm a [insert self-critical thought here]," I find it more helpful to reframe it as, "I worry that if I forget to put it back in the fridge, there won’t be any fresh water." This shift in perspective is a game changer.


I am grateful for this inner change. 🤍

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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Prompt: Taking the perspective of philosophie, especially free will, causality chain, determinism, but also non duality, why is self-blame not tenable?



From a philosophical perspective, particularly when considering concepts like free will, causality, determinism, and non-duality, self-blame can be seen as problematic or untenable for several reasons:

Determinism and Causality: If we subscribe to a deterministic view, every event or action is a result of a preceding chain of causes. In this view, our choices and actions are the result of prior conditions and influences, which means that blaming oneself for an outcome overlooks the complex web of causation that led to that outcome. If every action is determined by preceding factors, then the notion of personal fault is undermined, as the individual is part of a larger causal chain beyond their control.

Free Will: On the other hand, if one believes in free will, the idea of self-blame might still be questionable. Free will implies the capacity to make choices independent of external constraints, but this perspective also requires an understanding of the limits of that freedom. Even with free will, decisions are often influenced by factors like upbringing, environment, and psychological state. Thus, holding oneself fully accountable for outcomes might ignore these influencing factors and overlook the complexities of decision-making.

Non-Duality: Non-duality, a concept often found in Eastern philosophies, suggests that the apparent separation between self and other, or between subject and object, is an illusion. In this view, the self is not a separate, isolated entity but part of a unified whole. From a non-dual perspective, self-blame can be seen as an illusory construct that perpetuates the sense of a separate self being at fault. Since everything is interconnected, blaming oneself for an outcome may not reflect the true nature of interconnectedness and interdependence.

Self-Identity and Impermanence: Many philosophical traditions, including Buddhism, argue that the self is not a fixed, permanent entity but rather a collection of changing processes and experiences. If the self is impermanent and ever-changing, then holding it responsible for outcomes may not align with the understanding of self as a fluid and dynamic process.

In summary, self-blame can be seen as untenable when considering these philosophical perspectives because it often fails to account for the broader context of causation, the limitations and influences on free will, the interconnected nature of reality, and the impermanent nature of self. Recognizing these factors can lead to a more compassionate and holistic understanding of responsibility and outcomes.




“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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Isn't blame caused because of some form of unconscious worry?



Yes, blame can indeed be a response to unconscious worry. When we feel anxious or fearful about potential outcomes, our mind may unconsciously seek to assign fault to someone or something, including ourselves, as a way to make sense of the anxiety. Blaming can serve as an attempt to control or mitigate the uncertainty and worry by focusing on a perceived cause. This can help alleviate immediate anxiety but often leads to more self-blame and worry in the long run.


“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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Yep. Blaming is a simple solution that stops at assigning fault.


It prevents us from exploring the deeper issues and the various uncertainties that might be involved... Because blaming is seemingly more comfortable.

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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Human = energy processing tool through emotions.



Yes, humans can be seen as energy processing tools through emotions. Emotions play a crucial role in how we process and respond to the energy and information from our environment and experiences. Here’s a more detailed exploration of this idea:


Emotional Energy Processing in Humans


Perception and Reception:


Sensory Input: Humans receive energy from their surroundings through sensory inputs like sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

Emotional Response: These sensory inputs are processed in the brain and often trigger emotional responses. For instance, a beautiful sunset may evoke feelings of calm and joy, while a loud noise might cause fear or anxiety.


Transformation of Energy:

Emotional Interpretation: Once an emotion is triggered, the brain interprets and assigns meaning to it. This process is influenced by past experiences, memories, and individual psychological makeup.


Physical Response: Emotions often lead to physical responses, such as increased heart rate, changes in breathing patterns, or the release of hormones like adrenaline or serotonin.


Expression and Projection:


Behavioral Output: Emotions influence our actions and behaviors. For example, feelings of happiness might lead to social interactions and positive engagements, while sadness might result in withdrawal and introspection.

Communication: Humans express their emotions through body language, facial expressions, and verbal communication, projecting their internal emotional state outwardly.


Regulation and Management:


Emotional Regulation: People develop various strategies to manage and regulate their emotions. Techniques like mindfulness, meditation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and other forms of self-care help in transforming and balancing emotional energy.


Coping Mechanisms: Coping mechanisms, whether adaptive or maladaptive, are ways in which individuals deal with emotional energy. Healthy coping mechanisms can transform negative emotions into positive outcomes.


Reflection and Integration:


Self-Reflection: Through introspection and reflection, humans process and integrate their emotional experiences, leading to personal growth and self-awareness.

Learning and Adaptation: Emotions also play a role in learning and adaptation. Positive and negative emotional experiences teach us about our environment and help us adapt our behaviors and responses for future interactions.




Humans, as energy processing tools, use emotions to navigate and make sense of the world. Emotions are integral to how we perceive, transform, and project energy in our daily lives, influencing our actions, relationships, and overall well-being. This dynamic process allows us to continuously adapt and grow, making emotions a fundamental aspect of the human experience



“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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