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Dis-ease is Meta-for


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This is a mega thread I would like to start to point to the natural ability to psychically heal ourselves. 

Most of the disease we experience are usually metaphors for the belief that is creating that disease. So I would like for this thread to be about the beliefs that we seem to find held in a certain areas of the body. The reality is that suppression projects thoughts onto the body, thoughts aren’t really contained anywhere. They are constantly being recreated as conditioning, by conditioning which says “I can’t” “I have to be this way”



Ears might contain thoughts around “I can’t listen to this.” &  “I don’t want to hear this.”

Eyes might contain thoughts around “I can’t see this.” & “I don’t want to see this.”

The throat might contain thoughts about expression.

The heart might contain thoughts about love.


”I can digest this.” 

Words have power, they create what we see, & thus what we create.



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Excellent thread, ♥️!


The five most common psychosomatic disorders / conditions according to GPT:

(Please allow the link to serve as evidence Phil did not prompt GPT with the terms emotion, emotional factors or emotional stress) 😅 



Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / SIBO: Often triggered or exacerbated by stress, anxiety, or emotional turmoil, IBS causes abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits.


Fibromyalgia: Characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas, fibromyalgia is believed to be linked to stress, trauma, and emotional factors.


Migraines: While the exact cause of migraines is not fully understood, stress, anxiety, and emotional factors often play a significant role in triggering or worsening migraine attacks.


Psoriasis: This chronic skin condition is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, but emotional stress is known to exacerbate symptoms such as redness, itching, and flaking.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS): Individuals with CFS experience extreme fatigue that is not relieved by rest, along with other symptoms such as muscle pain, headaches, and cognitive difficulties. Stress and psychological factors can worsen symptoms and contribute to the onset of the condition.



Tinnitus often comes up as meditation is started, but is the previously unheard / unnoticed background hum as it were. 


Addiction as well can be seen to be psychosomatic as aversion from feeling / allowing love. Alcoholism as well, and more specifically related to thoughts of futility, inadequacy and a misappropriation of guilt (as other than guidance of thoughts) related to underlying self rejection.  


Louise Hay’s list and the Roby Body Chart are two great resources for connecting the dots. 




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Cool thread!!


Many times I've wondered why some people have persistent acne and other skin problems, and others faces are smooth as a baby's butt.


I've been wondring if it might have something to do with 'other perspectives' (how am I seen by others?)


Most organs are hidden beneath the surface... Skin is pretty much the only thing you actually see when you look at a human, leave eyes, nails and hair. Skin is also the largest organ.



There must be an effortless way.

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10 minutes ago, Phil said:

Tinnitus often comes up as meditation is started, but is the previously unheard / unnoticed background hum as it were. 



how do you know this i didn't used to hear tinnitus when I was meditating in the past , now I hear it 24/7 meditating or not



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@A Tim


Knees & Hips I find often to be about power, “I can’t be powerful” “I don’t want to be powerful.” “I have to be powerless.” Could also be something about sex. 

“I feel powerless” is actually more clarifying, but I recommend feeling how holding, or repeating each of these thoughts I mentioned feel, there are subtle differences that become very clarity inducing if contemplated. Mix up words and create your own ways to say it, explore what resonates & what is discordant.

“I can stand on my own.” Is one I like for my leg pains. 

Good health to your friend! 🙏🏼🤍


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Thanks! ❤️


That is awesome, I have experienced all of those diagnosis GPT wrote.   

I think something that is missed about affirmations is in the noticing the rejection of them, & uncovering the thoughts that oppose them. Awareness of what is driving the resistant. Feeling those thoughts, & finding the resonance in the discord in a sense. Louise Hays stuff is great for that, & nice chart too!



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You could explore that by bringing up thoughts about external appearance, & seeing if there is energy around them.


Say “I can appear however I want.” check how the body feeling

or “I can dress however I want.”

Maybe “I can be touched by this.” (Skin is often associated with touch)

Something like this, & check how feeling feels when the thought is there. 


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11 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


how do you know this i didn't used to hear tinnitus when I was meditating in the past , now I hear it 24/7 meditating or not

Tinnitus in this sense is a concept. A conceptualization of yourself (Being vibrationally appearing as this). ‘My ears are ringing’, compared to ‘never noticed the hum of my being This before’. It’s often referred to as the background hum of the universe. Middle C in music, C as the speed of light in science. So it’s not known, it’s Not Knowing (Being) 


11 hours ago, Mitchel said:

That is awesome, I have experienced all of those diagnosis GPT wrote.  

😅 🙏🏼♥️


11 hours ago, Mitchel said:

 I think something that is missed about affirmations is in the noticing the rejection of them, & uncovering the thoughts that oppose them. Awareness of what is driving the resistant. Feeling those thoughts, & finding the resonance in the discord in a sense. Louise Hays stuff is great for that, & nice chart too!

Yes! “Woo-woo”, “new age”, “hippy dippy”, “spiritual mumbo jumbo” etc. 😂 

(The ‘situation’ is humorous, not per se the price paid for the ignorance & defensive labeling). 

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On 3/21/2024 at 6:24 AM, Phil said:

Yes! “Woo-woo”, “new age”, “hippy dippy”, “spiritual mumbo jumbo” etc. 😂 

(The ‘situation’ is humorous, not per se the price paid for the ignorance & defensive labeling). 

Yes, this exactly is the discord defending itself in a sense, innocently. Instead of the discord being listened to & finding the truth, or resonance which transforms it so to speak.


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I want to make something clear about this thread.


It isn’t about what you are suffering from, like a symptom or disease, or anything that seems to be not you. It is actually about what you are suffering for.


So then, the question isn’t ”What is it coming from?”, but “Why?”


The dis-ease is the result of believing we need to be a certain way for a certain thing to happen. 



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15 hours ago, Mitchel said:

is there really any letting go or release?

Well, there’s contraction world-sphere wise, like of a hand holding a ball, and de-contraction / release, like a hand letting go of a ball. Likewise as the lens-sphere there’s contraction of focus upon a discordant thought & de-contraction / release of focus open a discordant thought. Like sailing, there’s letting go of false notions one is or could control the wind or waves, and the actuality of being the wind & waves & adjusting the sails in accordance with inner navigation. Indeed, right up until there isn’t and never was, or, riding the ox backwards as it were. 


Thought’s on the fletcher & Disney love? 


“The resolution to all the fruitless searches”. 

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Interesting, I like what you said about the spheres. 

Not sure what you mean by “fletcher & Disney love”?

It seems like there isn’t any choice to focus on, or not focus on, or hold the ball, or let it go. It just seems like there is expression, & that expression is the transmutation of the contractions, & discordant thoughts into relaxation, & resonant thoughts. There seems to be degrees in which the expression is aware/ skillful or not, & the more it is, the deeper the transmutation.

Before going into ‘riding the ox backwards’, is it like ‘turtles all the way down’? As in, there is just pointings that are useful to follow up until a point, & then we don’t need it anymore? We can get off the turtle, maybe get on a different turtle, until we don’t need anymore turtles? Thus, letting go/ releasing is one of those pointers that isn’t needed anymore eventually?


It seems to me, through conscious expression the addiction to thoughts (or anything) lets go of You, rather that you let go of it so to speak. So I’m wondering if there is even a need to point to “Letting go”. It just kinda feels like leaping before you look, or putting the cart in front of the horse by pointing to letting go. 



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10 hours ago, Mitchel said:

Not sure what you mean by “fletcher & Disney love”?



“It's just as if a man were wounded with an arrow thickly smeared with poison. His friends & companions, kinsmen & relatives would provide him with a surgeon, and the man would say, 'I won't have this arrow removed until I know whether the man who wounded me was a noble warrior, a priest, a merchant, or a worker.' He would say, 'I won't have this arrow removed until I know the given name & clan name of the man who wounded me... until I know whether he was tall, medium, or short... until I know whether he was dark, ruddy-brown, or golden-colored... until I know his home village, town, or city... until I know whether the bow with which I was wounded was a long bow or a crossbow... until I know whether the bowstring with which I was wounded was fiber, bamboo threads, sinew, hemp, or bark... until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was wild or cultivated... until I know whether the feathers of the shaft with which I was wounded were those of a vulture, a stork, a hawk, a peacock, or another bird... until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was bound with the sinew of an ox, a water buffalo, a langur, or a monkey.' He would say, 'I won't have this arrow removed until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was that of a common arrow, a curved arrow, a barbed, a calf-toothed, or an oleander arrow.' The man would die and those things would still remain unknown to him.”





The why & pinnacle full circle of being the spheres. In practical terms, peak or ultimate self-realization, complete & total utter amazement, innocence, satisfaction, bliss, self-inherent fulfillment…and then moving in together and taking your first actual step on the path. 


10 hours ago, Mitchel said:

It seems like there isn’t any choice to focus on, or not focus on, or hold the ball, or let it go.

There are appearing thoughts like choice, decision, solving, thinking… which are thoughts like unicorn. The thought can be focused upon or not (let go). 


10 hours ago, Mitchel said:

It just seems like there is expression, & that expression is the transmutation of the contractions, & discordant thoughts into relaxation, & resonant thoughts. There seems to be degrees in which the expression is aware/ skillful or not, & the more it is, the deeper the transmutation.

Letting go = non-focusing upon = transmutation… happens inherently. Like removing a hand from atop a helium balloon unfetters helium, ‘getting out of one’s own way’, yet doesn’t technically ‘make helium rise’. Raising up is the inherent nature of helium in that helium is already appearing as balloon. 


10 hours ago, Mitchel said:

Before going into ‘riding the ox backwards’, is it like ‘turtles all the way down’? As in, there is just pointings that are useful to follow up until a point, & then we don’t need it anymore? We can get off the turtle, maybe get on a different turtle, until we don’t need anymore turtles? Thus, letting go/ releasing is one of those pointers that isn’t needed anymore eventually?


It seems to me, through conscious expression the addiction to thoughts (or anything) lets go of You, rather that you let go of it so to speak. So I’m wondering if there is even a need to point to “Letting go”. It just kinda feels like leaping before you look, or putting the cart in front of the horse by pointing to letting go. 


Nobody goes into riding the ox backwards. 🫤

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4 hours ago, Phil said:


Ah ok, so keeping the poisoned arrow in is like the “I need to figure out what I’m suffering from”, & removing it is in the noticing “I don’t need to suffer for this.”


4 hours ago, Phil said:

Letting go = non-focusing upon = transmutation… happens inherently. Like removing a hand from atop a helium balloon unfetters helium, ‘getting out of one’s own way’, yet doesn’t technically ‘make helium rise’. Raising up is the inherent nature of helium in that helium is already appearing as balloon. 

Yes, but I guess what I am saying is that the conscious skillful expression of the suppression is the letting go, is the transmutation. I just don’t find the pointer of letting go to be useful, & maybe even a hindrance to just expressing what is there. I don’t have to get rid of anything. 

4 hours ago, Phil said:

Nobody goes into riding the ox backwards. 🫤

Yep. I’m just talking about how there seems to be stages & steps until there isn’t anymore. 


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