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Misunderstandings About the Brain, Based on the Belief in a Separate Self


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Yesterday I clicked on this article because the headline looked interesting. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/connecting-with-coincidence/202403/the-resonating-dance-of-intention-and-synchronicity A short way in, I started feeling off, and realized that I've felt this way so often reading articles about psychology and mental health and sometimes even about physical health. 


"Our large prefrontal cortex is involved in higher cognitive functions such as decision-making, planning, reasoning, and self-control. In some individuals with depression, there may be abnormal functioning in areas of the prefrontal cortex. This abnormal functioning is often associated with depressive symptoms such as cognitive deficits, executive dysfunction, emotional dysregulation, and pessimistic views of the future (Pizzagalli, Roberts, 2022)."


"In some individuals with depression." 


The belief or the thought entertained now is that there are some people, (maybe me because me asserts itself into everything) who are just in general screwed because their brain isn't quite right. Rather than looking at pessimism as an emotion that can be gone and forgotten in less than a minute, the brain is believed to have predisposed a person to pessimism. Rather than seeing depression as an emotion, some individuals are believed to possess it. Because it's so depressing and pessimistic to entertain that "some individuals" are just screwed, (or rather your feeling guidance lets you know that's not right) if you don't listen to that and aren't willing to discard the science or the belief, there's a thought loop that because the thought now feels so bad, that the reader IS one of those individuals. 😳




It's such a trip to see this everywhere. 


Such a liberating feeling to not get caught up in, and so funny to see it start and fall away. 

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31 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Rather than looking at pessimism as an emotion that can be gone and forgotten in less than a minute, the brain is believed to have predisposed a person to pessimism.


Yess maybe the emotion pessimism is still gone and forgotten 'in a minute', yet when looked through the goggles that feel like pessimism, you see/project a brain/individual, subject to time, predisposed to pessimism.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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This is kind of a synchronicity cause last night I wrote in my journal:


"I want to have a reboot. I want to have the mind rebooted, brain and nevous system re-wired. I want miraculous, sudden change for better. I want to be amazed of how easily and satisfyingly the change came.


I want a new me."


I really really would like change to happen.


I woke up this morning, no change had come.


And I feel disappointed.


"The change isn't coming, it won't happen today, it'll be the same long into the future, miracles like that just doesn't happen to me, there's no reason to hope."


Maybe it's just letting those thoughts go and that is the change. The absence of those thoughts is the change/new me. It's already there.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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10 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

Maybe it's just letting those thoughts go and that is the change. The absence of those thoughts is the change/new me. It's already there.


❤️ You are your own Santa Clause


Clause: a particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract.

"Clause 1 of the agreement"


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15 hours ago, Mandy said:

Yesterday I clicked on this article because the headline looked interesting. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/connecting-with-coincidence/202403/the-resonating-dance-of-intention-and-synchronicity A short way in, I started feeling off, and realized that I've felt this way so often reading articles about psychology and mental health and sometimes even about physical health. 


I get the same shit feelings about MBTI and typing stuff it's an illusion of knowledge 

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I say to myself this sentence throughout the day "That's just a belief" Without knowing or "being aware of the belief" and its content it feels liberating and good.           because it is an illusion I don't have to know it to dispel it lol 


Does anyone experience this or am I crazy lol?

Edited by Isagi Yoichi
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