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What have you done for self improvement so far?

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On 2/11/2024 at 3:08 PM, Isagi Yoichi said:

ego ugliness magnified, becoming more of an ego in general.

Sounds like you have some shadow issues.  You don't need to carve the world up into good and evil so starkly.  It's like saying this is good, this is bad in a kind of on/off switch.  It ain't that simple bro.  There's nuance and paradox in this work too.  There's a lot of projection happening in this work too.  It's hard to notice, but once you do, a new level of insight will emerge for you too.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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6 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Sounds like you have some shadow issues.  You don't need to carve the world up into good and evil so starkly.  It's like saying this is good, this is bad in a kind of on/off switch.  It ain't that simple bro.  There's nuance and paradox in this work too.  There's a lot of projection happening in this work too.  It's hard to notice, but once you do, a new level of insight will emerge for you too.

LMAO don't try to inform me with your ignorance stop projecting and  get a fucking life for god's sake don't comment on any of my posts again why haven't you left you said I am leaving three times now nobody wants you here leave




Edited by Isagi Yoichi



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Self-improvement is typically under the guise that the body or body-mind is the self. In that sense, by all means self-improve away. Eat clean & get in shape. Meditate. Improve every relationship. Start with thoughts & feeling. If there’s a bodily issue you’ve been putting off - schedule a doctor’s appt. Learn, excel, achieve, fill yourself with passion and ambition. Write what you truly want on your dreamboard and be the king of the castle, be the lord of the manor and blow the doors off this place. 

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