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Divine Feminine vs Divine Masculine

Jonas Long

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What is your MBTI type?  I'm guessing ENFP.  It's very different from mine which is ENTJ.  Similar yet different.  Some people think in terms of images.  The way I use Masc and Fem is to organize ideas/stories.  But I'm a certain personality style.  Not everyone thinks the same way.  Some people are visual, some are aural.  I'm conceptual and aural.  I'm not really visual, although I can stretch to appreciate the visual.  We all have a different way of concretizing ideas.  It's cool to see how different people do this from my perspective.  I realize to that I'm just one finite way of doing life and interfacing with life, although there's a universal self aspect to me too that is infinite.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

What is your MBTI type?  I'm guessing ENFP.  It's very different from mine which is ENTJ.  Similar yet different.  Some people think in terms of images.  The way I use Masc and Fem is to organize ideas/stories.  But I'm a certain personality style.  Not everyone thinks the same way.  Some people are visual, some are aural.  I'm conceptual and aural.  I'm not really visual, although I can stretch to appreciate the visual.  We all have a different way of concretizing ideas.  It's cool to see how different people do this from my perspective.  I realize to that I'm just one finite way of doing life and interfacing with life, although there's a universal self aspect to me too that is infinite.

I don't know my Myers Briggs thing, but I'm definitely not an extrovert.  The pictures are of the actor Divine from the early John Waters movies in and not in drag, meant to be cheeky. 

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