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8 minutes ago, Alexander said:

I've read @Serenity Journal and I felt jealousy.To let it go or to create something similar? What's the way to fade it away or to use it as motivation?

What is your logic to arrive at such a conclusion? Apathy is my emotional governance to life when living as eternally separated equally just another reproduction inhabiting space one at a time. 


I don't play character roles of self  selected "we the people of this or that scenario say so.". I civilly compromise with people that won't accept life in real time. I don't like being treated as sub human intellect when my instincts figured out how humanity corrupted 8 billion reproductions alive now.


My brain got triggered by word serenity, since I use it as a screen name on another sight.


But my post works the same.

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2 minutes ago, Mandy said:

@Alexander Try listing out what you appreciate about it. 

What to appreciate about it when I was fixing/making new roofs for my clients I felt successful and that I have purpose now I am without it because my meds I can't drive car or work on height anymore and she is successful in what she is doing.Ii feel jealousy.

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@Alexander My dad just recently had the lenses replaced in his eyes, he was a truck driver and got really bad cataracts early. He didn't realize until recently how fixable it was and thought that he had lost his eye sight due to some medication side effects permanently, but it turns out it was just cataracts.  He lost his driver's license because he knew he couldn't pass the eye exam. Now he can see without the glasses he wore all his life, got his license back yesterday, can even drive a truck again for work if he wants. Things can and do look really bleak and then turn around very quickly. Even if they don't there are still many ways in which you can serve, maybe ways that haven't occurred yet. You also have the gift of being able to decide what it is that you want to do, if the previous business wasn't that and this hadn't happened you'd be stuck with it.

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1 hour ago, Alexander said:

I've read @Serenity Journal and I felt jealousy.To let it go or to create something similar? What's the way to fade it away or to use it as motivation?


Things for your life, or what you want, will be tailormade for you, your circumstances and feel just right to what is the best for your regard and interest. So, because of others' prosperity or given, it doesn't mean that you lack. It's a reflection of goodness available, to her, you and in general imo.

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I am surprised to read you felt jealousy reading my journal. It's not that I wish to invalidate your feelings or your right to project jealousy at me, but more because I don't know if I'd find my situation worthy of being envied.


Is it because I said that I am doing coaching mostly out of love? Which is definitely true. But it's not exempt of very difficult challenges as such as worrying that I can deliver the best for the people I work with, which can put me in situation where I am self-absorbed by my own fear of being unworthy, not enough DURING the coaching.


I am also struggling very hard because I haven't been able to put single a video online (on behalf of my coaching channel) out of a mix of lack of time, personal challenges, and perfectionism.


And the reason why I can afford not to be obsessed with money (when it comes to coaching) is because I am getting most of my income from elsewhere, and I've got good opportunities to make a descent income through going further the path of being a lawyer if needed.


But you know, I don't think any of that is relevant to you.  I suppose whatever I wrote and you found worthy of envy is not so much about me but about you and what you were projecting there. Envy is a great opportunity to find out what you want, and what doesn't satisfy you in general. It's a great trigger to learn about ourselves and figure out where we'd like to see stuff to change for us. 



How do I love best now?

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43 minutes ago, almond said:


Things for your life, or what you want, will be tailormade for you, your circumstances and feel just right to what is the best for your regard and interest. So, because of others' prosperity or given, it doesn't mean that you lack. It's a reflection of goodness available, to her, you and in general imo.

Thanks for explanation.

37 minutes ago, Serenity said:



I am surprised to read you felt jealousy reading my journal. It's not that I wish to invalidate your feelings or your right to project jealousy at me, but more because I don't know if I'd find my situation worthy of being envied.


Is it because I said that I am doing coaching mostly out of love? Which is definitely true. But it's not exempt of very difficult challenges as such as worrying that I can deliver the best for the people I work with, which can put me in situation where I am self-absorbed by my own fear of being unworthy, not enough DURING the coaching.


I am also struggling very hard because I haven't been able to put single a video online (on behalf of my coaching channel) out of a mix of lack of time, personal challenges, and perfectionism.


And the reason why I can afford not to be obsessed with money (when it comes to coaching) is because I am getting most of my income from elsewhere, and I've got good opportunities to make a descent income through going further the path of being a lawyer if needed.


But you know, I don't think any of that is relevant to you.  I suppose whatever I wrote and you found worthy of envy is not so much about me but about you and what you were projecting there. Envy is a great opportunity to find out what you want, and what doesn't satisfy you in general. It's a great trigger to learn about ourselves and figure out where we'd like to see stuff to change for us. 



Yeah I am jealous about making money on things you love to do.But you are right that's just my projection. Don't bother with me I am using this emptying threads to shine light on my own psyche.

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