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Separate self


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58 minutes ago, Alexander said:

To me awakening to Infinite Love holds more importance then realizing no self/Infinite self .

Me asks to be sold, convinced, it asks to see a list of benefits for why it should pay a price for what it imagines it does not yet have. "Me" isn't actually you though. Me is what determines what's more important or less important to it. There isn't separation, infinite love can't be infinite love if it is held in a separate higher place out of the reach of one or some. It can't actually be found, realized or discovered by me because it is already. 


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1 hour ago, Alexander said:

What benefits to One's life realization that separate self never existed can bring.Instead of awakening to Infinite Love here we awaken that separate self of thoughts never existed and we are left with being.To me awakening to Infinite Love holds more importance then realizing no self/Infinite self .


You don't have opinions. You are not a holder or haver of opinions.


Opinions are apparent.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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