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Phil would be the belief, the obstacle, in exactly the same way infinite state or the belief in states obscures. States are from the illusory perspective of / as a separate self (the knower of states). Thus, still ‘inside’ seemingly, the spheres. Of the glimpse referred to you were not in an infinite state, and are overlooking the emptying of conjecture-conditioning aspect. It’s felt none the less. The desired intention of the obscuring via employing a teaching involving states is working as intended. If only a program, class or course of some sort were coming which clears this up. There is no pov (subjective experience) for being. Only for a knower knowing, an understander understanding; the illusion of ignorance. 


“It’s the smell”. 

- The Matrix

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1 minute ago, Phil said:

A lens is a lens. I’m not sure what a “self lens” is. 

You talked about how sphere from what we are looking at is unclear because it is obscuring purity of it by thoughts beleifs and that sphere of the world is clear.So what is first sphere from where we are looking at the world sphere.Can you describe me what you meant with 2 spheres.

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The first sphere is technically, in order of appearance, the world-sphere. 

The lens-sphere is the same as the world-sphere; a sphere. 

Meaning (and purpose, value & worth), is really the believing of thoughts and an overlooking of the actuality that it is a believing thoughts.

Thoughts or thinking which arises in, of, as; the lens-sphere. 

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2 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

I don't really know about the spheres thing... i think it might be that,, but it's a way to help understand nonduality in general, for me anyway. 

Yeah me too whole 2 spheres thing that is @Philadvocating for me has zero sense.Really wanting clarification on this subject.

How can Infinity slip into 2.

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If anyone has any suggestions of what can be added to this to make it clearer, more reader friendly or ‘click’ more readily - please, suggestions are more than welcomed. I acknowledge it can sound like something philosophical or theoretical that someone came if with, and even outright ridiculous. I get it. That’s why I’m asking for suggestions. Thanks!


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3 hours ago, Phil said:

If anyone has any suggestions of what can be added to this to make it clearer, more reader friendly or ‘click’ more readily - please, suggestions are more than welcomed. I acknowledge it can sound like something philosophical or theoretical that someone came if with, and even outright ridiculous. I get it. That’s why I’m asking for suggestions. Thanks!




A symbolic illustration of the relationship between so called infinite consciousness and so called experience. 



Remove these two





Infinite consciousness, and not even. 





The appearance of someway and somewhere , like inside a sphere, where experience appears to transpire, is needed for the appearance of experience.


Spheres are symbols of perfection, completion, whole, infinity. The infinity symbol ♾️ is one sphere appearing as two.



Edited by Devin
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What matters is what you create to teach yourself and others spirituality.  A teacher is only a model for you to become the teacher.  And the teacher can create their own systems from original sourcing.  The greatest gift a teacher can give to you is to become like them.  So, focus less on proving the teacher's methods as true or false and more on developing your own metaphors to communicate from your own source your teachings to yourself and to others.  A teacher is a model that isn't supposed to replace you but to inspire you to find your own originality and creatively communicate that from a place of abundance. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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