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Using and Finishing the Emotional Scale


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@Devin joy is all that matters, I don't have to follow the rules right or get anything right. 


I'm so embarrassed by my outbursts 😥, forgive me anyone reading this. 


I'm afraid of this intense feeling, I'm gonna feel into this feeling for a few mins and see what happens.


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1 hour ago, Orb said:

Ugh, ive done this a million times... 

Self isn’t in a past self is presence. Undermining & belittling isn’t indicative of you / doesn’t resonate. 


It’s your journal, express / say whatever you want of course. These comments are specific about using the scale…


1 hour ago, Orb said:

Ive sat down and written how I feel according to each emotion on the scale, it all feels so contrived, how can emotion be controlled? Doesn't make much sense, but fine I'll give it another try. 

It doesn’t feel contrived - the approach, the attitude does. Frustration is felt. 


Who said anything about controlling? Insecurity & fear are felt. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

Im gonna do this for a few days and see if there's any improvement in my quality of life, and if there is I will keep going. 


Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.


Don’t reduce it to a means to an ends. 

Be present.

In large part that’s the point. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

Right now im feeling agitated, what's really annoying is that this feeling is due to me taking caffeine, kratom, and kava, and now I feel agitated physically, but apparently this is because of thoughts.


Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.

1 hour ago, Orb said:


I don't know what the hell is being experienced, is this frustration, anger, hatred, etc.? Is the questioning of this indicative of experiencing doubt? This is what's so confusing about the scale. 

Look at the scale and pick one to start at. If not sure pick the lowest and work upward. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:


Okay whatever, let's say im feeling irritated. This is so irritating, im so annoyed. Im annoyed that my mom bought a bunch of stuff and wanted me to bring It all home on my own. Im just experiencing a lot of frustration, trying hard not to blow up on anybody. Im so sick of people expecting shit from me. I don't care about people, I care about myself. 

Annoyed / annoyance isn’t on the scale because it’s a concept about a sep self. 



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple. 



1 hour ago, Orb said:


Okay so what else am I supposed to do? Im annoyed yes here it is, im frustrated, im feeling impatient. I relapsed today. 

Annoyed / annoyance isn’t on the scale because it’s a concept about a sep self. 



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.


1 hour ago, Orb said:


Im annoyed at how people think you can control emotions, how people think they have any agency in this whatsoever. Ugh. Im annoyed that im supposed to not make it about me but at the same time I have to write about the irritation experienced. 


Im annoyed at how confusing this is, emotions seem random and chaotic, and the notion that they can be felt one at a time is jarring to say the least. Im annoyed at myself, im annoyed that im supposed to say how annoyed I am about stuff in order to feel better. Im annoyed at how simple this is. 


Im annoyed that I am supposed to go up to the next emotion felt but still experience frustration. 

Annoyed / annoyance isn’t on the scale because it’s a concept about a sep self. 



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.


1 hour ago, Orb said:

Im frustrated by the drug use and the impulsivity. Im annoyed at my mom expecting stuff from me, im annoyed at having to hide things from her. Im annoyed at how contrived and weird the emotional scale use is. Im annoyed at the notion that instead of feeling into all emotions, we are supposed to be feeling love all the time which seems like 100 percent ego. 

Frustration is an emotion, which is felt now or isn’t.



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.


1 hour ago, Orb said:


Im annoyed that the emotional scale implies that happiness comes from how you think, so you always have to make sure to think the right thoughts, or the aligned thoughts that align with how you're feeling. 


Im annoyed at the daily doubtful thoughts about life. Okay when am I supposed to move up to pessimism? 

Annoyed / annoyance isn’t on the scale because it’s a concept about a sep self. 



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.

1 hour ago, Orb said:


Which comes first, saying im feeling pessimism, or the emotion pessimism coming up and then noticing it. emotions can only be recognized through thought. 

Pessimistic thought come first and that’s why pessimism is felt. Emotion is how thoughts feel. 

I’m feeling pessimism and the emotion pessimism is felt are two ways of saying the same thing. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:


Im annoyed with how I feel right now. Im annoyed that I might be sitting here typing for a long time because I just don't know when im ready to go up to pessimism. Im annoyed at how vague spiritual work is. Im annoyed at how culty spirituality gets. 


Im annoyed because the emotional scale seems like a modality used to avoid emotion rather than feel them, I mean, why else would you want to move up to Love? the only reason I can see is to avoid feeling deeply into emotions. 

Annoyed / annoyance isn’t on the scale because it’s a concept about a sep self. 



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.

1 hour ago, Orb said:


Ugh there's so much frustration, I hate how hokey this feels, how vague it is. 

Hate is an emotion felt along with those thoughts. There isn’t a “hater”, there is no one who “hates”. 



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.


1 hour ago, Orb said:


Like I just said hate, does that mean hate is felt? This is so confusing...

Hatred is an emotion. Yes, emotions are felt. 

Acknowledge the thoughts. 

Connect the dots. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:


This is the kinda shit that makes me want to stop using the scale, it feels fake, contrived, forced. 

That’s all in the attitude / approach. 

Stick to the emotions. 



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.


1 hour ago, Orb said:


Like I can go up to "Love" but then discordant thoughts can come up and still be fallen for. It's all unstable. Im feeling overwhelmed now. I hate all of this. I hate how this feels like spiritual bypassing!!!

“I’m overwhelmed” is bypassing / undermining the tool (scale). As far as how that feels, it’s an emotion on the scale. 

Overwhelment is an emotion on the scale. 

Mindfully - the point is relief. 

“Returning” to yourself, which you never left (Grand Central Station).


1 hour ago, Orb said:


Fuck, im gonna be here all day trying to go up this scale, and going up and down, up and down. So annoying...



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.


1 hour ago, Orb said:

The emotions feel so unstable I never know how im feeling, like is it overwhelment, doubt, anger? Idk

There are emotion(s) on the scale which are felt, when these thoughts about the scale are experienced. See which it is. 

It’s not about ‘how I’m feeling’. 

It’s about the emotions experienced. 

How you feel couldn’t be more simple and self-evident - LOVE. 

How thoughts feel is a bit different. 

The very ‘reason’ thought feel as they do, to you, LOVE, is because you are, LOVE. 

The Creator. 

Incorporating thoughts - Creator-Creating-Creation. 


Suffering is in / of the thoughts.

The separate self is in / of the thoughts. 



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.


1 hour ago, Orb said:

The emotions feel so unstable I never know how im feeling, like is it overwhelment, doubt, anger? Idk

No they don’t. Emotions are more reliable than the sun coming up tomorrow. Everyone and anyone which experiences the same thoughts experiences the same emotions. There is no one which is an exception. 


Take em one at a time. Express upward. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

10 Things ive learned:


1. As much as I hate it, im not always right, in fact im still young and immature sometimes

2. Daily Meditation makes life easier

3. Loving people and connecting with them feels good

4. Life works out even if there is stressful stuff going on

5. Enlightenment is a regression, not an attainment

6. Saving money is important

7. There is no inside or outside, so the "Inner" and "Outer" of life are reflections of each other

8. A core aspect of the work is emotional work

9. Letting go is key

10. Taking responsibility for how I feel is possible

This is good. Great imo. Write ten more. Get specific. For fuck sakes feel good about what’s been learned and allow it to be applied. 🙂


1 hour ago, Orb said:

Okay... what emotion is felt right now? 


Okay I’ll start from the bottom.



1 hour ago, Orb said:

Im experiencing fear/grief/despair/powerlessness:


I feel powerlessness, it seems like anything I try just doesn't work or isn't effective.

Great (not as a judgement but in accordance with the point & usage of the tool). 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

I feel emotionally unstable.

Not on the scale.

Annoyed / annoyance isn’t on the scale because it’s a concept about a sep self. 



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.

1 hour ago, Orb said:

I don't even know what the hell to say right now about this emotion except that it's felt. There's fear of failure, my mom being disappointed in me, fear of having to talk to people, fear of having to feel emotions deeply, fear of people hurting me. There's fear of having to sit here all day doing this emotional work. I feel despair too, Its like I can't do this, how come everyone else can? 

99% of the population as it were does not do this and is living in the matrix which isn’t Living at all. 

You’re Django my man. Blow this scale up. Feel good about not settling for the matrix. 

You want to bring an end to suffering / aversion - notice you are right now. 

Feel. Good. About it. 

That you can’t do this is (in one way) total bullshit cause you are already. 

Stop short changing yourself. Feel good about ‘doing the work’. 


It’s fine to express what an emotion such as fear is about… but for more clarity recognize what’s being said which is being felt - isn’t actually being felt. This helps clarifying emotion is how thoughts feel. 


(So to speak…)

When focus is on thoughts about failure, fear is felt. 

When focus is on what other people think or might think of me, fear is felt. 

When thoughts about potential future scenarios about shortage and lack are experienced, fear is experienced. (Guidance for thoughts).



1 hour ago, Orb said:


Argh, how am I supposed to know when I can transition to the next emotion?

You’re not supposed to jack shit. Nothin. 🙂 Notice expectations, should, supposed to’s held are projected onto what other people think or might think. 

Allow it to click - they’re experiencing thoughts to, and therein, emotions too. 

As Byron Katie says, there is your business, their business and God’s business. 

Keep it simple. 


It’s all grey, not black & white. If you feel you’ve expressed, emptied, and nothing else is arising… move on to the next emotion. 

There’s no teacher, no judge, no one listening. Absolute, total, complete freedom of being is already the case. 

This tool is an unfettering of you, of Being. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

It's so confusing, im so confused by all this, am I being gas lit?

Nope. Just some projection arising alongside self referential thoughts. 

Scale wise, confusion means ‘have deviated from the scale / emotions… and am focusing on thoughts about a second self. 

No ‘beating up on yourself’. It’s normal, it’s fine. Simply notice


1 hour ago, Orb said:

Am I being convinced that im just not doing it hard or good enough so that's why I feel like this? I feel so aimless right now. 

Nope. No one is saying you’re not doing anything enough. What’s being said is YOU are enough as you ARE. You are self-evident. Whole. Complete. Perfection. 

You’re not inside a body, you’re the Whole. 

Aimless ain’t on the scale. Again, express / say (obviously) whatever the heck you want to… but with respect to the scale, the tool, stick to the scale. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:


If I go up to unworthiness, how do I know 100 percent that I expressed everything in the fear emotion? 



There’s no knower. So, you don’t. It’s grey. It’s grey because ALL is an expression of LOVE. 

The LOVE that you are. 


Fear (any emotion) can come up again at anytime (which is actually always now) because thoughts can arise at anytime, by which emotion is felt. 

Recognition of the guidance is key. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

Okay I'll just play along and see if this works. 


Now im feeling Unworthiness/Insecurity,

That is ‘right’ / ‘correct’ (these mean aligned) view. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

I feel sensitive and weak, I feel ungrounded and frustrated, meditation doesn't always help. I feel so insecure right now. Ho can I be hard working like most people my age? How can I take more responsibility and be less childish? 

That’s about a separate self. The scale was deviated from. Nothing ‘wrong’ with that. No judgement - just notice. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:


Im experiencing jealousy:

Right view, aligned. 

You are prior to and experiencing the emotion. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:


Im jealous

That’s a deviation, about a separate self. Self referential. If what’s said here sounds critical please consider that isn’t the point. 

It’s to no longer judge and suffer. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

of the people who have stuff working out for them,

Everything is working out for you. Discordant thought obscures this. 

Make that second list of what’s been learned. That makes this clearer. 

Feel. Good. About the stuff on that list.


1 hour ago, Orb said:

im jealous of the liberated peeps,

There aren’t any. That’s a misunderstanding. 

There are no people already. You’re not a person. I’m not a person. 

That’s liberation, which no one is, knows or realizes - because it’s what’s already the case. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

im jealous

You’re experiencing the emotion jealousy, and it’s how thoughts feel. You are jealous. There isn’t that you. 


1 hour ago, Orb said:

of people who have relationships, jealous of people who have an active sex life, jealous of people who are rich, im jealous of everybody, im soooo jealous!!!


Im experiencing hatred/rage now, I hate them all! I want them all to die!!! Im filled with so much hatred, im so hateful arrrrrggghhhh. 



There’s a lot of folks who don’t express like that and it festers and ends up resulting in ruining lives. Good for you brother. Good for you. 

Notice that and feel good about it. 

This Place, creation, has strayed far from the truth. Anyone not experiencing the occasional rage is lost in the matrix. 

But keep it to an emotion experienced in accordance with the thoughts. Acting out upon the body or anyone else won’t resolve anything, it just keeps the horseshit going. What you’re ‘doing’ here is transmuting pain and suffering into beauty. People reference wise, in decades of meeting with thousands of people in different businesses etc, I’ve come across maybe one or two who are the genuine article with respect to expression and transmutation. I’m saying this because it’s accurate, ‘true’, and I feel you deserve to hear it. I’m not saying it to make you feel good. They’re’ infinite goodness already within (‘you’).

STOP SHORTCHANGING YOURSELF. Feel good about all “the work” you’re doing. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:

Im feeling revenge, im taking revenge on everyone, ahhhhhhhhh!!!

Too much too much! Dial it back little! 😂 🙏🏼 Write a movie script or a story to empty. Chanel / transmute the energy into productive creativity. 

58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Still feeling anger, angry at myself, angry at the world, feeling so much anger. 

Let it out. Acknowledge blame too. Be mindful forgiveness is never too far down the road either. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now Im feeling Discouragement, im so discouraged from doing anything, seems like nothing works including this scale, what's the point of any of this?

Notice the ‘flipping of the script’… going from about the thoughts & emotion experienced - to about a myself. 

That is what ‘doesn’t work’ because there’s no separate self. 

Have a lil love for the scale. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling blame, I blame my mom, dad, friends, family, peeps I know, for all the fucked up stuff unfolding in my life, I blame you all for this! YOU did this!

Oh yeah, that actually is true. Everything is because of me. 

Yet still blame is an emotion I experience because ‘all of this’ is an appearance of me / you. Ourself. ♥️

Ain’t that a kick in the balls for the ‘sep self’ really? That all there is is the unconditional love that we are?

So bitter sweet sometimes. Apparently. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling worried, im worried about everything, im worried that this isn't gonna work and is bullshit.

I’m experiencing worry. 

Subtle, but incredibly different. 

Don’t blame the scale in any damning lasting way until after it’s been used per the instructions. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling doubt, I really doubt this scale works, I doubt it a lot, I doubt it so much. 

Notice the switcharoo… from I’m experiencing to I really doubt. 

Sometimes it’s not at all helpful to express emotions about the scale. it’s very entitled. It’s like talking shit about the bar or while getting a hair cut overlooking you want the haircut. Show a little appreciation too, simply because it resonates. 

In terms of releasing discordant energy, it’s very helpful. 

Grey is Good. And it’s ALL grey. Nobody’s knows shit because thoughts are all apparent. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling disappointed, im really disappointed with the way this all turned out to be, im tired of this.



58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling overwhelment, there's a million things going on and no one can help. Seems like there's so much stuff Im gonna drown in it. 

Check direct experience, immediate environment. Acknowledge what is actual and what is thoughts. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling frustration, im frustrated with all of this, im frustrated with all the lies and corruption in the world, frustrated with all the rules I have to follow. 

Switcharoo again… from feeling frustration to I’m frustrated. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling pessimism, everything sucks and is doodoo. 

The doodoo’s love too. 

If you’re honest, you love the doodoo too. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling boredom, im so bored right now, I have nothing to do, this is boring, im bored, nothing to do except be bored. 

Swictharoo again. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling contentment, im feeling contentment yay, im at peace with this moment, this moment is peaceful, there's no problem with it. 

Sounds like there was more pessimistic thoughts to be expressed / genuine contentment is the result of emptying / expressing discordant thoughts. Contentment / peace, is always already what is.


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling hopefulness, maybe things can turn around? Maybe things are working out? 

Fuck yeah they can. Fuck yeah they are. 

Thoughts obscure. 

Expression dispels. 

The power is always in you


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling positive expectation, everything's working out! YAY! 🙂


Now im feeling happiness, im happy with this moment. 

Great but no need for the ol’ switcharoo there. Happiness IS. You ARE. Connect the no-dots there to be connected. 


58 minutes ago, Orb said:


Now im feeling passion, im filled with passion, I can feel it coursing through my veins. 


Now im feeling Love! It's alright everything is Love and there's no problems! I did it! Bring out the fireworks!


Two attitude that don’t become you, mockery & sarcasm. 

But expression is for expression. Not trying to criticize here. 


48 minutes ago, Orb said:

This is so hopeless... 


I can't do stuff that's vague. I'll keep trying until I do it right and feel better. 


This is actually making me feel worse and I feel like bashing my face into a wall. Like it's all my fault I'm not doing it right I'm not manifesting properly I just have to keep using the scale over and over again and if it doesn't work it's my fault because I'm doing it wrong



Choose the emotion on the scale which is experienced.

Express simply & earnestly that the emotion is experienced.

Then do the same with the next higher emotion on the scale.

Express each emotion without skipping over any, to the top of the scale.

Feel for the subtle shift of feeling better with the expression of each emotion.

Emotion is guidance… to the experiencing of… what is wanted.
Expression of emotions experienced is not ‘about myself’.
It’s just about the expressing.
Keep it simple.


It’s not vague. The instructions are straight forward. Slow down. Emotions are felt alongside the thoughts, the judgements (right, wrong). And also the sep self implication, as if the thoughts were actually about you. (They aren’t) The tool is being used as a means & justification not to notice that.


54 minutes ago, Orb said:

I feel so hopeless and powerless. I can't do this, idk if I can finish the scale, it's so much work. everything in life takes effort, its so easy to stay here in depression, in fact using the scale makes me feel more confused and lost, the idea of knowing what emotion you feel doesn't make any sense to me. 

I feel so hopeless and powerless is not using the scale and is actually ignorance & arrogance. You can ‘know’ emotions experienced, but you don’t know a damn thing about yourself because you’re infinite. Insecurity is felt. 


54 minutes ago, Orb said:


The raw sensation we call "emotion" isn't anything, it isn't any word, so how can I say that this sensation is fear, anger, love, etc. doesn't make any sense to me. 

It’s how thoughts feel. 


54 minutes ago, Orb said:


I think I don't have what it takes to get through life, everything requires so much effort, discipline, and maturity, I can't do it. I don't even want to do anything else today. I spent a lot of my money on substances today, who knows how much money I have left, at least I paid my car bill that I was behind on. 

Thoughts about a separate self too. 


54 minutes ago, Orb said:


It's always the same theme, essentially it's always that im not good enough, not working hard enough, not focusing on what's wanted enough, not doing the right thing. Im always doing the wrong thing, always impulsive, always lost. 

You’re saying that. You’re feeling that you’re saying that. 

Tell the loving wanted story. 


54 minutes ago, Orb said:


Im so tired of feeling like a loser, so tired of being scared. So tired of being confused and putting my own well being and confidence into other peoples hands. Im sick of it. I give up, this is all too much for me. yea I know there's no one here whatever, im just hopeless. 

The beauty of the emotional scale is that loser and scared aren’t on there because they’re concepts not emotions. The beauty of you is that these thoughts don’t resonate because none of it’s true about you. That’s felt. Judgmental thoughts are felt. 


54 minutes ago, Orb said:


Im tired of being broke. Now im supposed to express jealousy but I don't feel any jealousy right now, so it feels unnatural to start acting like im jealous of people. 

Focus on what you want. Slow & steady wins the race. 


Write a list of what’s been learned. Be practical. 


No one’s suggesting “I’m jealous”. 

That isn’t I’m experiencing jealousy. That isn’t acknowledging the emotion - the guidance. 

“Fuck you guidance!!!!”

“…Now, why is there all this suffering though??… so mysterious.”


54 minutes ago, Orb said:

Its the same theme, if I just do this and that, tomorrow ill be better, eventually ill be better. I don't like putting happiness in the hands of thought, why do I have to think a certain way to feel happiness? This seems like the opposite of what non duality is all about. 

No one’s saying that. There is no opposite of nonduality. 

How do these thoughts feel? 

Which emotion?


50 minutes ago, Orb said:

Id like to see Abraham give away all her money, go live in an average neighborhood, and try to find a job and live well. But no she married jerry who was a millionaire, good for her! She worked so hard!

You attracted loa teachings. Try listening & implementing instead of complaining & venting. Would you want to be around complaining & venting?

Aside - Abraham is not a her, a him, or a them. Abraham is the guidance. 


53 minutes ago, Orb said:

I keep messing up, I push everyone away eventually, I let go of everyone eventually. I drop all my friends, all my ideals. I don't think I care about people, maybe I do, maybe I don't. 


Im attracting this, everyones gonna leave me and I'll probably grow old and wither away alone. 


I can't help being dramatic, I fucking hate myself. 

Hate is how these thoughts feel. There isn’t the self in time these thoughts are about. Look now, where is the past and this self the thoughts are about?

THIS is ever-new. Right now is brand new. 

It’s only thought which ‘says’ otherwise, but the evidence is undeniable. 


As there is no separate self, there isn’t someone who’s dramatic. That’s judgement, and it feels accordingly. 


It’s ignore-ance & arrogance to claim you know yourself and hate yourself. 

It arises of insecurity. The emotion insecurity tells you everything you need to know about what you’re thinkin. 



56 minutes ago, Orb said:

Okay im feeling unworthiness, when is this shit gonna go away?

When a better feeling more aligned thought is allowed. 


54 minutes ago, Orb said:

I have to find my own way to do this. Nothing anyone else is suggesting is working. Im a leader not a sheep, I don't like taking orders, I have to create my own philosophy, my own values. 

There will still be thought & emotion. 


36 minutes ago, Orb said:

I think I may have borderline personality disorder. 

None of what’s said here or shared is a supplement for utilizing all resources available. 

It doesn’t seem like you have that. Seems like unwillingness to acknowledge emotions. 

We’re all in the same boat with thought & emotion. It’s exactly the same for everyone. 


No one here is saying ‘taking orders’ etc. 


36 minutes ago, Orb said:

I'm too emotionally unstable to be on here, I'm gonna keep posting dramatic stuff. I know it's annoying but you don't know what it's like to always be emotionally unstable and want to destroy yourself. 


I love you all. This forum is rotting my mind, I can't do this anymore. I need therapy and behavior changes, not using an emotional scale.

The suggestion has always been (mostly in pm’s) not to stop going to therapy. 

There’s also not actually a forum vs therapy scenario.

It does boil down to acknowledging & expressing emotions in all cases. 

Therapy, ongoing in person conversation & assistance is incomparable to an online forum. This is obvious. 











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21 minutes ago, Orb said:

@Devin joy is all that matters, I don't have to follow the rules right or get anything right. 


I'm so embarrassed by my outbursts 😥, forgive me anyone reading this. 


I'm afraid of this intense feeling, I'm gonna feel into this feeling for a few mins and see what happens.

Don't be embarrassed, that's another lie we've been told.

Orb what's most personal is most universal, I've felt the same way you're describing. You have nothing to be ashamed of, anyone living your life would be in your same position right now, because they'd be you.


Orb there's nothing in life that needs done, no accomplishments, nothing, there's no losing at life, no winning either. That's not to say don't try, it's just saying just try to enjoy a bit whatever it is, and then just try at life, however it turns out is however it turns out, but joy is unconditional, you can enjoy under any circumstance.

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@Phil okay I'm not gonna give up using the scale. A sneaky belief is that the emotion is prior to the thought, but it seems that the thought creates the emotion. 


i keep thinking that the emotion should be there without thoughts, not realizing that the emotion is how the thoughts feel. 


i can turn things around. 


@Devin thanks man, I appreciate the kind words, the "work" is dirty sometimes.


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23 minutes ago, Orb said:

@Phil okay I'm not gonna give up using the scale. A sneaky belief is that the emotion is prior to the thought, but it seems that the thought creates the emotion. 

Yeah, beliefs are very sneaky. 


The point is the relief & the ‘returning to yourself’, Grand Central Station, which is AWESOMENESS, and which was never actually left. It’s not a scientific or analytical endeavor. It’s not good or bad. It’s not right or wrong. It doesn’t work or not work. It’s a tool to help realize so to speak, what you’re thinkin is what you’re feelin. 


The framing of “I’m not gonna give up on” is off. It’s holding the scale (and therein expression) as a solution to a problem, or something that’s reduced to the point of getting you somewhere or something. As if it’s supposed to produce some kind of result. 


23 minutes ago, Orb said:


i keep thinking that the emotion should be there without thoughts, not realizing that the emotion is how the thoughts feel. 

Nice. Let ‘shoulds’ go. One only ends up shoulding all over oneself (feeling the shoulds). 

23 minutes ago, Orb said:


i can turn things around. 

Everything’s fine already. Relax. Get outside for a bit. Think of what’s next, let a problem to be turned around framing go. If there’s worry, don’t judge, acknowledge & express. Anyone can try and name one situation or event from their (seeming) past that they are glad they worried about… and realize there isn’t an example of that. Worrying doesn’t feel good and it just doesn’t help at all. Yet also worry just, happens. Aversion (not acknowledging the emotion) compounds, ads resistance, suffering. If there is worry - let the worry be enough. Notice adding to it… notice not adding to it. Pick. 


You’re in between jobs. Yes that is stressful, it sucks. But also, I believe equanimity is high on your list… notice thought stories / spider webbing is not equanimity. Notice breathing and relaxing is indicative of equanimity. It’s always within your power to do so. 


Allow “it all” to be clear, simplified, minimized, manageable… by writing down in the morning the tasks to be done today. Like with applications, write down a reasonable number of apps to be filled out / submitted. That way there’s far less tendency to wander off as if you’re not Grand Central 🤍. Even at that, if the number is (hypothetically) 20 apps.. write down 5 & a 15 min break, and go outside or something. Then do 5 and take a break. Allow it to actually be enjoyable - not a problem. Yes, money, money, money. Rather important aspect. I get it. That’s the point. None of the ‘spider webbing’ etc is filling out an application. 


Just one more time, I want to mention - stop faulting yourself for everything “bad” and denying credit for all that you’re doing “good”. That very ‘pulling the rug out from under yourself’ ish. Just notice when you do. That’s enough. A lot of the discord will subside / fizzle out. 

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@Phil thank you, actually I have been in contact with an employment agency since my mom worked with the vice president there and he found me a position that pays around 55k a year and i told him im definitely interested. So I'm waiting to hear back now 🙂


I haven't used the scale yet but I will later. I'm experiencing lots of sexual energy and want to meet up with a girl, these hormones man...


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 @Phil @Devin Just for inspirations sake, I asked GPT4 if there's any recorded benefits to positive thinking, here's what it said: 


Numerous research studies suggest that positive thinking can offer a lot of benefits, such as:


1. Stress Reduction: Positive thinkers usually deal with stress more effectively. They often utilize problem-focused coping mechanisms and recognize what they can control in challenging situations.


2. Increased Life Span: According to several studies, positive thinking can lead to a longer life span.


3. Lower Rates of Depression: Maintaining a positive outlook can help reduce the likelihood of depression.


4. Increased Resilience: When faced with challenges, set-backs, or adversity, positive thinkers are often more resilient, able to bounce back more effectively.


5. Better Physical and Mental Health: Positive thinking is known to strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to the common cold. It can also lower your risk of cardiovascular diseases and improve your overall psychological health.


6. Improved Quality of Life: Positive thinkers often experience more joy and happiness, and have improved relationships and better quality of life.


7. Better Coping Skills: Those who are optimists tend to cope better with hardships or traumatic events.


8. Greater Achievement: Positive thinking can enhance problem-solving skills, creative thinking, and the drive to pursue goals. 


However, it's important to note that positive thinking isn't about ignoring negative events or situations. It's more about approaching them in a more productive and positive way. Always remember, it's okay to feel negative emotions sometimes, as they're just as much a part of life as the positive.


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Alright im gonna start again with the emotional scale: 


-Right now hopefulness is experienced, it feels good entertaining the possibility that everything is working out, entertaining the possibility that this is working out. 


With enough steady focus and attention to feeling, sweeter emotions can be tasted. 


-Positive expectation is experienced now, essentially optimism. Everything is working out, everything is going smoothly. Whatever arises will resolve itself, when hasn't it? The car bill has been paid and taken care of, there's a small amount of money in the bank which is enough of a blessing. Whatever dream arises is already here! 


-Enthusiasm can be allowed, happiness can be allowed. happiness is here, happiness is experienced. The chest area feels good when happiness is allowed. There is happiness, much happiness right now. 


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@Phil A quick observation: it seems that in the lower end of the scale you move up by thinking of a slightly less discordant thought, but beyond positive expectation it seems that you actually begin feeling deeper into the good feeling from the thoughts. 


Shinzen young actually has a video on this, there's a meditation where he says to "generate" a positive thought and feel into it and savor it as much as possible. He showed an analogous example by striking a singing bowl and having his student feel into the hum of the bowl as much as possible. 


He then said that as the inner wiring begins to shift from feeling into positive, the inner wiring begins to flow into the "outer" world, which is attraction pretty much. 


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