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Day 1


June Tribute


loving memory

of my father

"A hero that made hero's for this world."


Tribute to my father for the full month of June in honor of his passing, Day 1. By the end of this month each day will more or less equal a daily “Heart-Mind” reflection along with me covering a song both as a tribute to his life. Although I was already planning to write a book on my father, I have now decided to change the tone to instead leading the charge of writing the memoirs my father never got to wrote in what had only been the beginning of his retirement before his passing. I am spearheading this charge by writing my first draft of the book by August 1st that combined with an album I am also writing for my father where both will act as my means for easily persuading my brothers (and other important family members) to become inspired by getting on board to become co-authors with me just as I have inspired to become a part of the album I am creating (all original songs other than just a few complementary covers of songs that my father really loved) which will now reflect the main lessons of his memoirs. My strategy combines the fact that this will deepen all of our closure on his totally unexpected passing as well as truly cement in all of our minds and hearts the great man we all collectively agree he was (in spite of, well, you’ll read to find out). Both my album and book will regardless be released at a bare minimum to my family on November 1st where will (perhaps before then) decide whether to make a public release of it. I know at the very least that in the spirit of my father, if it truly captures the way he would have wanted to write his memoirs, yeah definitely, he'd want me to publicly share both the book and album.


Title: From birth to the love of your legacy reformed in my mind

through all the wisdom you have left behind.




I was birthed into existence following a medical calamity whereby my mother was misdiagnosed with cancer that before she became aware of this mixup, my father re-entered into her life post-divorce to play the hero as he so often did whenever he was aware of his responsibilities as a hero within his family and friendships (that were family to him), something that certainly does not stray far from what I have inherited from him both genetically and the legacy he has left behind, something that my brothers also mostly strongly resonate with as well.


This heroism within their relationship at this time however didn’t extend into the collapse of the inevitable ego-backlash my mother would have in a relationship situation followed by her continual harassing of him until he left in a way that came at the legal collapse of his relationship with his children where women were mostly always favoured more than men in western civilisation when it came to the court system and children, or just anything really.


I would be their second child within their relationship (not including their other previous main relationship) and I would also become the second child that my mother god bless her heart would use as partially implied as a weapon against my father to manipulate him relative to the ebb and flow of her fluctuating emotional needs juxtaposed by the limited exposure she had to her “never to truly materialise” existential responsibilities that also never sunk deeper into her consciousness than the feminine simplicity of family, love and looking after her children, followed by the mild flirtation with the possible reality of entertaining male role models in her vicinity. This of course, was a common feminine narrative during this period of history concerning the timeline and progression of gender roles versus consciousness independence where the latter speaks to greater self realisation practices and understanding that we simultaneously take for granted in todays times while at the same time because of this lack of awareness, barely self-realise relative to the knowledge that is at our disposal. However, like my father my mother was also a very courageous and determined women, this courage however unlike the upbringing my father had did not receive the love her courage and determination needed and so it was not nurtured towards the natural progression towards these heights that would have naturally unfolded in her awareness had she either had this nurturing or was lucky enough to have this counsel, how the latter would have been achieved even if it were with all the damage that had already been done though to her difficulties with love and trust however is a mystery and something I will never know the full story of outside of perhaps in the future reflecting on the last relationship she had which resulted in a child being my last sister who was also my youngest sibling (I was second youngest on my mothers side, youngest on my fathers side).


My mother had left her family in early adolescence. It seems undoubtable that the alcoholic fuelled rage of her father and the subservient timidity of her mother had forced my mother to spend more time growing her masculine energy at the expense of her feminine energy that invariably led to a survival oriented approach to life. In communication, she perpetually lived in her feminine, always looking to be a positive influence on the social environment around her, in the midst of any existential conflict with the world however where for all the haphazard details I know about my mother to date based on my own personal analysis of my mother all her subconscious had largely learned was that she couldn’t trust a man to look after her in the same way she needed but was denied to her by her olympic running abusive father nor trust herself to trust a man given her subconscious had learned that her own mother could not hold the man that was responsible for his daughter accountable when it came to his abuse but instead worse than cowering away she supported his nature and condemned her daughter for not being as submissive as her and her other daughters. My mother would learn a useful but also painful lesson from her early upbringing, that she needed to be independent an independent fighter in the world in order to survive and survive she did, though as much as this fighting nature helped her escape her early interpersonal experiences it also cost her the alternate future world that tested her ability to adapt and grow from her early experiences into something that was able to see the pain of the future before it happened.


Before the age of the internet, leaving ones family was a very risky move as an adolescent especially as a woman, moving away from both her family and friends she was left to her own devices for how her mind was going to convert her romantic experiences into the life lessons that would forge the balance of family life with her future children with the two main men that she would entrust enough to marry for serving one of their purposes prescribed by her subconscious unknown to both her and the men. That purpose being to give her the world she could never reconcile that she needed from her father but never had nor realised the consequences of all the ways that she would compensate for not having this world for, even in spite of her high awareness, her psyche had learned very early on that her hyper-vigilance was absolutely vital for surviving what life had falsely projected onto her was this battle between self-survival and love. Not realising of course that this hyper-vigilance would cut her off from being able to separate her psyche from her being in a way that allowed her to evolve her consciousness towards those previously described heights that ultimately act as a mediating point in our bridging between the personal, the social and the collective, as well as, where this unification meets with how our consciousness changes and grows the way it filters its interpretation of experiences.


My mother’s hyper-vigilance often even born with a positive spirit and well intentioned spirit meant that she needed to always take action now, so it was never born in her consciousness to meta-psychologically evolve from perspectivism and simulation that was paired with the balance of the love she never properly received, tried to give her children but could never egoically reconcile the love she wanted to give to her own children with the love that she didn’t receive. This put the self-esteem of her altruism at odds with how she would need to take compensatory action to hide from her feelings of shame which invariably led to the abuse of her own children, her husbands and other close ones with the dose of hot and cold love born in the middle of the multidimensional schisms between her already conflicted as well as damaged ego and her now fleeting greater awareness of life covered by a sometimes overly masculine nature to compensate for the lack of support she felt she had which only existed because she wasn’t able to trust enough and when she was, reconcile any difficulties in the relationship with the space they needed for higher awareness to ensure trust in the relationship remained in tact.


As a brief note on modernity, I am very glad to say that the times in which my mother grew up in and therefore the wisdom in which she raised her children is not at all able to compete with the technological advances of todays times where family, personal and community health has been able to take advantage of technology to make the space between interpersonal conflict and interpersonal resolve through therapeutic and psychological opportunities, are much more streamlined. I am, like the billions before me, as well as likely yourself are a part of the cohort who’s parents didn’t benefit from todays times that present generations take greatly for granted. Most people forget the value of imagining what life would be like without the present opportunities that we have. Its needless to say irrefutably admissible as evidence to existential court that reflecting on the lives of our parents and the difference in opportunities they had as adults compared to what we have including in the raising of children and the challenges that are faced there, which by the way I’m only preparing to be faced with as I don’t of course have children yet, is one of the extremely valuable acts we can do to improve the gratitude we have for todays technology and general modern community opportunities and in doing so, using it to the greater benefit of the communities around us that are in many ways, unfortunately now victims of its negative use more than they are its constructive uses (not that this is a conversation any reader here would fail in being able to provide informative dialogue on given how widespread the pervasive negative effect technology has had on peoples well-being).


My mother really loved my father and my father really loved her, however the same interpersonal problems that overshadowed my fathers relationships including with respect to myself and his difficulties in developing a rich tapestry of understanding of another being in this case me, ultimately became how my mother would repeat her traumatic relationship with her father through the man that would become my father.


Non-coincidentally, my father was only a very light social (party animal) drinker and this would no doubt subconsciously influence my mothers favour towards him, however, she would still poetically choose a man that even though did not turn into an abusive drunk and that was charming enough for her to believe that she could get all the love that she perceived his charm could give her, and that even though he had incredible strength of character and integrity, he would ultimately become the husband that would abuse her unintentionally as he did in many of his relationships due to this described inability to truly comprehend the nature of another being if their complexities stretched beyond my fathers very praiseworthy “heroic can do anything do now attitude must live life to the full” kind of attitude.


They both loved each other immensely, however the only conclusion my mothers subconscious could reach was the same exact love survival strategy that served her when escaping her family in early life, a cathartic divorce like a red ribbon wrapped around a present titled “fuck you” and “you are now only dirt to me”, the same message that was the only one she could leave her father, only positively reinforcing the ego that now felt even more protective that was however a massive step towards imprisoning herself from herself and others especially her children and other serious romantic relationships even more. Her early fight for the survival of her self-esteem had converted from merely a momentary empowering strategy reflecting her great resourcefulness as a woman to one that would ultimately be her undoing when it came to the safety of her love and the safety she could feel in love. Thus, creating an environment of a juxtaposition of fear between everything she had not yet been able to resolve and recognise in herself and how these blindspots would plant the seeds of fear in the interpersonal relationships of her children.


Between the ages of 0 to 5 I lived with my mother where my father had periodic chaotic (as my mother made it hard for him) access to me until my mother decided to up and move away a couple days shy of when my father, being his usual dutiful, responsible, and honorable self would drive to my primary school just as he would every Friday to pick my sister (one of four sisters) and I up for fortnightly access. Only to find that when the 3:30 pm school bell rang where he would wait as per usual in the parking area of a football club adjacent to my then school for us to greet him with cheeky smiling faces and odd stories about our past two weeks, my sister and I… Would not show. My father, devastated when he would not long after waiting for over 30 minutes drive to my mothers house close by only to also find, we were not there either.


Imagine my father right outside the front of my mothers mansion she inherited through the marriage of her last and only two husbands, peering through the gaps of the fence meant for a giant chain that was always wrapped around the gate searching for any sight or sound within her premises that spoke the psychic language on the whereabouts of his children, his stress levels heightened combined with all the negative associational memories of prior conflicts and abuse he had received from her after only ever making reasonable, healthy and responsible requests from her combined with all his own personal misunderstandings regarding how she felt abused due to his inability to understand her. My father, albeit always with a very honorable and commanding nature, naively asserting himself through voice yelling out our names to begin with all to no avail outside of alarmed nearby neighbours that compared to my fathers failing wisdom on this front were not ignorant of their past difficulties as a couple. This was followed by my father alerting three of my four brothers (my very studious fourth brother at the time would not have taken part let alone been asked) on my fathers side where they would all eventually jump the fence, break in and then alert the police (weird order) followed by court orders that were impossible to execute because no one knew where my mother had traveled away given digital surveillance of the populations footprints were much less of a thing back then and even if they were it still would have been very difficult next to impossible to find her as she’d moved to a beautiful little country town to rent a perfectly designed humble family home that was otherwise a technological ghost-town, I mean, we didn’t even have a phone or local/suburban/city television (though we did have electricity which would have been under the landlords name). So even if my father somehow managed to track down a digital footprint through phone records or even electricity bills by contacting various companies at the very least say, it would never point to her address given the property in any respect was not at all in her name.


There are some minor timelines I haven’t included due to their redundancy, putting that aside, it was not until the age of 9 when my mother finally returned to our original address for a brief period and it was during this time when I would, repeat the fate chosen by my mother, run away from home for the very first time. However, instead of running away from my entire family, I made a phone call from a local milk bar to the only and last person my subconscious thought it knew could fulfil what I needed in life at the time, my father.


This day would truly change my life forever in a way that even to this day I will never be able to fully comprehend.


It was from this date forward when the maturity of the story of my father and I would truly begin, marking the most significant period of my relationship with my father other than his passing decades later, now a bit more than three months ago, on the 24th of February where he would reach the end of a 60 day war in the intensive care unit, living his final hours in the Acacia unit, reflecting the last of his many gallant, heroic and noble fights he fought bravely throughout his life and that I look forward to refreshing, transforming, connecting, extending in my heart and mind as well as, sharing with everyone here and beyond for any lessons that can be learned through my own attempt at humbly imparting his life experiences through my consciousnesses attempt at their unification. Where my image of him as the conqueror he was becomes the refined, polished and nuanced legacy he deserves, holding scrupulously to the facts including with respect to his own unique difficulties with love when it came to as noted the negative effects experienced by loved ones as it concerns not ever making understanding the complexities of another a strength in his relationships. While at the same time, with no loss of heart in the depiction of the magnanimous accomplishment of his spirit he has left me, my family and every life he has touched to reflect on in the mastery of their own life wisdom inclusive of their appreciation of the lives around them in our greater comprehension of the universal principle of love.




Title: For *You Two*, there's now my life's tango with universal unification (and of yours - meaning your unification -, well that's my gift for everyone on behalf you both given you both created me I guess heh)


In your life’s symphony
You both played with fire
That now across the universes mystery
I now, mysteriously, admire
For all the forlorned
Those rocks, spats and swinging bats (i.e. between the two of you)
My life revised, I have adorned
And even though I was born in the middle of that chaotic cancerous atomic mass,
Born with that too, like with all of us, consciousness designed to be continually reborn
From plasticity to hearts unification and its unwavering determination
The torn hot temperatures breaking glass like a mission by Jason Borne
Genetic mutation, Charles Xavier mind I’ve had to find with the observational deductive skills of Sherlock Holmes negation
What so many times became a traumatic house of cards for my confused inner Wolverine, perseverance eventually turned it into the steel house of a prison that would continually set me free
Every day, living life far more purposefully and strategically than the casual day that inspired the creation of me into this existence to more greatly see
Or that would strive to evolve into the same cure for the world in the same way I was birthed into it to more greatly be
Soldered into existence by the unmistakable passion that both my mother and father lived their lives with
Born onto a chaotic template that I would ultimately have to use as a principle of forgiveness that would define the rest of my future growth and interpretation of the unfolding spirit of humanity through the eye of identity that continually unfolds all of us in Gods highest image
That we in the identity of our eye, are responsible for realising from life’s quarterback to the wars of life’s scrimmage
Like a nations most treasured spy,
On universal existence,
All life asks of us,
Is this eyes persistence
As our One Compass
This One Awareness,
Its One Encompass
One Motif





(1) Amazing Grace by John Newton

(2) Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton

(1st/2nd off the cuff attempts shared on page 1)



(a bit too late in the evening now)


[ to be inserted imaginary links in the next post ]





Love to my father.


Forever bonded to, student and protector of your spirit both inside and outside the material dimension in which you have left us from.







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righto, I'm getting "addicted" to my own "enlightenment supply" with all these entries [across all of my jouranls] obviously hahaja so I'm taking a break for a few days to spend time in nature then I'll be back with all of it anyway that I've just done in private so I'm back on track



















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these other journals outside this one are just a distraction from my work here





so add another month+ to anything I've said in any other (i.e. Life Wisdom journal) journal





Moreover, I feel like to be in integrity with myself, I need to have an

"integration of experience" journal like this





so that people know where I'm coming from experientially




so that they know I've really put in the work to process my own past experiences




that will ground me much more as well so I won't fall into any traps as per

the previous post "enlightenment supply"




as I shared recently in my dating journal


Truth <--> Truth



Well here more specifically, its:



(the following analogous to how I expressed the above principle in the dating journal aka that "flawless logic" as I put it)


Biographical integrity with respect to processing the past <--> Biographical integrity with respect to processing the past



as such, I will make sure I create a thorough blueprint on how I personally approach that too


(and again that  ***flawless logic***)


Peace <---> Peace






As for my tribute here (go to the top of this page)

I want to remind myself

That at the end of the day

This work is just for me, and that's how my father would want it

It's a private world between dad and I right now

I will just update it as an accountability check

To show I've been on track every week and a bit





In light of the schedule I am on, to prove to myself that I am in that described biographical integrity

whereby I've properly processed my past I'll be extending this tribute all the way till November 1st now



That will be really, really ticking the box on personal integrity there




To show as well that I never used other journals as distractions to this work too




November 1st as expressed is the date of my father's birthday,

the scheduled release of his memoirs as per what I expressed at the top of the

page that I am endeared to co-author with my brothers if they are ready to work on this level of

emotional closure with me





(one last time on that ***flawless logic***)





Stay true to you <----> Stay true to you





its a little longer to wait for my other work, granted,

but it means one can be sure the cars definitely ready to be the first electric vehicle

out on the road as intended, that there isn't going to be any car crashes because I hadn't done enough

processing of my experiences for

spiritual grieving





love yah dad

let's do this together

i know you're with me the whole way

(to November 1st)




so once a week or so here now

just a private journey between me and dad here as expressed

this is just an accountability self-teaching space









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yes im glad I made the above decision


i've already started changing my format


including original music now based on the weekly theme here ill be doing with my journal

so I'll be here every 7 days from the 1st of every month, so i'll be here again in just a few short days


for at least the next two weekly themes

i'll be creating super slow meditative music


it'll be all about 2 weeks of deep spiritual connection

slow vibration

slow deep resonance

cleansing of energies

revitalising of energies

deep enegitation ( diff word to medi-tation)



so this carries at least till the 14th of june, here back on the 7th then back again on the 14th




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so i have just finished the timing of a 5 beat = 1BPM, 1BPM, 1 BP 2 minutes, 1 BP 3 minutes, 1 BP 4 minutes ---- schedule.


I will be uploading these to youtube asap and sharing them below later (upload time = who knows)


I am creating 5 vids( and uploading them today)


Each vid is 2 hours long


1 2hr vid per dominant brainwave











the above prescribed metronome beats per x (1, 2, 3 and 4 minutes) are already added to the videos



this is about improving the timing of the brain through sound and beat and slowing down to reach a certain connective state with being and reality by as well focusing on your heart-mind connection on frequencies and performing tasks during i.e. some kind of imaginative streaming perhaps, I include a reasoning component personality that I haven't fully disclosed in a public sense yet



for me I feel these vids are going to be really great for deep, deep entrainment of learning experiences for me, for example and this is just one of many various creative ways to approach this, i can see how this will be really good for biographical streaming whereby im recalling past experiences, exploring them in a consciousness streaming style and integrating all of the subtlest sensations with the experiences in a way where I'm also getting feedback on the learning experience by keeping on track with the metronomes which only overtime enhances the learning and memory component the better in time one gets as memory and timing are integrative with one another



each of the sounds per metronome are introduced at the beginning of each video in quick succession (every 2 seconds)




this is my strat for achieving the goals of the previous post.

next post will be all the uploads and then i'll be off





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Edited by heartdominance
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There's nothing I can share on this site anymore.


I'm fucking done. 


From here on out, I'm just doing my writing privately and sharing my covers here.


At tops, writing ONLY with the covers I share. But no where fucking else.


If you want ideas from me, yeah I'm open to chat but I've given enough for anyone to draw the right inferences on their own; I'm so fucking explicit. I've already conquered so much incredible ground that a beginner, novice, intermediate, advanced and teacher can learn so much fucking life from.


I'm not dumbing myself down either. So if I share, its always from the heart and its me through and through with the covers (possibly some original stuff but so far I don't want any branding overlap with this site. This is a spirituality site after-all and my music and my progress is a reflection of where I am, not to contemplate whether or not my fucking branding or any other personal stuff is compatible with this site, of course its fucking not.)


So again any future writing will only be in this journal, and it'll only be something that's too fucking ridiculous to try to understand to the depth you need to unless you spend at least an hour digesting and being creative with it; only stuff that mind-blows me which mean it if its mind blowing to me, you may need to wait to your next life to get it. I will never make this site famous, that isn't the purpose of a spirituality site.


So writing my father's memoirs as a book and composing an album in honor of him by his birthday November 1st in private now, brothers co-authoring, ideating  with me where they can they're already giving me a lot of great support (its a secret though that I'm the most creative, I never rub it in their face as they're amazing guys in their own right).


This is fucking life. Make the adjustments you need to.








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covers will all be professionally done from now on


as for my other covers, you can appreciate their *off the cuff* nature and compare them with the newer 


every song I do from now on is also extremely carefully selected and with every song I will share a written world about that song and what the song is about so I can impart the wisdom I can as well as ground it in reality for where the song doesn't speak for me


im uploading the brainwave stuff later today, reuploading the theta version, upped the sound of theta and decreased the sound of the metronomes


wont be giving details on the song you'll have to do your research there


next comment will have the reuploads and last comment till june 14th


no more than one new world a week


i call them worlds not songs as that's what i'll be sharing




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doing my own version of these songs as well, so all the instrumentals as well as being as creatively as it wisely serves originality here


this one is a truly fucking beautiful song coming up on the 14th, they all will be


so much for me to learn from each individual song and all the meanings and worlds from the lyrics, can't wait to share the world with it as well


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Hey @Phil , like I said I have zero intention of ever logging into it again and I am strongly averse to that name now given as I have expressed in my first post on this account, I am onto my next stage of evolution.


To answer more clearly and sincerely however given I have about 10 minutes up my sleeve I'll see if I can elaborate a little more on the deeper reason.


I had a lucid dreaming experience where I astral projected into an infinity realm made of telepathic resonance composed by dolphin sounds that compounded over and over in between the sounds of orca whales. It was a truly surreal experience that transformed the multiplicity of consciousness within myself so deeply that I questioned the fundamental laws of physics and everything that I had self-taught myself on the theories so far architectured by what western culture refers to as the greatest minds in history. Inside this infinity realm was the composition of multiple memory palaces born from the consciousness mirroring between the spiraling between my own consciousness and the vibratory instances from the field intersectional sound created by the dolphins and orca whales. These holographic instances spiraled and spiraled back and fourth between my visionary eye that continually unfolds and reproduces narratives of consciousness which is our normal dream state of reality with the channel that was created between myself and the telepathic resonance (of the dolphins and orcas). I am pretty sure the dolphins and orca whales were aliens from another dimension that took the form of reproducible phenomena within my consciousness that I would be able to most resonate the feeling of safety with most. In every memory palace spun by these interacting holographic visions were interdimensional spiraling staircases into various time traveling rooms. These time traveling rooms contained various types of time travel from celestial spaces, metamorphic rooms, interdimensional dreamscape rooms where you not only explored the possible dream spaces of your own consciousness but where you could explore the dreamscapes of the highest sentience's across the many universes of metaphysical existence, others were kaleidoscopic where as soon as you stepped into the room you would see billions and billions to infinite spiralling variations of yourself spinning out from your energy field where you could hold all of their consciousnesses and many possible lives in your mind all at once; and many more other rooms but I can’t go into detail right now. Intuition could upon multiple rooms to explore the simultaneity of possibility at will, for example, merging a celestial time travel room with a metamorphic time traveling will that created unusual vortexes of 3D to 4D space. It goes without saying… That in one room… with one of the many visions I had the night it happened… I realised I just had to make that one very small seemingly insignificant innocuous and innocent act of changing my name in order to stay in alignment with my purpose, it was like viewing this tiny act along a mega chain of causal events I must carry out through intuition to strict logified behavioral order.


Be back July 1st

as stated to share my first cover,
again as stated I'm waiting till this period as I wish to share

at the same time that I'm sharing the cover with my brothers so desired levels of excellence are reached.


I’ve started a Meetup group for Lucid Dreaming by the way where we go into extreme theorisation of all its possible implications in our understanding of consciousness, we had our first meeting actually just yesterday. It went extremely well, I was very pleased. Met some cool peeps was better to just speaking online. Just one of many other micro-decisions I’ve had to make, don’t need to mention big decision stuff on this forum outside what I’ve already shared.


Thanks for the question Phil.








Feel free for anyone to turn this journal into a chatroom, while I’m gone and thereafter, perpetual inexplicable unassailable unimaginable depths of openness here.


This was… Just the tip of the ice berg of what I have experienced via lucid dreaming, and what I experienced that night.


I have never done psychedelics and I am god and God realised, for some reason I've been the only one I've noticed that's made this distinction in writing on this forum (read the Micro Lessons of todays **MODERN** Times journal I created, the second lesson there). I am still exploring the full depths of my consciousness first before I go into the psychedelic realm, not that I am far off from venturing into possibilities into reproducible psychedelic states that I could only truly confirm I am able to do after I take psychedelics so I know what it feels like to do so.


For those that recall, I am an advocate of the Wim Hof method for aiding depression just to conclude this journal with respect to the passing of my father, not every aspect of it but an aspect involved in cleansing the nervous system absolutely, as well as water-fasting, I do at least 3 day water-fasts once a month, there’s enumerable benefits to research that I am also happy to talk about; sparsely however, as time now that I am upwards and onwards in my expressed recovery in this journal is now becoming more and more difficult to come by. I just had a 5-10 min break (running slightly overtime now) and decided to stretch myself a little here to turn neural networks into heart networks and back again. Losing someone dearly beloved is a heart-wrenching experience that for those here that have ever experienced trust me that I know what you're going through so deeply that this is why I am devoting myself so intensely to writing a book (I have made reference to his memoirs for example that he never got to write) and creating an album to honor my father by his November 1st birthday.


For those interested in lucid dreaming and dreams in general feel free to contact me anytime.


Here’s some inspiration:



Best wishes everyone.


Stay strong, stay powerful, stay centered, stay true to you.


Dominate your life purpose while at the same time knowing how to release control.





And for those that didn’t catch my previous post that I wanted to be my last concerning “Dating and Relationship Wisdom” that I genuinely believe will aid personal growth, here you are. I am absolutely confident in my assertions here, each and every single one is very deserving of deep contemplation. I share things extremely quickly, so in light of what can happen there please excuse decision making here accordingly:



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41 minutes ago, michaelunity said:

Hey @Phil , like I said I have zero intention of ever logging into it again and I am strongly averse to that name now given as I have expressed in my first post on this account, I am onto my next stage of evolution

The guidelines prohibit multiple accounts. This has to do with administration of a forum, not stages of evolution. I don’t see anything exceptional as far as why the guidelines would not apply. The guidelines are in place to prevent the admin time of addressing 2, 3, 4 and even 11 duplicate accounts. If you’d like me to change the name on the first account, just let me know, but I see no reason why a second account is necessary or exceptional to the guidelines. Thank you. 


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So both my accounts have been banned by Phil (including heartdominance), its a pretty suspicious situation. Not only this, my ip address was blocked from making another account which I found out by wanting to discover why the multiple ban occurred, blocking my ip address only of course made my suspicions more pronounced.


Just so everyone knows the dialogue that occurred (see screenshots).


I have no use to come onto this site anymore, however, on a spirituality website I would have thought the dignity and courageousness of the truth would have been the strongest light. It seems however, that this is not the case, that choices are made irrespective of the ethics that are to be followed behind them, that choices are made willy-nilly however it best serves at the present time.


This does not show respect for creation, the universe and the ideas that you project upon it, including any guideline, which in that projection if you are to project at all and you truly believe in that projection, then it is only assumed that on a spirituality forum especially, projection should be met with the ethics that underpin it. This has not occurred in this situation, instead personality has replaced the ethical implementation of not rules, not laws even but mere guidelines that in this context, it should be assumed that social intelligence at the very least, awareness of what one is doing, is to be followed. Doing otherwise, is of course, a form of cowardice hidden in sneakiness, at least, that is how it has portrayed itself in this situation. I feel, that in my esteemed opinion of the administrator where my own discernment is informed by years of professional and private study of psychology, they are showing all signs of someone that does not have a conscience. Sign is not direct evidence, it is just where the signs are pointing in light of the machiavellianism at play, which most relevant to psychology when it comes to the measurement of traits of people that are on the dark triad, something that I believe people should study. If this opinion is taken as offense in some way, especially in the context of what is professed pertaining to what is claimed by the administrator on their website with respect to their own achievements along with their beliefs and or personal experiences regarding consciousness, I can only find more suspicion there with respect to not being able to allow someone voice their opinion concerning this situation when a lack of integrity has been shown.


Wish everyone well, unfortunately I just cannot take this place seriously anymore in light of the fact that if this happens in this instance, its undoubtedly happened in other instances and isn't likely to change, especially if I continue my path here.


Not at all bothered by the situation, given the lengths however to keep me from posting again including the blocking of my IP address I interpreted this situation as a community problem that I thought important to raise so others aware, otherwise this sort of thing is rather beneath me to give attention to for any other reason.


Outside of this I am open to the possibility that the administrator may just have symptoms of a mental illness that requires further attention before an immediate judgement is made and if this is the case my sincere apologies, however at the same time the situation does still need to be raised.


Best wishes!



The screenshots:













Edited by Rainforest1
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13 hours ago, Phil said:

The guidelines prohibit multiple accounts. This has to do with administration of a forum, not stages of evolution. I don’t see anything exceptional as far as why the guidelines would not apply. The guidelines are in place to prevent the admin time of addressing 2, 3, 4 and even 11 duplicate accounts. If you’d like me to change the name on the first account, just let me know, but I see no reason why a second account is necessary or exceptional to the guidelines. Thank you. 



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