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An Explanation of ACIM / Non-Duality by Gary Renard


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I wanted to make a thread of it's own for so ya'll won't miss it.


It's a good little summary on ACIM (and non-duality in general).


An explanation of ACIM by Gary PDF


You can also find the PDF linked on his website.



Also, just to make it clear... It might seem dualistic at first. Ego vs. Holy Spirit. Dream vs. Real World. Illusion vs. Truth etc.


ACIM even talks about holy spirit being opposite to the ego! How is that non-dual?!


But the crazy mindfuckery is that the nondual Truth is already and always the case. That's how "opposite" the HS is to the ego. 😂



I'd also like to mention that if you're interested in the path, in non-duality, but stuff like hours of meditation etc. feels resistant, you might want to check out the ACIM Workbook. It does include meditation (and self-inquiry) as the daily lessons progress but IMO it's so much easier and relaxed to follow the Workbook routine. Also it feels nice to kinda feel guided with your practice, almost like having a personal coach.


Here's one lesson for an example: https://acim.org/acim/lesson-1/nothing-i-see-means-anything/en/s/403




There must be an effortless way.

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