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Meditation is like being trained by the perfect teacher; literal, direct, clear, actual & real - perfection. What’s revealed is the illusion of fixing, facing, solving, and the like. That is, aversion, or, thought obscuring the guidance felt, is ‘seen’ clearly as on behalf of a thinker-doer, which was just thoughts. Therein, meditatively, the aligned life & manifestations unfolds, unfettered. It’s what was wanted all along, yet was simply obscured by the activity of thought, and sought elsewhere. 

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What’s with meditation biggest picture wise?

How’s the bringing of thought to rest even make any sense with the journey, the path, the seeking, the sought - the truth?


A potential contemplation… if you’re being, and therein being thought(s) - there is zero chance of thoughts explaining anything at all about you, about being, about the truth. Zero chance whatsoever is actually pretty great. Great, as in absolutely clarifying, were it to be compared to ‘a head full of thoughts’, concepts about this, conceptualizations of or about being, of or about, the truth. 



How’s fear fit into this? How is fear ‘made sense of’ then, if thought can not make sense of - fear?


Of anything at all. 



Fear doesn’t exist. That’s ‘how’. Thought simply claims ‘it’ does. 


Same for loneliness, resentment, regret, pain, suffering and the like. 


The ‘answer’ is - it doesn’t actually exist. 



Ask anyone apparently. Check any seeming source. Check in with science, with religion, with a teacher or guru, and a reflection of the same message appears  - “go within - go prior, check and see”. 




Because of what transpires, seemingly - backwards. The full reversal. 



First - there’s no more listening to science, religion, teachers or gurus. So those thoughts directly experienced, about them and their thoughts - that’s cleared away. Simplification is divine. Misinformation, innocent yet indicative of thoughts - is simply ruled out. It’s simple, clear and self-evident - without can not & does not lead within. Acceptance, of fear, loneliness, resentment, regret, pain, suffering etc - goes nowhere. Denial - of fear, loneliness, resentment, regret, pain, suffering - goes nowhere. 


Now closer to home, as you as it were meditatively close your eyes - that’s the void. Feartown is approached. This is the non-conceptual, non-conjecture, inward journey - the only true path of bringing an end to misunderstanding, discord & confusion. 


The orientation is that of Home, of Truth.


What’s discovered of the inward orientated penetration of the void, as all contrary to the truth empties - is that which is being, the void. That which is being the void self-inherently dispels the notion that there is, a void - and therein that there is or ever was fear, loneliness, resentment, regret, pain or suffering. 


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@Phil So what is the void?


Is it ever reached? Doesn’t it take a lot of practice to reach the void?


Why does the “fear town” approach when you start meditating?


Is it because of your attachments to thought and the discomfort of not engaging in it? Or is it because hidden feelings come up when you look inward? Or is it because of somehow sensing you might stop existing?


It seems kind of discouraging that I never reach a goal in meditation, like it starts to feel futile because it is something I make time for by sacrificing other things and then I don’t even know if it was worth my time. Like “am I just wasting my time with meditation in this fast-paced world?”-is the thought. I’m almost afraid of making myself sluggish.

Edited by Bob Seeker
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2 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

@Phil So what is the void?

Essentially apparent darkness. A means of veiling, but not a definable or actual thing or object. 


2 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

Is it ever reached?

Yes, but it’s like if you went to someone’s house, and there was a question about if your house could be reached. Your house wouldn’t per se be somewhere new which is reached. It would be more along the lines of returning home or going back to from where you came. 


2 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

Doesn’t it take a lot of practice to reach the void?

It would be like if you were already home and the question arose about if it takes a lot of practice to return home. Since you are already home, it’s a matter of dispelling all notions or beliefs to the contrary. The notions & beliefs are appearing (thoughts), and meditation as a practice is an allowing of thoughts, of all to the contrary, to settle.


2 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

Why does the “fear town” approach when you start meditating?

Fear is an emotion, which is how some thoughts (notions, beliefs) feel. Meditation is an allowing of the activity of thought to come to rest. 


2 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

Is it because of your attachments to thought and the discomfort of not engaging in it?

It’s like the believed thought, “there’s a monster in the closet”, is met with the guidance of fear - but the thought that there is a monster in the closet is believed anyway.  As the closet is approached / as thought is allowed to meditatively come to rest, fear of the monster in the closet may heighten or intensify. 


2 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

Or is it because hidden feelings come up when you look inward?

The belief or notion (thought) that there are feelings (plural), is like the thought that there is a monster in the closet. Looking inward is akin to looking in the closet. Fear could be felt as to what will happen in regard to ‘my feelings’, similar to ‘what will happen when I face the monster’. 


2 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

Or is it because of somehow sensing you might stop existing?

That would be another ‘there’s a monster in the closet’ thought as well. 


2 hours ago, Bob Seeker said:

It seems kind of discouraging that I never reach a goal in meditation, like it starts to feel futile because it is something I make time for by sacrificing other things and then I don’t even know if it was worth my time. Like “am I just wasting my time with meditation in this fast-paced world?”-is the thought. I’m almost afraid of making myself sluggish.

Chocolate is great. Pizza’s great too. Chocolate on pizza, not so great. 

Meditation as a practice…

Ideally all thoughts or the activity of thought is allowed to come to rest. 

When not practicing / meditating, ideally - no thoughts about meditation are entertained. 

Why? Because all of the thoughts seemingly center around a sep self, of thoughts. 

The meditator. 

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