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Just wondering...


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This might be a bit silly but hey it's the emptying-section!


@Phil I remember you once wrote something about there not being experiencing misery anymore.


When you wake up in the morning, is there no discord? No suffering?



I wonder how / why it is that when I wake up, there is. Perhaps not the very one-hundreth-of-a-second after waking but maybe five seconds in. But I imagine that there is some who wake up and do not experience suffering at all.


Why is that?


I mean in sleep, there is nothing. So how is it that in waking up, all freshed up of nothing, discord still seems to arise. Maybe someone would say it has something to do with the brain, that there is some sort of wiring that continues the thought-attachment, beliefs etc. even though one wakes up from nothingness of sleep. But I suspect that's not it.


For you the nothigness of sleep must be the same as it is for me. You're as clueless and self-unconscious the moment you wake up as I am. How come one then experiences self-referential thoughts, discord, attachment etc. and another does not? 🤔


If it's not "hardwired", where does the thought-attachment, beliefs, discord and suffering even come from?! 😂

Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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3 minutes ago, Phil said:

The belief that people awaken is naturally discordant, just like any other untrue self referential thought.



hi, Phil I always have this question in mind why there are self-referential thoughts why there is discord?


what is their essence like where do they come from? did the first ever human have those self-referential thoughts?


how neuroticism is related to discord and self-referential thoughts?

is it about genetics that some people experience more suffering than others?


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59 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:


hi, Phil I always have this question in mind why there are self-referential thoughts why there is discord?


what is their essence like where do they come from? did the first ever human have those self-referential thoughts?


59 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:


how neuroticism is related to discord and self-referential thoughts?

Neuroticism is a word for the momentum of ignoring the discord of thoughts, synonymous with aversion, non-inspection & the belief in an unconscious, subconscious, and or unconsciousness. 

When there is the experience of neuroticism, there are questions. 

The asking of the questions is expression, and expression is alignment, and alignment is the resolve of neuroticism. 

This is why it is suggested that onlookers of this forum (‘Guests’) make an account and engage. 

It isn’t for the answers, but for the expression that transpires, and the alignment therein. 


59 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:

is it about genetics that some people experience more suffering than others?


No. Believe it or not, genetics is just the thought, genetics. 

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