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How Does Self Realization Affect Memory?


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When listening to a video from Yourhigherself, he said that when self realization unfolds thoughts greatly diminish, there's no more constant thinking about life, no more memories too. For those of you who have gone "home" how has your memory been affected after realization? I myself am noticing my memory fading away, maybe I gotta see a doctor idk, like I trust things to work out and source has got my back but I don't remember as much stuff anymore, is this normal? 




"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Been noticing this with my memory, too. There's way less backwards thinking, e.g. thinking of the past, and way more focus on the now. Sometimes I gotta think real hard to remember what I did yesterday or the day before. However, when I do more of 'backwards thinking', say, by keeping a journal of what I did throughout the day, my smushy brain's memory is way better. But I find forwards thinking (what I wanna do)/being focussed in the now more enjoyable. Sometimes it's a mystery for me that my brain has the capacity to remember anything at all. 

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1 hour ago, Orb said:

When listening to a video from Yourhigherself, he said that when self realization unfolds thoughts greatly diminish, there's no more constant thinking about life, no more memories too. For those of you who have gone "home" how has your memory been affected after realization? I myself am noticing my memory fading away, maybe I gotta see a doctor idk, like I trust things to work out and source has got my back but I don't remember as much stuff anymore, is this normal? 




simple compounding results evolve by never staying what was achieved to this point of existing as a reproduction mutually evolving forward in series parallel time occupying space now.


Nothing stays the same again, that is the nature of evolving individually here. instincts, intellectual memory, intelligence to change behavior patterns that didn't work until reaching something that doesn't fail, then path of least resistance takes over/habitual behavioral patterns transfered socially each generation forward governed by power of suggesting actual life is beeter defined by dividing up how evovling works in actual space of existing forward here.


Circle logic ancestral oping the same behavior between last 5 generation gaps changing population forward living never exceeded series parallel evolving now.but every society's educated perceptions trained since dawn of civilization has factualized living cannot be limited to self contained to one's own reproductive time evolving here now.


but it has always been that way regardless what history factualized other wise.


the conundrum of reasonable doubt and rule of law demanding people take sides role playing cradle to grave by race, creed, color, national origin, gender bias, and the rest of psychological means to keep a brain from being willing to accept life never exceeded the moment here.


to do so would make everyone's previous ancestries absolutely cporrupted.  Delivered pride before the downfall. the great white light as last greath is exhaled and the brain realizes reality sucked the time away from being oneself since conceived. No more breathing going on nobody can say what they saw after dead.


Near death experiences are limited to vernacular tribalisms traditionally believed into current events.  The universe is kineticlaly naturally balancing did, doing, what arrives next at the same time, humans pretending not to understand this disrupt the natural timing and that creates constant fueds between instinctive awareness and social consensus.


why democracy always fails.

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Ive noticed same thing, since ive started to meditate a lot. Its confusing at times, i dont really remember what i did yestarday. Perception of time is diffrent too.  I guess its because there are less thoughts about past, so mind doesnt „learn” it, and its harder to remember.


sometimes i also wonder if everything is ok with me also, but those are just more thoughts…


Edited by Forza21
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Glad im not alone in this, it may be the habit of clinging to thoughts going away. I've heard other people mention this too.





"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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If you can't remember where you've laid down your keys it's the bad forgetting. Memories come to me when I need them. Doesn't mean I don't remember my past. I remember it all, but it doesn't effect my decisions in the Now. I go where the flow wants me to go so to speak. It's a very natural and flowing state with no struggle, that's how I would describe it. 

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