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I've been feeling pretty damn good past couple of days.


This week started off quite bad and christmas wasn't super fun, but I expressed and ta-da, feeling super good now. Just keep expressing. Just a little bit on your note-taking app or expression journal. Momentum builds up.


Also I noticed I had been trying the emotional scale WAY too high. I though what I was experiencing was frustration or pessimism, but really what bursted the bubble was starting from powerlessness and recognizing insecurity, shame and jealousy. And it was SO relieving to notice this and shift away from self-referential thoughts.


Also, I'm super excited because the map and advice ACIM offers has really been resonating like crazy. It almost feels like coming home. Like a shoe that fits perfectly. I feel Emptiness filling (undoing) my life and world. Really there isn't even a mind?!? 😂 It's soooo relieving and exciting. The whole enlightenment thing makes so much more sense now.


It's funny how ACIM seems at first very serious, even cynical or terrifying (not to mention the peanutbuttery language) but really it's SO lighthearted and just happy stuff. And it's so good. The clarity is so damn intense though that I can't really read it yet, it "hurts" a bit to even hold it in my hands. 😂 Might take some time to ground and center with it. Since I read an "intorductory" book on it, I was literally sick for a couple of days. That was probably just discord coming up and out. After some centering and clearing up, so much just feels like falling into place. Awesome.


Anyway, just wanted to share happy news. 😁


There must be an effortless way.

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Awesome 👏 Love it!


I just got back from a walk which was filled with laughing the whole time like a maniac at no-mind & Love. 
Get to that place that is so empty the love is just gushing out of you, you don’t even see people. 
Empty the thoughts, embrace the World/ Love 🥰🤍

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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I've discovered that vitamins can also make you feel better.  Especially Vitamin D, make sure that's adequate.  And then, a good multivitamin on top of that -- sometimes multivitamins contain D so check the side of your multivitamin bottle (you can overdose on D because it's stored in your body).   I drink lime juice from one whole lime per day.  Get a good lemon squeezer on Amazon.  Make sure your fish oil is adequate either by eating fish or taking a supplement.  Some supplements that might be good: B-Complex, Garlic, Zinc, Turmeric, B-12 if you don't eat meat.  I use olive oil when I cook and any chance I can get.  I try to eat lots of green vegetables which are like a cleaner for when you don't eat so clean.  Work a salad or wholesome fruit into your eating habits when you can.  Even an apple can do wonders.  Tea too.  Drink plenty of water even if it's mineral water that you pay for such as Pellegrino.  It's money well spent.  Being well-hydrated makes you feel better.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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Now aware of the significance of direct experience, and the physiological benefits & feeling of alignment from the practice and inspection, a new glimpse is seen - that of the truly radical magnitude and apparent depth;


of conditioning.


It is in every recess of the psyche.


It is within every cell.


It is all that is seen.


It is all that is thought.


It is every sensation.



It really is everything known.

Just look. See. Acknowledge. There is nothing you need to do. Just see.


There must be an effortless way.

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