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Posts posted by Reena

  1. I guess these are the benefits of witchcraft. You are able to attune to yourself better and then be on the right path in life and be able to do the right thing. As I was writing the post above about my karma, my screen immediately flashed a YouTube video about burning karma and sharing gifts. What a coincidence. I have always believed in synchronicity.

    It was a strange experience for sure.



                    My karma and unfair judgment


    And I had a dream and I just woke up from the dream. Time for dream interpretation miss witch. The dream was pretty cathartic. I saw myself trying to be manipulative and evasive. I had hurt someone, although without intent. And I must look for atonement. I should resolve my karma. But this needs honesty, shame and vulnerability. All of which I possess. Yet I have been unfairly frames and judged and this has done a lot of harm to me. I didn't deserve that sort of unfair judgement. By now two women have accused me of being between them and their boyfriends. I did not steal anyone's boyfriend nor did I intend to. If you can't keep your boyfriend that's not my fault. And if you love your boyfriend, don't tell me that your boyfriend abuses you and manipulate me into defending you. I have decided to stay away from couples mostly because of such nonsense. I never intended to be between anyone and I have been unfairly framed. And I hate when some women do this to me. Just the regular passive aggressive kind. The problem with me is that I get targeted and weaponized every time I speak up for myself. Vulnerability should not be punished. Honesty should not be punished. Shame should not be punished. When I tried to be vulnerable and showed some degree of honesty, everything was immediately weaponized against me. When your agenda is to weaponize my honesty, I no longer care about being honest and I shouldn't. My karma is around unfair judgment. Because you violate my trust. So this person in the dream was constantly trying to save my face or not let me suffer shame. He probably wanted to know if I felt bad or remorse or anything about it. Yes I do feel remorse and there's no immediate remedy to whatever I did to them. I will look for some form of redemption and atonement. I can't do much because it wasn't in my hands to begin with. My aloofness is not my coldness. Another section of the dream was me laying my head low and feeling sorrow because all my life I saw a person or a few persons battle terminal illness. That's a hugely painful experience and very traumatizing. I never wish to be associated with a terminally ill person again. The dream also told me that the soul is a seat of unfulfilled desires and repressed feelings and emotions. That which is repressed is expressed by the soul through dreams. My karma specifically revolves around the subject of unfair judgment and I feel like the person in the dream has narrowly judged me yet they wanted to save me from shame which is compassionate of them.







  3. Tools in witchcraft 


    - Use herbs you have at home
    - Tealight candles
    - Pen and Paper
    - Color Magick
    - Mirrors
    - Bowls of water
    - Jars
    - Journals, Sketchbooks, old binders
    Old fabric (charm bags, spell dolls)
    - Dirt, sticks and flowers
    - Yarn, String, cords (knot magic)
    - Dollar Store (Candles, bowls, boxes)
    - Craft store (string, needles, paint, threads)
    - Air Dry clay (candle holders, incense trays
    and puppets)
    Tiny jars 

    Tiny candles



  4. Other tools - 

    (Sourced from wikipedia) 



    The besom or broom, is often associated with witches and witchcraft. The stories of witches flying on brooms originated from the besom. In Wicca, it is used in handfasting ceremonies wherein a couple jumps over it. The besom is also used in seasonal fertility dances as a representation of a phallus.



    The boline is a knife, traditionally with a curved blade like that of a crescent moon. It is used for harvesting and cutting herbs. A Kirfane which is a white handled knife is used for inscribing candles with symbols or sigils, or cutting ritual cords and often mistaken for the Boline. Unlike the Athame, the Kirfane is used in the physical process of magical works such as ritual cutting; the Kirfane serves for the physical plane what Athame serves for work in the spiritual/astral planes.




    A cauldron is often associated with witches and witchcraft in western culture. In Wicca, it is sometimes used to represent the womb of the Goddess, like the chalice.It is often used for making brews (such as oils), incense-burning, and can be used to hold large, wide pillar candles depending on how small it is. A fire is often lit within the vessel and the flames are leaped over as a simple fertility rite, or at the end of a handfasting. If filled with water, a cauldron can be used for scrying. It plays a large role in Celtic magic in a similar fashion to that of Cerridwen's cauldron.



    The censer is used to dispense incense.




    See also: Cincture

    In the various forms of British Traditional Wicca, cords, known as cingulum, or singulum (which literally translates as "girdle" or "belt"), are worn about the waist by adherents. These are often given to a Wiccan upon their initiation, and worn at each subsequent ritual. Traditionally they are nine feet in length (nine being three times three, the magical number), and are used to measure the circumference of the magic circle so that it can be set up correctly.



  5. List of tools in order of importance


    Pentacle symbol. 

    Chief tools

    the pentacle (or paten),

    Athame (or sword)


    And chalice or goblet 


    Other tools - 

    Sage herb bunch also called rishi plant. Burning sage for purification. 





    Other tools - 








    The Declaration of Consecration. 

    This is to be declared during every consecration-

    Aradia and Cernunnos, deign to bless and to consecrate this [tool], that it may obtain necessary virtue through thee for all acts of love and beauty. Aradia and Cernunnos, bless this instrument prepared in thine honour.



  7. Tools and resources used in witchcraft

    Methods and rituals used in witchcraft

    The method of Tarot

    Types of witches 

    Terms Used in witchcraft

    Gerald Gardner notes

    Books I purchased for witchcraft 

    Incorporating witchcraft wicca in daily life

    Worship in witchcraft

    Foraging in witchcraft

    Low budget management of witchcraft resources

    Components of witchcraft


    Aspects of witchcraft

    Tarot reading and tarot healing 

    Benefits of witchcraft

    Risks of witchcraft

    Types of wicca 



  8. This is my lunch this afternoon. 

    Bitter gourd stir fried veggie, pickles, two pieces of toast and some scrambled egggs. And two pieces of english cucumber. 

    I'm glad God gives me my daily food and i didn't have to beg. My earnings from farm work were enough to buy my food this week. 



  9. I want a career in witchcraft. I want to counsel couples (only offline) where I can hold their hands and read their tarot and guide them emotionally towards better relationships and harmony. Please don't consult me online. I don't run any online business so i can't do readings for anyone. I want to pursue a career in tarot reading and guiding people in relationship healing. Please don't solicit me for relationship advice. This is strictly my career for couples in my neighborhood only...where I can sit with them personally. No solicitations. And please don't offer me money or anything. This journal is to record my career progress in a field I'm very fond of. 


  10. In my short life around people, I have been viciously and brutally attacked and framed and set up for fail incessantly, I forgot to count at some point because it was like a barrage of attacks on my character and there was no point in defending myself. I wasn't wrong and I knew it but you can't go around fixing paranoid people. 




  11. There will always be unsavory characters on the internet. All scattered around. It's your job to filter out conflict or conflict inducing situations and people. This process must be done quickly, not at a snails pace. Hindsight I'm getting better at these processes. If someone is not spiritual enough or have the emotional intelligence to enquire or understand things, I don't want to be dealing with them, it leads to creating circles of conflict and even more circles that begin to look like traps. I try to avoid that. I wasn't good at this before. Now that I have a PhD in my experience around dysfunctional people successfully able to drive me off the cliff, I have gained enough experience in what to avoid. It's just that I have to be quicker than quick. Immediate reflex action. Don't wait it out. Don't get involved in those circles of unnecessary draining drama. Quickly take flight. Keep your sensors on. Keep your radar on. First and foremost no personal messages because there are people like Leo. They are one thing privately and another publicly. So it's impossible to know which side you should be on or which side is the real person. They create a double personality complex. Instead of spending time figuring out what the hell is even going on, just do not allow a window of opportunity to a person to play that double character game. Let it all hang out in the open. So there's less confusion that way. I like Phil's style of open video conversations. Nobody gets to play games that way. It's simple. If you wanna know someone, just talk to them, just chat. Just video call. The real person is always ready to do that. Notice how immediately such people back off the moment they have to show up their real selves. That's not even enough. You give them the opportunity to manipulate you by entertaining their stuff privately. 


    You could come up with something like "hey I'm not comfortable with personal messages. I feel anxiety around it." 


    There is no point in throwing blame. Yes there is victimization of some sort. But if you're proactive in cutting the bullshit around you, nobody can truly do shit to you. Nobody can truly mess with you unless you leave a loophole. 




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