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Posts posted by God

  1. 2 hours ago, Mandy said:

    We can talk about how personality tests are just a snapshot in time, a tool at best, but not a real gauge of understanding. 🙂

    Understanding/wisdom is best measured by SD stage, which changes over time.

    Cognitive preferences are measured by MBTI type, which doesn't change over time.


    A combination of all models is what forms a "personality type", the actual thing, not a model.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:

    Hey, quit trying to get laid by virtue signaling to a young sweet boy like @God

    Pretty sure Leo's only a few years older than me.

    In his earlier videos he's probably like 20.

    And 24's pretty old anyway.  I'm essentially retired at this point.

    I'm passing on my wisdom to the new generations now, to youngins like Joe, Proserpina, and Faith.

  3. 7 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Were you aiming to get Proserpina banned from Leo's forum by suggesting behind her back that she was recruiting you to this forum?

    Of course not. 


    7 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    She did no such thing.  That was completely made up by you.  You've been messing with her (borderline bullying sometimes) now for a couple of weeks on Leo's forum.  It's not fun and games anymore when you start lying to try to hurt people, especially a young woman as sweet as her.  


    I meant I had forgotten about this place, and haven't been here in half a year, and the pro-AoB talk and talk of Joe being unable to respond to me made me log back in again.


    10 hours ago, Proserpina said:

    Aw you're so young at 24 years old. Just a baby. 

    You can call me baby if you want😂😜

  4. 2 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Because I like to know who I'm dealing with before I engage with someone. 

    You can only know the extent of one's intellect by interacting with them for long enough.  No single piece of information can paint the full picture.

    And I'm 24 if you're that curious.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Ok thisintegrated -- I decided to re-follow you on Actualized because I don't like to unfollow anyone but man with the full-time drama you create and stir up everywhere you seem to go you're truly playing with fire.

    20 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    I don't want your attention and I want you to leave people alone that you're constantly bothering to get a rise out of everyone. 

    I really don't.  The INFPs over there are very random with their emotions, so if you see them angry with me one hour, the next they'll be happy again, lol.

    Every day is like this.


    20 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    I see you're trying to flex and be the big dog on both campuses but you're not going about it the smartest way imo.  The true big dog on campus is wiser than all the other dogs, not the troublemaker.  You need to clean up your act because the gig is getting old and annoying fast.

    Typical ENTJ way of thinking right here.

    No dogs here.  Noone's competing for space.

    In fact, I intentionally repeatedly reveal who I am just to see what happens.  I don't care either way about people's reactions.  Anything is better than nothing.  More entertaining for everyone.



    20 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    If I knew what your name was or what you look like or other details about your life -- that would be what I would need to have any further communication with you.  I don't know whether you're a 14 year old kid or 80 year old man.  Leo should have banned you if you have over 20 points.

    Why should that matter?

  6. 1 hour ago, Faith said:

     User @God is trash talking this forum, mods and members on Actualized.org. One of the threads is- "Critique of the Forum", a member there has posted a link to a copy of this journal in that thread.


    Therefore, please know if you post in this journal that users on Actualized are viewing it. 


    I think everyone on Actualized.org is aware of this place by now.  Everything you post is public😰😰😭


    And I wasn't trash talking.  I'm not the first to admit that Lester is a stalker.  No hiding from that fact.

  7. 51 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


    I just did this and got the same result as before. 🤔



    INFPs have the same functions as ENFPs, so only a very accurate test will tell them apart.

    ENFP = NeFi

    INFP = FiNe


    James123 is a good example of a clear NeFi.  You're less obvious, but seems I got all your functions right.

  8. 6 hours ago, Faith said:

    Um, you don't have to be sorry at all. Imo it's rude of them to start discussing someone else's personality type that is on the forum when they aren't even on the thread that it's being discussed on...and even if they were you should ask them if doing so is ok with them.


    Anyways, glad your back! 💙

    Wait.. you mean you've never talked about Leo on here?

  9. 1 minute ago, Robed Mystic said:

    by the way all - i'm on the laptop now - cracked the screen on my phone - so you shouldn't see many grammatical issues now.

    Cool.  My keyboard broke, so the opposite for me.


    2 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

    cool...haven't seen that much of you on the spirituality section...where did you get all of those points?


    i would haave seen it.

    I only came back cause Proserpina kept talking about this place, and Joe keeps trying to get my attention by following and unfollowing me every other day.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Mandy said:

    Usually test as N not S. Also "I" often feels very weird, like conditioning, when answering test questions not "me". But I don't know. Ever taken the test the way you would LIKE to answer all the questions and not truthfully? 

    I've not seen many posts from you, so ISFP is only a 60%-70% confidence typing from a quick glance at your profile.


    ISFP is called "the artist", so is atypical for a sensor.

    They're FiSeNiTe


    Fi - you seem to rely mostly on your own values and beliefs when talking to people.  Fe1 might also fit, but that would make you an ENFJ, and ENFJs don't have a coherent/developed internal value system.  They're also Ti users.

    Se - statistically, those who want to be mods are Se

    Ni - efficienct, but taking shortcuts and/or jumping to conclusions

    Te - Mods are almost always Te, and Te people love citations and proof and guidelines, and all that boring stuff.  Ti users generally prefer to explain the logic behind a system or why it makes sense.  "Rules are rules" is never enough for Ti.



    19 minutes ago, Mandy said:

    Usually test as N not S

    Focus more on the functions.  ISFPs are Fi1 and Ni3, which means their imagination is wild, and they live out of their personal feelings and values.  So they may choose to believe in their Ni fantasies, and will actually fully believe them because of that Fi1.  That Fi1 gives Ni3 power, and the N function becomes very apparent.

  11. 2 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

    What's my MBTI?

    A Te + Fi user.  Likely Ti6 or Ti7.


    Too Te to be INFP.  Not Te enough for ENTJ.  Too F to be INTJ.


    INFJ can't be ruled out, but I'll go with ENFP.



    28 minutes ago, Mandy said:

    @God It is against the forum guidelines to copy and paste anything from someone else's journal elsewhere on the forum. @Alexander @DMT Elf Please refrain from talking about other forum users as if they weren't here and as if it weren't a public forum. This is disrespectful of someone else's journal and is not conducive in allowing them a safe place to express and heal. If you wanted to have this discussion, it would have been much more respectful to have invited and asked the person you were discussing for permission first. 


  12. 2 minutes ago, Mandy said:

    @God Journal posts will show up in post history just the same as any other posts. 

    * ahem *

    I just checked and I was right.  Tell me if it looks like I quoted someone's journal.

    I expect an apology now.



  13. 5 minutes ago, Mandy said:

    @God It is against the forum guidelines to copy and paste anything from someone else's journal elsewhere on the forum. @Alexander @DMT Elf Please refrain from talking about other forum users as if they weren't here and as if it weren't a public forum. This is disrespectful of someone else's journal and allowing them to have a safe place to express and heal. If you wanted to have this discussion, it would have been much more respectful to have invited and asked the person you were discussing for permission first. 

    Huh?  The quote I shared wasn't from the journal section, afaik.  I found the quote in James' post history, from some random thread.


    And I don't even see anything wrong with open communication like this as long as it's for education purposed only.  But if it's a rule then fine.  I'll keep it in mind.

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