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Posts posted by God

  1. 5 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    One of the things I want all of you to notice (and appreciate from my perspective) is how it feels when someone is coming at you in good faith.  Are they listening to you?  Do you feel a lack of tension and ease -- or is it competitive, strained, like a struggle to be heard?  So, you can always feel (and trust your feelings) when you're being heard and when there's a possibility of a quality relation between you and other person. 

    There's a sense/feeling/experience of ease, of fluidity, of mutual benefit, a sense that they care about you.  Mutuality is an important value in interpersonal development work.  It's easy, there's no tension, it's forgiving, it's forward looking, it's a collaboration that requires responsibility from both you and the other person in the relationship. 


    I agree.  This is not something people often pay attention to or care about.


    But you started the bad faith, so I'm not taking you seriously anymore.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


    I'm not even going to take the bait with you anymore.  And actually I never did take your bait.  My actions speak for themselves and I'm happy with my life.  ❤️


    I don't have to agree with you or fight with you because -- you've got to fight yourself and you're projecting and distracting from doing that work.  Clearly.


    If I met you in person you would probably lose the schtick fast.  You're just seeking attention and this is not the best way to get it.   You have no right to come on here and troll this community.  

    You're trolling yourself with these claims.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Orb said:



    Lol his content is not free, he makes money off his youtube channel. 


    He wants your eyeballs, they make him good money.



    A fraction of the potential.  You don't make 2 hour videos of nothing but talk just to make money.  This is the exact opposite of how you make money on youtube.  Leo maximizes effort in making videos, while minimizing viewer retention, engagement, etc. He doesn't have sponsors, doesn't really use clickbait in the title or thumbnail, and doesn't even suggest that we're missing out or that we need his courses.  He genuinely just wants to educate.


    If he decided to truly milk the channel, you would know. . he'd start doing sales, promo codes, he'd cut his series short and tell people to pay up for part 2 and 3, etc.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


    I bought his Life Purpose Course which I thought was very good.  


    Here's where I think you go off the rails when you say something like this: "You have only yourself to blame for doing something this dumb."  This is a terrible thought and someone who preys on this by selling to these people is a bad actor.  This is not a compassionate thing to believe and even worse to share with others as if it is good.  If I thought that, I would have the sense to keep it to myself.  You should be trying to help kids, naïve people, gullible people, not take advantage of them or victim blame them for being taken advantage of.  


    I want you to consider what I'm saying here.  I know you're on here with the purpose of defending Leo Gura and his "teachings", but you should examine yourself.  What do you think?  Forget about the God stuff.  That's a distraction for someone like you.  I hate to be blunt.  You've made dozens of posts on this thread and not many are worthy of you in my judgment.  And it's just my opinion, I could be limited, but I'm sure I'm not exceedingly limited.

    Someone your age should have better judgement.  And you won't get much compassion from me with that attitude of yours.

    Leo is just a man.  Likely much younger than you, with less life experience than you.  What did you expect him to teach you?

    Leo's also not very business-oriented.  He's not exactly trying to milk his content.  The overwhelming majority of his content is available for free, on purpose.  He doesn't keep anything behind a paywall.  You only pay if you want to support him, or if you don't care about money.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


    By the way I have no problem with someone wanting to make money.  I want to make money.  We all want to make money.  What I have a problem with is when someone sells something that's unfalsifiable where you blame yourself when you don't get the result and where the aim of the course is something that too good to be true "complete omniscience".  If Leo Gura wants to sell a course that doesn't hit these red flags, I'm in support.  He built that audience up and if they want to buy something from him, so be it.  I just don't want kids and gullible people shelling out $1,000 bucks for something I think fits the concerns I raised above.

    Wait.. you paid Leo? lolwut


    Every single concept of his is free to listen to on youtube.  The only things you pay for are maybe some pickup courses.  You have only yourself to blame for doing something this dumb.

  6. 6 hours ago, Forza21 said:

    Can anyone say if i'm right?

    God, Brahman, Pure consciousness, DON'T EXPERIENCE ANYTHING. It's pure, formless, infinite, outside time. 

    All knowledge, image, concepts, of GOD , starts with MIND. So saying ANYTHING about GOD such as "lonely" is a concept of MIND. And it's mistakenly seen  as GOD, which is SOMEONE. God is SELFLESS.  There's no one to obtain "God realization"  it's only GOD.

    Mostly right.  Depends on your definitions.  Of course God isn't lonely.  You'd have to create that emotion to experience it.  But God/source/the-one/oneness, is unity, and is one, and is alone.  There aren't multiple "sources" or "the ones" or "the onenesses".  

  7. 13 minutes ago, Iesu said:

    Then what is co creation?

    You are the only creator.  You can exist in any reality you like. But your infinite self has infinite preferences😉


    Ideas like "co-creation" are just beliefs we use to feel less lonely.  But we're all alone, always will be, always have been.  All alone, for all eternity.

    By definition, God is alone.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Iesu said:

    Jesus. Do you believe all others awakenings are so they can prime your awakening?

    lol.  Well, basically, we all live in separate dimensions of existence. We can interact, but our realities can never merge into one.  In my dimension, I am God.  In yours, you are God.  But to me, you are just that which I experience.  A rock has consciousness through me in whatever form I experience the rock in.  You are no different to me.  Your words exist through my consciousness in the form of text.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Iesu said:

    You know what the fuck ever happened to not conceptualizing truth, compassion, and oh geez oneness. 🤨 @God

    Also what self realized person makes their username god lol. That's literally the most newb thing someone could do 

    Well it's true.  I am God, the one and only.  And if anyone disagrees and gets angry, that's just an opportunity for them to realize the truth and grow.

  10. Just now, Kevin said:

    Your energy is kinda off bro so not really tryna engage too much. I will say your logic is good but it’s built on a lot of unquestioned assumptions. 

    I fully get where your coming from. I used to totally believe in solipsism too. But then I realized I don’t actually know and I’m assuming a lot of things.

    Fair enough.  It's 5am so I'm tired, and the other guys here were annoying to deal with..  sorry if I'm too intense.


    But solipsism actually has fewer assumptions than the alternative.  Solipsism removes the assumption that the outside world exists, and states that only the world you experience should be considered real, as all else can only ever be an assumption.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Kevin said:

    If you believe in solipsism why are you telling us about it in somewhat of an aggressive manner?

    I am as calm as a.. [insert calm thing here]😌


    And * sigh *

    Why must you "believe" or "disbelieve" something?  We're not in church school anymore.

    Is it theoretically possible for you to ever experience anything outside your brain, during your life?  Tell me.


    Your body has senses which send signals to the brain.  They all get interpreted as "the world" in your brain, yes? So tell me.  Tell me about the world outside your mind that you've experienced, since solipsism is just a dumb weird belief.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


    You said it/wrote that though.  Be more careful in your word choice.

    "overwhelming majority" and 95% are the same thing.

    "overwhelming majority" just means roughly 85%+.. which includes 95%


    "super overwhelming majority", which might be more specific, is not a term in use.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

    Its not so much that you didn’t do a “scientific study, its more that you simply pulled a figure out of your arse in order to validate your case. Interestingly this is exactly what Leo does so he has taught you well 😀


    So again - where are you getting your amended 9 out of 10 from? (I like how we just lost 5% of certainty 🙂). Is it just wishful thinking? Thats a rhetorical question btw because I think we both know that you have no idea how much of what Leo says is “right”. I understand that YOU believe its right, but I doubt you could actually defend any of those beliefs - would you like to put some of them to the test?


    And I hate to rain on your parade but Leo foes indeed make dogmatic claims - like ALL THE FUCKING TIME 🤣


    His recent solipsism video contains plenty of exactly what you claim he never says. He has stated on multiple occasions that the sole meaning of life is to awaken to yourself as god, if you don’t do this then you are wasting your life, that solipsism is absolutely true, and that if you deny that then you are wrong because he has “scientifically” validated it.


    Of course none of this is “correct”, its simply opinion, and honestly his thinking has more holes in it than swiss cheese.


    In regard to your last point - I understand exactly what he is talking about and have the ability to put his ideas to the test. I would offer that it is actually YOU who is approaching your beloved Leo from the perspective of “what feels good” to the degree that you are pulling fictitious statistics out of your arse to make yourself look more credible.


    You are going to have to try harder mate, things are different here outside of the echo chamber 😁



    Wait.. you don't understand solipsism?  You do realise you can only experience that which your brain produces for you, yes?  You have never left your mind, and never will.  That's self-evident.  I hope this much is clear at least.


    and omg.. did you never learn "estimates" in school?  Would it make you happier if I said "overwhelming majority" instead?  Saying 95% is quicker and more accurate to what I feel to be a good estimate.


    In regard to your last point - you didn't even address my point and simply made a vague generalization, not at all conducive to our discussion here..


    Oh and.. no need for the snark remarks.  Makes you seem insecure and immature.  You've got yourself an even more concentrated echo chamber here.  On Leo's forum, plenty of people are critical of Leo, and plenty are not.  It's balanced.  Here's it's nothing but an echo chamber of hate.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

    On the flipside I wonder how many people who FOLLOW Leo have actually realized themselves as God? I don’t see much behavior in that community that is particularly convincing as an example of enilghted souls, and plenty that indicates group delusion, a lack of critical thinking, and a failure to integrate anything.


    Just out of interest where did you pull this 95% figure of Leo being right? It seems like quite the bold claim for someone who isn’t even particularly aware of Leo’s output regarding dating. For my own example I would refer you to a video I made about some if his more outlandish claims - was he 95% right when he claimed he could cure all human diseases and ailments by squirting 5 MEO DMT up his asshole? Was he 95% right when he claimed that “awakening” would instantaneously solve every problem in a persons life? It seemed like quite a bold claim from someone with a chronic digestive disease and a porn addiction - what do you think?


    Lets be real, you have pulled this 95% number out of your arse because you want it to be true, and it validates your faith in the leader. I can only advise that you do yourself (and Leo) the service to step back and really examine some of these claims critically. 

    Sure, some stuff he says is true - after all most of it he is just parroting back from some book he read. Also a lot of it is just pure opinion which is fine, and you might agree with his opinion, but that doesn’t make it true.


    Of course the real magic starts when he has one of his ever deepening “awakenings” and starts making bold claims about objective reality. Here I would say his content is more leaning towards 95% self aggrandizing dogshit 😀


    I would completely agree that most of Leo’s utterings are very simple, self evident - well only to those who lack the ability to investigate such claims. Is there any in particular you would like to have a discussion with me about?

    Jeez, going for the low hanging fruit, are we?  Of course I didn't do a scientific study to come up with an exact figure of 95.0000%.   I meant he gets more than 9/10 things right, but less than 10/10.


    The self-evident metaphysical concepts he talks about are all self-evident.  Nothing he says requires you to believe in anything.  Leo doesn't offer you dogma.  You either get them, or you don't.  He doesn't say "there are x number of dimensions, and the meaning of life is x, etc.".  If you're approaching this from a "what belief feels good" standpoint, then you will never understand what he talks about.  In religion you're expected to believe, but this is not what actualization is about.  If you believe ANYTHING he says, then you don't get it.  Belief is a sure-fire way to know you don't get it.  

  15. 7 minutes ago, Faith said:

    @God Ok, then you haven't seen YET, but you will if you frequent that subforum.

    Anyways, many of his posts made me, as a women, feel like kicking him in the balls! 😁


    The over-all feel Leo gives off to me in that area is one of just using women for sex, regardless of the coincidence for the woman and that sucks.

    I think he may just be tailoring his advice for men.  Humans are still animals, and we still run on programming that's thousands/millions of years outdated.  Intellectually, you may be disgusted by the idea of men dominating women, but many people, men and women, are still heavily influenced by such genetic remnants from the past.  Leo's just recognized this, and is telling men to take advantage of this fact.


    And why not?  Follow his advice, and you'll get sex from slutty women.  He's not wrong, and it doesn't harm anyone.  Everyone wins.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Faith said:

    @God Nothing of what you said to @Lester Retsel had to do with why I called Leo a sexist pig, but if you don't see it for yourself and you follow Leo on the dating subforum then nothing said here will convince you. 


    Just go to Actualized and read his posts. Maybe your mentality is in alignment to his regarding pick-up, pulling chick's, late night logistics, game, on and on, I heard it for 5 years. I called him a sexist pig flat out and he didn't deny it, yet you're saying he's not.


    This is my opinion. Thank you.

    Thanks for your opinion.  I think it's weird how much time he spends writing about pickup, but I haven't seen anything bad from him myself.  I don't spend much time on the dating suforum, so maybe you saw something I haven't.  I'm open to the possibility of him being sexist, but I'd have to see evidence of this first.


    I understand his intellect very well, and I'd consider it unlikely that he's a sexist pig.  From what I've seen, he's too aware to actually be sexist.  It would seem more likely that you misunderstood some of his comments or took them too literally.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:

    I stand corrected, this is exactly how a "God realized" person expresses themselves.  Carry on, it is I who have much to learn. 


    7 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


    I've already determined you lack credibility.  You're not coming at things in good faith.

    ad hominem


    I've given you many chances.  I will stop wasting my time.  Grow up.

    I now see why Leo banned you.

  18. Just now, Lester Retsel said:

    You're reiterating very well known toxic talking points.  I don't have the time or energy to put into the re-education you require.  So, think what you like about me, about leo, there's deeper shit going on here, and I'm not the one to fix that.

    Again, can't counter even a single point I made.  Don't be a sore loser.

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