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Posts posted by Faith

  1. 2 hours ago, Phil said:

    Anyone see The Staircase on Netflix?


    No, but I just looked it up and the "owl theory" of what probably caused the head injuries to the wife who died falling down a staircase, the talons of an owl, instead of being beaten by the husband who was accused and sentenced. 


  2. @Mandy Oh, when I read pellet I assumed poop, lol. 


    Not gonna lie, I paused and my brain hurt for just a few seconds while I pictured -"They barf up the hair and bones of the mice". Yuk.  😂


    Oh yey, the kiddies got a barf bag prize  to take home. Hahaha. 


    3 hours ago, Mandy said:

    So you're welcome for that information


  3. 5 minutes ago, Mandy said:

    @Faith I recently took my kids to an event where we dissected owl pellets and learned all about them

    Teacher: Hey,  kids what did you do this weekend?


    Mandy's kids: Picked through owl poop and found part of a mouse's leg. 💩 




    Girllll, you Crack me up!



  4. @Celestial You could try seeing that it's all just a story in the mind. A thought thinking about other thoughts and judging them.


    How would you feel if you just dropped the story?


    It's very possible to do, because you're actually the observer of the story. Take a step back and see that the thoughts your identifying with are not doing you any good. See them for what they are and try to move on. It's the holding onto them that creates suffering.

  5. @Someone here Yeah, I just remembered another example. When I use to smoke the first hit of a cigarette of the day was great, but if I sat there and smoked one cigarette after another there would come a point where it would make me ill. 


    So, I guess too much of a good thing or in this case a bad thing, lol, is no good.


    9 hours ago, Someone here said:

    P.S  you look great 👍 

    Hey thanks! 

  6. 26 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

    The drug I'm taking has super long half-life. I read that it can be done cold turkey from official healthcare info site.

    I'm sure you read that, but...Prozac (fluoxetine) has the longest half life I believe of the ssri's (4-6 days) and still 67% of ppl in a trial that did cold turkey had symptoms of serotonin discontinue syndrome. I was also on Prozac back when and had a horrible time getting off it, but after a few attempts finally I did. 


    33 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

    Thanks for the advice and the care 🙂

    You betcha, any time! 😊

  7. Half the dose is still half the dose. Meaning your mind/body is trying to get use to the reduced dosage. 


    I don't think it's advisable to quit them cold turkey seeing how that could cause antidepressant discontinuation syndrome.


    Reducing a 1/4 of the dose at a time is a bit slower and when it's time to reduce again. I'd get a pill splitter and take a half of the half you have left, but I wouldn't reduce again until you're feeling more stable. 



  8. 14 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    and do three hours of headstand meditation everyday

    I couldn't do that if my life depended on it. 😂


    Anyways, your question reminds me of the saying "chasing the dragon", basically usually ppl addicted to drugs  continuously chase getting as high as they did the very first time, but to no eval as it seems as though impossible to get it or so I hear. 


    Also, reminds me of eating a fabulous piece of cake, so then you eat another and maybe another and as you keep eating it actually stops tasting good and starts tasting gross.  😝 



  9. So, to add one more post to the one I made above. I see 2 issues with teachers in spirituality now a days.


    Either the teachers only acknowledge awareness/consciousness, but don't acknowledge how the "apparent" creation is created via Maya/Ishvara (God) or they do acknowledge God, but then fail to acknowledge the ultimate reality of God, which is awareness/consciousness. 


    Hey, maybe be it's just me. 🤷‍♀️




  10. 29 minutes ago, Alexander said:

    @Faith So for you ignorance is misidentification to put it simply.

    You created topic about Ishvara and I agree that was my awakening too.Everything is God.

    Awareness has a power within it called Maya which creates illusion. Ishvara is awareness plus attributes that wields Maya to create the universe. 


    Awareness under the spell of ignorance identifies with the illusion. Ishvara is Saguna Brahman, which means Brahman in manifest (subtle/gross) form. So, essentially awareness alone not in manifest form is solely Brahman, but ALL is awareness just unmanifest/manifest. 


    I'm a bit busy now I have to cook, but I'll have to read that thread on Ishvara, because I must have wrote it awhile ago. 


    Edit: Haha, nope I posted it this month, just no one commented. Yes, Ishvara is Sanskrit for God, but again, awareness/Brahman is prior to Ishvara in Vedanta. 


    "The ultimate reality of Ishvara is the nondual (in Sanskrit brahman). So since everything is Ishvara, and the reality of Ishvara is nondual brahman–the reality of everything is nondual."

  11. 2 hours ago, Alexander said:

    Thank you.See ,I am not hiding.Truth is what always interested me and I found it via direct experience.Was atheist before.

    I don't agree with Phil that nobody can have experience of Infinite Love or God directly.It is possible.


    Ok, I didn't mean that you were hiding. I didn't even know you were still on the forum. I meant, I had wondered why you left and then recently saw on Actualized that you seem against Phil when there was a time that I thought you liked him a lot, but ok, you changed your mind and maybe misunderstood what he's saying. 


    1 hour ago, Alexander said:

    Because despite awakening,ego structure remained the same.Leo had God knows how many awakenings yet his and mine ego structure remained.So I find psychology much more important than spirituality.


    So, if you don't mind I feel like commenting on this. 


    To me, Ego is just the I-thought (or I- sense), simply it's the doer.  When awareness is under the spell of ignorance it feels it "IS" the doer. Not just that doing happens as an activity within awareness associated with the "apparent" mind/body complex which appears within awareness.


    Another words, on one hand when under the spell of ignorance one feels they ARE the ego/doer, but once the ego/doer is seen through, its realized that all is awareness, and the thoughts/feelings that appear are just an activity "in" awareness, that awareness is "aware of",  that results in "doing happening" in association with an "apparent" body/ mind that is an appearance in awareness.


    When awareness no longer identifies AS the doer, then only pain/pleasure persist fir the apparent person, but the sufferer is gone. 


    Not trying to be preachy. Just felt like sharing this for what it's worth! 😊

  12. 59 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Where's all the values Leo Gura preaches in his videos like radical open-mindedness?   

    He meant as long as it lines up with his moving/revolving views on spirituality that come from his latest psychedelic experiences. So, before it was God, now... it may include such things as alien realization. 👽


    Also, if you notice the creator of that thread is @Zeroguy. He use to be a member here and seemed to love Phil. Interesting how ppl flip for seemingly no reason. 


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