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About Marcel

  • Birthday 04/29/1999

About Me

  • Gender
  • About Me
    I am Insane and Happily married.
  • My Dream
    Already Achieved. Everything else is just a bonus now. I pray for the most amount of time to live.
  • My Old Story
    The world has turned its back on me and I suffer greatly because of it
  • My New Story
    I am the world and shape myself lovingly
  • My ‘Happy Place’
    Being married
  • Quotes That Really Resonated
    Every adversity has within it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit - Napoleon Hill
  • Tools I Recommend
    Understanding the subconscious mind. Bob Proctor is a fantastic resource.
  • Practices I Recommend
    Sitting with it. Just feeling. No action or thoughts allowed to interfere in the meantime.
  • Books I Recommend
    Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind - Napoleon Hill | Can’t hurt me - David Goggins
  • Music, Bands, Songs I recommend
    Cr7z - Unsu| Twisted Insane - Nightmare | Dax - Renegade Remix| C-Mob - Bump in the night| Immortal Technique - Freedom of Speech| K-Rino - Bet not say it
  • Favorite Places
    My mind and being with my wife no matter where.

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  1. To be honest. The most convincing illusions are nightmares to me. I have them quite often and despite them being basically just in my head I sometimes wake up with full on panic attacks. They don’t last that long, but still, the fact that it even happens at all is fascinating. For example. I just recently dreamed of getting shot and killed via gunshot to the chest. It felt so incredibly real
  2. @Phil So if knowing / understanding / seeking is secondary. What is primary? Being? Direct Experience?
  3. Seems like a great use of your time if you think it’s nonsensical. You really have your priorities straight. Congratulations 🥳
  4. Bro. Don’t you have better things to do then contributing literally nothing of value?
  5. Thats a good point. But in my direct experience God definitely is. Because what else would it be other then „be“?
  6. To put it in very simple terms. God is. „It“ just is. Nothing more. Nothing less. Any interpretation Safe then direct experience is basically falsehood already. Which is also why communicating this, can become so convoluted. Words are merely pointers. Not a point in themselves. Like the finger pointing at the moon. The finger is not what is ultimately important metaphorically speaking. @Phil @Jane
  7. @Jane @Jonas Long I suppose „originality“ in its essence is God/Love/Truth/Infinity and therefore nothing and everything. The groundless ground. Like ideas that randomly come to mind, they come from nowhere and are essentially nothing at all. I suppose nature doesn’t make a „claim“ on anything. There is no point to begin with as far as I understand. Or as Alan Watts put it once. „We do not "come into" this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean "waves," the universe "peoples." Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe“
  8. What makes something original? Compared to something that was inspired by something else? For example. The first plane was inspired. It was not original, at least the way I define it. The idea of flight or flying in itself is as old as mankind and even way beyond that. So the creation of the first airplane was inspired by, let’s say observing nature. I don’t know the exact details, feel free to correct me if you know more. What makes something „original“? Something you can point to and say it is totally unique, never seen before, no past reference available. Something that is completely new to humanity’s repertoire of Existence. Be it a paradigm, an insight like Einsteins Theory of Relativity, a building, a radical change in the way „things“ are done, a book like the bible ( I don’t know which religious text is the first ever, but you get the point, it’s just an example ) An invention, even though that’s a fine line, because a lot of inventions, if not most is just the mixing of pre-existing ideas. A lot of disruptions in industry tend to happen when ideas from one field are applied to another. Doesn’t always work, but it can be a real game changer. To get back to and add on to my original point. Inspiration vs Originality How can I be more original? What makes an original? Why do original things stand out? Why does something original have more weight, feels deeper, is more mindblowing and I’d argue has more „ impact“ then something that was inspired?
  9. Depends on the person I speak / listen to. I tend to hold eye contact the whole time. It’s my way of showing that I am genuinely paying attention. But there are also people that I can barely hold eye contact with, which usually happens with someone who has more authority then me or higher ups, maybe that’s just insecurity on my part. I have never had someone tell me that they feel uncomfortable or stared at. Also the body language of people I talk to hints that they are comfortable with my eye contact. I guess people can pick up the intention you are looking at them with. It is out of respect and a desire to listen / understand in my case after all.
  10. @Phil „This emphasizes direct experience, conscious creation, and the already inherent & present wholeness and completeness of being“ It seems the way I communicated got in my way again. That’s exactly what I meant. Also. Apparently my conceptions of self-actualization and self-realization are little bit conflated. I arrived at the same conclusion you provided, but my description and the way I formulated my argument need some work. Probably stems from the fact that I just regularly started posting stuff. Anyhow. Great response. Thank you very much.
  11. I don’t actually believe that there are people who aren’t spiritual. I need to phrase my points differently. Not the first time communicating my ideas has given me responses that are contradictory to my actual message. But that’s for me to work on 👍
  12. Fair enough. Seems for all intents and purposes i was a little bit off track. Thank you for the clarification.
  13. I just realised that I should have phrased it differently. The way I did it is genuinely a bit confusing. What I was meaning to say was. Some people just completely miss spiritually, for whatever reason. Be it obsessions with gathering material things or living a shallow lifestyle. The polar opposite of that would be people who have been deeply hurt ( like me ). Who will naturally / generally gravitate towards some form of spirituality in search of healing and understanding.
  14. As has been told to me on multiple occasions now. This forum is a place of self-realization. But Self-actualization and Self-realization are invariably linked. Speaking from my own experience, ( self-actualization ) almost automatically and smoothly lead me to ( self-realization) over time and they influence each other constantly. Because if you genuinely spent time getting to know „yourself“. Put in the work, build up your life, fully take care of survival, resolve the past, set ridiculous goals and study a lot etc. you will ultimately end up with God in one way or another. It was unmissable to me. Obviously. That is just my experience. I imagine there are plenty of people in the world who completely miss God despite being very much dedicated / ambitious and spiritually uninclined. But for me, it was a steady progression and I could feel and see it happen „to me“ slowly. I saw it coming from miles away. I wasn’t exactly sure where this journey would take me , but I distinctly remember thinking that there is something of great importance to be realised here ( relatively speaking ).
  15. Still. These topics aren’t separate from each other. They are completely intertwined.
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