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Posts posted by Reborn2

  1. On 4/26/2024 at 11:20 PM, Rose said:

    But I am not ok staying where I am 

    What I meant to convey by that is that, your very core personality and thus all the subtle or not so subtle behaviours stemming from those characteristics will never really change, to put it into some analogy, you can just sort of mold the shape of the tree top, make it look prettier or less messy, make the branches/twigs look different etc. but you can never really replace the tree trunk, or the roots, those stay the same.


    Similiarly, there are certain characteristics and patterns of behaviour about you that are unchangeable and you also don't really want to change them because they make you, well, you. Even in your case on this forum, we can probably observe certain patterns of your behaviour that didn't change and remained consistent despite you changing some beliefs and perspectives.


    The reason this core doesn't change is because of unique mix of biology/genetics, enviromental and social factors that were set at your birth/early childhood. These are a certain set of rigid rules similiar to gravity, being imagined in this particuliar reality, making certain people predisposed towards certain behaviours for their entire life

  2. 37 minutes ago, Kevin said:

    Yeah idk I just did it because it felt good and it felt right. I don’t care what he used it for, he could have bought heroin and I wouldn’t care. I just saw he was going through it and he seemed really sad and his genuineness came through. 

    And I guess it was cool to see how appreciative he was for something like 50 bucks which I take for granted.


    I get it man. It feels good to give. It always felt good for me as well

  3. 4 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

    Who gives a shit what they spend it on.  If its a gift that come with conditions it's not a gift.  

    Yeah, that's one way to look at it I guess

  4. I agree it feels good, if only there was a way to ensure they won't buy any bullshit with those 50 bucks, but stuff that's actually good for them. It would then feel much better


    Here's an argument for the other side of the coin; by being more selfish and making more money for yourself and keeping that money and property for yourself, you have a lot more to give to other people, you also have a lot more money that a potentially fictional, well functioning and ethically/morally consistent goverment could tax, and such fictional goverment would be a lot more capable than you are in dealing with homelesness. Effective resource allocation. Therefore, maybe those 50 bucks would be better spent by such goverment than giving it to Bob who's gonna spend it on bunch of beers and a pack of smokes to cope with his life

  5. 1 hour ago, Phil said:

    For sure. He asked me how woke I really was, so I turned myself into a portal to infinite dimensions of Nirvana & he walked through me and spent 100 eternities there, acquiring the intelligence & wisdom of all beings past & future. When he returned he said only ‘that’s not it’ and I was like damn it. 

    Althought it is the final stage, it is unlimited in it's size, you can become more and more conscious of your inferior inteligence compared to that of Leo's, forever, it's sort of like an infinite regressive loop/maze, but it also works in reverse, the deeper you go the more aware you become of how smart and inteligent Leo really is. I'm afraid this level you've just described is still reserved for rookies, there's still more to go.

  6. @Phil Wherever you happen to be in life, however tough or hopeless your situation may seem to be, there is always one last light at the end of the tunnel, one important realization - that you are less inteligent than Leo. This is the final, ultimate awakening one needs to achieve and also the greatest insight one can realize. We are nothing but a mere pupils, and we better remember where our place is

  7. 13 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

    Welp, there was a school shooting today in Finland. A 12 year old shot and killed another 12 year old. And wounded 2 more.


    The interesting thing here is that the kid won't be going to prison, cause of the young age.



    Yeah, the so called happiest country on Earth but only statistically on paper, the low population size and very low density relative to the country's size and cold depressing weather coupled together makes individual cases like these more likely to happen, it's not so surprising


    There was another case like that of an isolated guy who was even a nazi symphatizer


    But I think kids who commit crimes, especially severe crimes like these should be going to a jail-like institutions for minors for example, there's just no excuse for killing someone, it wouldn't even occur to a normal kid to shoot at someone never mind killing them, there has to be something seriously wrong with you if you do that no matter what your age is

  8. 33 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

    What's the problem? Two 40 minute bike rides seems like very reasonable moderate excersize.

    Maybe once in a while, but not daily. Seems like a waste of time in my opinion, but if he enjoyes it and he has the time then by all means. But some relatively short daily jogging would be enough


    57 minutes ago, Orb said:

    sleeping like 4 hours

    I guess you already know this is your main problem. You need to sleep ideally like 2x that ammount.

  9. Pure white sugar is also a naturally occuring substance just like anything else, it's extracted from the sugar beets (or cane in case of a brown variety), it's basically just a very energy rich/dense form of carbohydrates (because it's a 100% pure carbohydrate) and that's exactly its number one problem as well from the health standpoint, long term unhealthy consumption will cause various metabolic well known disruptions in your body such as insulin resistance, heart problems and the list goes on.


    On 1/6/2024 at 10:11 PM, Someone here said:

    First of all ..is all types of sugar  bad for you ? Like is honey and fructose (fruits sugar) as bad as white junk sugar?

    Yes they can be, you'd just have to consume a much larger ammounts for the negative effects to manifest


    On 1/6/2024 at 10:11 PM, Someone here said:

    And second of all ..I don't seem to feel full and satiated after my meals without drinking a sugary beverage whether cold or hot like tea or Pepsi etc

    Probably because that's how you conditioned your body by making it a habit, just like with anything else, if you'll quit it and replace it with sonething healthier your body will protest for a while but it'll get used to it


    And you can't really quit sugar, as in quiting carbs, because they are necessary for your health, just pick healthier varieties and ammounts, moderation just like with anything else

  10. 21 hours ago, Phil said:

    If reality is made of material or matter and there is separation, and separate selves, and separate thinkers separates by material / matter, anomalous phenomena would not be experientially possible. 

    Yes they would be. The effects of psychadelics and every single one of the points you've made do have scientific explanation within a materialistic paradigm, you can search them for yourself, they are just reductionist in their nature. But in a way, so are yours.


    One thing all paradigms can agree on though is this - there is such a thing as infinity. In fact, there is no way there couldn't be. But what kind of infinity? I don't think anyone can ever confidently know the answer to this question. Direct experience may be the king, but that doesn't mean it is infallible in my opinion.

  11. @Phil I understand your point of view and what spirituality is about, but I think that night dream analogy falls flat, due to the fact that you don't actually fully control what you dream about even while lucid dreaming, the same way you can only control the human you are in real life. The only way you can attract wealth is throught persuading other people to give it to you, even if these people were all dreamt up alongside the rest of everything, this would still not change

  12. 1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    Industriousness is key to making money period. 

    I think it is primarily determined by the level of ones ambition and also luck. These two. Some people are just naturally ambitious and just make the necessary sacrifices in order to suceed, they are just out there learning stuff and actually doing shit. While others are just naturally less ambitious, like a lot of people on this forum for example. With high ambition you'll get the motivation, industriousness and everything else, and you'll be unhappy if you won't strive towards something


    And luck is also a necessary part, I don't care what anyone says but in life you're born in a certain position within society with certain predetermined characteristics and circumstances which you have no control over, also your control of life in general is limited.

  13. @Joseph Maynor 

    8 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    One possibility is that he just realized that all of his teachings up to now were bs and how full of shit he was . And now he is believing in materialism,dualism, and reductionistic science.  He might've discovered that psychedelics are brain induced chemical alterations and have no validity when it comes to understanding the nature of consciousness and such. 

    So what you're saying is that he realized the truth?😀 @Someone here

  14. Here's the thing about coffee/coffeine: to a degree it messes with your heart rate, blood pressure and consequently stress levels. And the only reason it's not a serious problem for most people is because over time of long time regular drinking they develop a tolerance and they don't drink dangerous ammounts, but let's say you stop drinking coffee for a while or only drink decaf versions, and then after couple of weeks or months you suddenly chug down a cup of a fairly strong double espresso, it would negatively influence the rest of your day and night probably


    Coffeine take a very long time to leave your bloodstream, about 6-10 hours so it influences your sleep to a degree even if you're drinking low ammounts per day

  15. 19 minutes ago, Phil said:


    Spirituality, as the investigation & discovery of what is absolutely true under any and all circumstances, is neither subjective nor objective (but is absolute). Perhaps that’s ‘the challenge’ as it were… that Truth is not based on personal experience, as a person, people, and experience would all be secondness. 

    Right, it is post rational as in, it is supposed to transcend rationality. But my point is, if you throw away rationality and logic you can very quickly and easilly end up in a crazy territory

  16. On 3/5/2024 at 6:28 PM, Serenity said:

    Lol. Yes.


    I am wondering quite often when to participate and when just let stuff be lately.


    Saying nothing when outrageous things are said (ex: sadistic post of someone enjoying war crime) or deluded impostors take themselves for teachers  comes off to me as as weird as trying to help people integrate a new healthier perspective when there is seemingly no will or readiness to introspect.


    I think I somewhat like better to 'debate' than the first option though. It's less dysfunctional than letting unconsciousness rule and run amok.


    There's just no logic or rationality anywhere, because logic cannot be applied to spirituality due to it's nature and thus anyone can claim anything and pass it off as insight or some sort of wisdom. It's all based off of personal experiences and so you can't really prove or disprove anything. Any sort of craziness can then be thought about and taken seriously

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