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Posts posted by Reborn

  1. This is such BS, she again totally missinterpreted what I said to her, I said, and I quote "Totally repulsive" AFTER I SAID she had a disguisting ego. I was describing the way she was behaving and her ego, and her senseless thirst for attention, NOT DIRECTLY HER. But I see this has become a victim hood olympiad and this site is comfortable with this kind of behaviour and even encouraging it, so I'm leaving for good. No more forums, and especially no spiritual forums. Screw this.


    And noo, I won't be apologizing for anything, and her mental illness is no excuse for this kind of behaviour, I also have a mild mental illness, hers is definitely milder than many other people's. Both me and her are capable of consciously deciding what we're gonna say and what we're not gonna say. She could've have chosen to not indirectly mention me and all of this stuff wouldn't start at all, but of course she couldn't help, she had to instigate a "verbal scuffle" to say it poetically, as always. I haven't even mentioned how she once called me or how many times, nor have I mentioned all her thresspasses against me yet. That would make for a nice book.


    And guess what, in spite of all of that, I still wish her well. Now think about that

  2. Intermittent fasting is an interesting concept on paper, but in reality, personally it just doesn't work for me. I can't properly function and work so many hours while being semi-hungry/full on starving, like I've got 9-5 to attend to, sometimes various seminars and trainings, commuting to work and back also takes a chunk out of my time, then I have to find some time to exercise and for other interests of mine. Sometimes it happens my time is so limited I cannot even afford the time to eat a breakfeast, or lunch, but this is not good

  3. I deleted the first comment, so that you have no more ammunition against me. So typical of you to strike at me first, then play the victim after I simply defend myself a little bit.


    I never wished you anything bad, but you just make it so hard for others to symphatize with you. In fact, I really wish you finally will solve all the problems you're suffering from


    I even took an extra effort to purposefully not comment or to look at your threads, and this is the treatment I get. Incredible

  4. @Reena Btw I never followed your sorry ass at all, that's pure desinformation from your side, just utter shit you made up, I've been off this forum/any online place for several months, I returned only recently this month. Yall can check for yourself in my comment history.


    Noone even needs to follow you to understand what you're about, cause you literaly never change. I changed a lot in my opinions and attitudes during past year.


  5. 2 hours ago, Someone here said:

    What is dopamine detox ? Basically abstaining from anything that elevates dopamine? 

    Don't do dopamine detox, just cut off things that are objectively bad for you. Smoking is objectively bad for you, porn being bad for you is likely just some superstition you cling to as being real.


    Also, the whole notion that there can even exist such as thing as "dopamine detox", LOL the idea itself is just silly

  6. Maybe because your stories are boring to them (or are boring, period), or maybe they don't understand what you're saying, or maybe the things you're saying aren't relevant to the ongoing conversation anymore at the moment you start saying it, maybe your jokes aren't that funny, etc.


    One of these big PUA myths which I've busted for myself in my personal experience, is that you can say anything to anyone and still get a positive reaction, or you can get along with most people as long as you internalize some principles/feelings/mindsets or whatever, what I'm realizing is that a large ammount of social interactions are kinda just hit-or-miss, you can't really control how others respond to you at all, you can only guess. And it's usually the case that your stories/jokes will land much more with the people with whom you share interests/life circumstances/past experiences, than with some complete strangers, in other words you can hardly make a bread out of no flour. Also, what you say does matter.

  7. 7 hours ago, Daniel said:

    Does seem that way. I get the sense that he's actually deeply damaged and dysfunctional.

    It's really hard to decisively come to that conclusion based on such limited evidence, but the way he acts sometimes is suspicious, so we can't rule it out as a possibility. That's what I'm trying to say


    Even recently, seemingly little things as "Leo's geography challenge" on his blog, could be a clue as to how he thinks. Now, I'd argue it's a pretty good challenge in and of itself, but why did he have to put his name there? Why couldn't he just left it as "Geography challenge" or something else other than that. In general he acts like he's an expert on everything, even though he does occassionally admit he doesn't know about something, but it sounds kinda strategic to me. Idk, he's sus

  8. 1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    This community is much better behaved than most.

    I beg to differ

    1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    If this forum triggers you, you might take a look at you.

    I did. I look fabulous

    1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

    It's hard to ask more from others than what you put out yourself, generally speaking.

    Well, I expect nothing less than the fabulousness my immaculate being is eminating

  9. 5 hours ago, Jonas Long said:

    No wonder you sad fucks don't have any friends and can't get laid so hang out on forums all the time.  I'm done trying to introduce my brand of levity to this hospice. 


    6 hours ago, Jonas Long said:

    Just calm the fuck down everyone ok.  It's a JOKE.  

    Why are "spiritual" people so utterly humorless?

    You probably have to go to festivals full of weed smoking hippie spooks in order to find the cool sorts of spiritual people. You won't find them amongst the bitter introverted wannabe intelectual online forums dwellers, that's for sure

  10. 2 minutes ago, Daniel said:

    Mm, I personally wouldn't make a person a moderator who even uses the word 'game' in that context (I find that whole scene rather insufferable and immature), but there you go, Leo obviously has very different values to me. A forum tends to get moulded into the image of its creators, it seems to me, people will often ape the behaviour of the leader - which is unfortunate in the case of actualized, because I don't think Leo's a good role-model as far as his general conduct goes.

    Well, the "game" is a bullshit concept in and of itself, these people act like human interactions can be summed up into some sort of a system, and you can play social situations as if it was an RPG game, that you just have to upgrade some stats, and it'll get you women, friends etc. And the principles they often preach about, that are actually general truths, are like, common sense things, such as be confident or flirt. So, since the base of the whole building is built on bullshit, then the whole building is bullshit, and therefore all the moderators, and all the discussions there are full of shit. No wonder there are no women present in those discussions.


    Leo does likely have some sort of narcissism, imo. Obviously just a speculation, but it's likely imo

  11. Yes, I feel like some of them have very underdeveloped self awareness and just humbleness in general, they really believe their own bullshit. One of them I found particuliarly annoying, he was always hanging out in the dating section, talking about how you have no "Game" and shit like that, his posts contained a lot of grammar mistakes, and a lot of his statements were utterly illogical and he contradicted himself a lot, which was sometimes noticable within that very same thread/topic. Then there's a lot of people there who aren't mods yet, but keep being fucking smartasses about everything, so some of them will eventually become one, I'm sure. There's one of those in particuliar whom I won't name, but everyone who'll take a trip to that forum will be able to detect him, cause he's everywhere and he thinks he has the Truth in everything. So fucking annoying. How are these people even real

  12. 3 hours ago, Jonas Long said:

    Thats what I'm saying.  It's a better catch-all than "man" which is used that way all the time. 

    In the language of my country, the words "man", "woman" and "humanity" or "mankind" are noticably differently written (meaning there's no "man" hidden in these words), so we don't have all these language problems and feuds like you westeners. Which is why it's harder for me to relate to that. But I think there will, at some point, come a day where there will only be one dominant worldwide language and world will be united, at which point we'll certainly be refering to ourselves as something neutral, like humans. Who knows

  13. Why not replace the word "woman" with a "homo" as well? It would be quite appropriate since you're aiming for gender inclusivity. But then again, there are homos with penises, homos with vaginas a tiny percentage of homos with both, so those differences wouldn't go away


    We're all just a bunch of filthy homos

  14. 7 hours ago, DMT Elf said:

    I will eventually. I dated a business owner a few years ago. I thought she might end up being a sugar mamma or something like that. Maybe pay my tuition. I almost had her convinced to let me live with her rent free. But nope, I got dumped. What can I say, I'm sugar for the cougars. 😁 It seems like they only see me as a chew toy though.



  15. @Alexander Investing into S&P 500 is not really a lottery, because as long as the American economy will continue to rise, stocks in there will keep rising as well. If the American economy crashes, then the economy of the whole world will crash, so there really is no better alternative. Or is the alternative to not invest at all, or into some worse, speculative things? I don't think so


    Money on your bank account will slowly be eaten by inflation as well, so we gotta keep that in mind. They are also, in their very nature, illusory, since they are pretty much created out of thin air using debt

  16. I tried cutting out coffee, but after several months of sobriety I've started to drink it again, and basically saw no difference in anything. Cutting out coffee is sorta like trying to completely cut out eating pizza, or something equally as harmless, basically makes no tangible difference to your life healthwise if you don't engage in it, in fact chances are it might make it worse if you cut it out, rather than better, since coffee can make you feel less tired and more productive

  17. I'll save you some time. Get a good job, invest at least 10% of your income into some stable index fund such as S&P 500. Invest into gold and silver. Invest into yourself and your skills in general. Don't invest into speculations such as crypto. Don't take on any debt unless you're using it to buy property and you're confident you can pay it off.


    As for a business, yeah you can get into real estate renting, although I do consider it to be a bit parasitic, since in my opinion, renting is a bad financial choice for most people, unless they're going to vacation - so Airbnb is fine in my book, but do as you wish. But in general, I'd rather start my business around something I'm skillfull, talented and educated on, after I acumulate enough capital and connections.

  18. 7 minutes ago, Alexander said:

    Why?Most of homeless people are drug users.All you give them will end up they buying dope.

    I mostly donate certain sum of money monthly to a reputable goverment organized charities, so there's no way those money are misused, because they go directly to homeless shelters and stuff like that. And even if so, why not? If it makes their lifes a bit better, at least for a few moments. It's not like they're going to quit anyway

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