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Everything posted by sacredprofane

  1. who said "be a man" earlier...? dude, you need to learn to take criticism if you're trying to put stuff like these videos out there
  2. dude. really? how are you expecting to be taken seriously when this is how you respond to criticism? i thought you were a "fighter" what is this? its like everything you say you immediately contradict...
  3. i'm just saying. i didn't slander you. if i did you'd be able to tell me how i did. YOU referred to yourself as a victim first and then said you weren't. maybe you need to be more careful how you choose your words.
  4. ok, it was just that you said i was "victimizing" you, so, ya know, that would imply being a victim. again, how exactly did i "slander" you?
  5. you are choosing to be "victimized" because you (apparently) have a "victim" mindset. i just gave you a little bit of shit, and told you why i disagree with what you said in your video, and that i thought it was a weird thing to post in this thread. i don't think i broke any forum guidelines, so there is no reason for me to be banned. now, i really don't want to take up more of this thread with this, so if you want to continue this, lets do it in your other thread on this topic.
  6. how exactly did i "slander" you? @Cupcakesorry, i really didn't want to hijack your thread...
  7. well, it sounds straight up sexist to me to say intellect is masculine while "body" is feminine. thats crazy. am i not entitled to give my reaction?
  8. you've got some repressed baggage there it sounds like... nobody "earns the right" to say whatever they want and not get push-back for saying looney things....you actually do sound a bit like leo..
  9. "like a man" so...with my intellect then....NOT my "bah-dee" lol stoppit, i said i dont' want to hijack this thread anymore
  10. you want to see my "bah-dee" lol. no, really, i don't know. you want to see if i'm "masculine" or "feminine" so you'll know how to categorize me? i don't really buy into that dichotomy like you seem to. anyway, i don't want to hijack this thread with whatever you're trying to do here.
  11. what does what i look like have to do with anything?
  12. its a strange thing for sure...i think its fairly unprecedented in a way because its an online thing, we've seen cults in real life before, and con artists of all sorts, but we don't yet quite know what to make of a character like this who has made himself and exists purely on the internet. its like he is just beyond the ability for anyone to intervene in any real way because he has just enough plausible deniability, and like i said, we don't have another example yet of something like this really. its good to call it out, but can anyone really do anything to stop him? could anyone have prevented jonestone, or any of those death cults? i don't know. he has made me 100x more leery about psychadelic drugs, because i've always been a pretty big supporter, but i didn't know someone could end up like him as a result of them. i've only seen people become better after using them, myself included, so its very strange with him, its almost like they have had the exact opposite effect i've experienced and seen with others. i don't know how someone could take them like that and not examine themselves since thats what i've known them to do. like how can someone do them and still be all about doing "pickup" for example? it doesn't make any sense to me. its weird how much influence he has on people, and that so many, including mods here seem to have turned against him only after being banned by him. personally, i watched a few of his self help style videos when i was in a pretty dark place, and i can see how you can latch on to someone like him when you are feeling like that. once i saw his "pickup" stuff coming i ditched him, but i am a little older i think than most of his audience, i'm like his age actually, so i know how weird and immature it is for him to be into something like picking up girls in las vegas with these silly routines... anyway, i don't know what to do about him besides call him out and say your experience. but it seems like people will only listen after he has crossed a line with them personally somehow. i'm glad you got out.
  13. so how did you learn it? and how can i do it?
  14. i'm sorry....what the "masculine" has to offer is the "intellect" and what the "feminine" has to offer is "the body" are you kidding? also why did you post this here in this thread? what does it have to do with the subject other than you being a sort of leo gura emulator? ps, the way you said "body" is SUPeR creepy...
  15. @Cupcakei agree, its totally unethical what he does, on many levels. the fact that he was aware of your mental issues and fragile state shows that that "disclaimer" he puts on his videos is only to protect him legally, and he doesn't actually care about anybodys well being. it really is a strange thing thats happened with him and all his followers. its hard to know what to make of really.
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