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Everything posted by sacredprofane

  1. yeah, you are wrong, he is the owner of a business called actualized, of COURSE he is selling something. again, you've been inoculated, so you don't see how strange it is. It isn't leo's fault that he chooses to put out what he does and make money off of it? it's not his fault that a system exists that allows him to do it? i really have nothing left to say to you on this.
  2. he is SO far off from any normal ethical persons way of operating, that it is scary. if he WANTS to take on the mantel he has, he absolutely needs to track where people are at. any professional therapist would easily lose their license if they behaved the way leo does with their clients. if he were selling ANYTHING besides "enlightenment" NOBODY would stand for the way he acts and treats people. they only put up with it because they feel "enlightenment" may be worth the abuse, or that the abuse is somehow part of the teachings. your radar is way off man, but it's probably because youve been gradually inoculated. THATS WHAT HE DOES. look at his views on women, of COURSE he believes manipulation of people is a means to an end. You cannot be a highly evolved human being and do pickup in las vegas CONSTANTLY. you just can't.
  3. lol, the disclaimer is for legal purposes, obviously, so he can't get in trouble, but he himself obviously has no qualms encouraging clearly unwell people to be on his forum watch his videos and buy his course! the VAST majority of commenters and forum members are VERY observably not well, and if he really cared he would tell them personally not to be on the forum or watch his videos or buy his course. it is 100% pure bullshit to say that he actually is concerned with the mental well being of those he takes money from. to think otherwise, you gotta blind. did you even READ what @Cupcakewrote? she TOLD him she was having mental health issues. he obviously knew that about her, and others for a long time, and didn't advise them to leave or take a break from him in any way. he just bans people when they piss him off.
  4. but he KNOWS he is preying on people in fragile states. for that, HE needs to be held accountable. IMO
  5. i mean, look at what i wrote earlier in the thread, i said why i think leo is problematic, and i do think he is, or whatever this thing is thats sprung up around him
  6. ah-HA. But what you didn't realize is *I* decided its opposite day today, so. I win.
  7. see, this just sounds exactly like someone saying what they've heard "enlightenment" is and thinks its what youre supposed to say about it.
  8. actually, i have, i just have the ability to think critically for myself. like i said, he would not hold up against peer review(which of course he denies the importance of) but that is absolutely required to pass muster outside of your devoted fanbase.
  9. actually, he is spot on. you simply seem to have drank the kool aid.
  10. i've seen some of those. its not material that is unique to him, and what is unique to him is chock full of logical fallacies, straw man arguments, gas lighting, etc. they would not hold up against peer review for one minute.
  11. ok, but....you've been referring to yourself as "I" and "phil" as phil all this time, you can't just....change the terms we are speaking on just when it suits you.... i mean you can obviously, but thats like changing the rules of a board game midway thru so you can win.
  12. i've heard some of it...enough to know that it is a mix of what other people have already said and baseless drug induced speculation. why do you think nobody legit takes him seriously, nor ever will? his fanbase consists largely of angry suicidal incel boys. if you tell me one specific video to watch, i will watch it with an open mind and get back to you
  13. i wonder what gives you this idea besides he himself telling you that and you believing it. which material specifically do you think is hundreds of years ahead of science? how to pick up girls? the alien kangaroo mouse? plugging dmt anally to become god?
  14. yeah, thats kinda what i was saying...if you decide enlightenment is a certain way and that you have it, yeah nobody can objectively prove you wrong, but that decision you made was made by the ego of "you" and not the capital M Mind. so....you're really just lying to yourself even more
  15. its "mind" but its not *your* mind, that would be self. if you decide for yourself that red is green, and insist on this being the case because *your* mind is reality, you're going to get into a traffic accident and possibly kill someone. but...i don't know how facetious you are being...this thread is throwing me off because phil is obviously playing a part, and it seems like others are or are not to varying degrees... it also sort of seems like phil is soliciting people to come up with a better way of explaining his spiel than he currently can...which i find dubious.
  16. i feel put in a strange position over this leo thing(and other similar online personalities) and that is, i see the lack of credentials and regulations required to make money in this way, off of self help or spirituality or whatever it is, is very problematic. which puts me in the position of arguing in favor of requiring these things, which i never would have thought was something i would argue for. i don't think a person should NEED to have a degree or be pass some through some type of regulatory system in order to share their thoughts or "teachings" on something, and that they should be free to make money from it, if it's something other people value enough to pay for. BUT then fucking leo comes along, and... makes a strong case for them. where is the line drawn between being a "professional" therapist or psychologist where you need a degree, and some type of free lance "life coaching" unregulated thing? if people trust you, you really have the same amount of responsibility, don't you? but you have nobody holding you accountable LEGALLY or professionally. someone with leos personality and ways of doing things would never ever be approved of to be a therapist or psychologist within the legal parameters that are established, he flies under the radar and therefor can do anything he wants to. do i REALLY want regulations online? I DON"T KNOW.... but the online self help shit is fraught with this, and its currently just the wild west as far as regulations go, which is part of what is great about the internet and what i don't really want to go away....so... its a problem i don't have an answer for. i mean, by the way, if regulations were required to make money doing this, phil would probably not be able to either.
  17. i'm sorry...being criticized on an online forum is WORSE than the vietnam war? look, i get it, you are extremely sensitive. maybe forums are not for you. but there is a ton of straight up paranoia coming from you in this.
  18. @Cupcakesomeone there made the very good point that is the quality of the teacher can be seen in the reflection of the quality of their followers, and if you look at people on the forum and the comments on his videos, you get a much MUCH different picture of a general personality than you get if you look at eckhart tolle or spira or any number or quality teachers. his followers consist largely, it seems, of very mentally unstable, depressed, incel-ish young angry boys. and its no wonder he had that freakout where he called all his followers stupid and everything else, he is seeing the people he attracted to himself, and he does not like what it says about him.
  19. wait....feminine is embodiment, or relation? the insecure man is thinking in terms of relation which is the feminine, but the secure man starts to exemplify the feminine embodiment? i think of overcompensating as what the shadow does, and the shadow is usually the same gender as the person it belongs to regardless of their gender.
  20. ok, i guess that's the difference between being confident in what you are and insecure about what you are afraid you are not.
  21. i would say the human masculine absolutely feels the need to be intellectually superior, and leo is coming from that.
  22. i just wanna levitate! tell me how to pleeeeaaaaaassse
  23. i think....you're being....facetious
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