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Posts posted by MetaSage

  1. 21 hours ago, LovingPresence said:

    @MetaSagein the end it’s a tricky question… I think the first and foremost think you can do to establish an authentic business with all its facets is to do what you love and align with it. So at least you are true to yourself regarding why you do it. Nevertheless business is business so if you want to develop a business etc you need some strategies and marketing ideas which develop your business further and attract clients etc. Marketing is manipulation but there is no way out of it if you want to have success especially nowadays where there is a lot of competition. But ( as I said) there are different ways how to align your steps and actions with your love and non attachment of circumstances.. (mindful business). It’s easier said than done but it depends on you. If you are happy and aligned with yourself and the work you do than  there is a good chance that you don’t need to manipulate that much and don’t even have the urge to. You flow with your essence and your customers will follow your work automatically without you  worrying about it that much.

    so that doesn’t change the fact that you still have to do your marketing and manipulation here and there but nobody gets hurt.. 

    balance is key and it’s your decision how much love you put in the expression of doing business.

    Do your best and become an example of doing conscious business. 
    what we need most is not the renouncing of business because it’s ,,bad“ or ,,manipulation“ but leaders who show what’s possible when business is done out of love and joy..

    as I haves said … easier said than done.😅🙏🏼

    Find out for yourself what you want to do and than try to do it in the most beautiful way..and if you find yourself manipulating don’t be harsh on you but contemplate how to do it better next time 🤘🏻


    After paying some attention I realized part of my doubt was about wanting to get some emotional reassurance, so thank you!


    Manipulations isn't always bad. You can manipulate in order to help or empower someone. Of course it's still manipulation regardless of intent.


    Manipulating seems to be about moving or creating an effect on another (object, person, body, yourself), primarily for one's own benefit but can also include the benefit of another. Like moving a chair. It seems to be even ontological or existential.

  2. 19 hours ago, Phil said:

    What is the manipulation, or what are the manipulative aspects & games being played with, by, at, etc AoB? 

    The more specific the better. 

    Maybe we should start a thread for contemplating what manipulation (and communication) is.


    Games such as politics, war, business, sports, social interaction are based on manipulation. 


    A business is created in order to generate profit in exchange for a product or service. Participating in such a game means you want to "win", however you define that. This determines one's focus and strategy from the beginning. The survival of the business (self-survival) underlies this objective. Whatever is effective (draws people attention to your business, etc) is consistent with its mission. If people aren't interested, then there's no point in having a biz.


    It is played according to the rules. Without manipulation there is no success according to the conventional use of the word. You can run a business in a more direct and honest way, like you seem to do, but that means "success" won't be achieved. 


    Notice that no business is simply based on honest communication, not really. That would set it up for failure according to the rules as they lay.


    there's my rambling, hope it is made something out of it.

  3. Taking relative matters like these require being grounded and real within these domains.


    I played soccer. If I ask how to shoot a penalty, my coach won't say: what's a ball? What are feet? Even though perhaps in the long term it'd beneficial to know what these are. What one is asking for is specific advice grounded in the real-world parameters of such activity. Otherwise what you get is innectiveness.


    What's effectiveness in business? 


    Perhaps once we know what that is we'll be able to answer.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Phil said:

    So essentially the question is then how to sell beliefs and assumptions as nonduality to make money? 

    And is there any ‘listening to’ or consideration of well being in this scenario? 

    no, honestly communicating discoveries. About integrity: not catering to people's desires and fears even though this is common even in spirituality.  Don't know what you mean by your second question.

  5. 44 minutes ago, LovingPresence said:

    @MetaSageIn regards to marketing you either believe in what you do which is an expression of your love and therefore want to share it… or you don’t and just do it for profit. There is nothing wrong with self survival either.. cooking is self survival too. But there are different ways to cook. Just know what you are doing and why you are doing it.

    appreciate your contribution.


    when it comes to success in business in the conventional sense, sharing isn't enough. See others which are effective at business. What does it take to do so? Do you have a business? Imagine being honest like a child and from that disposition, creating and developing a biz.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Phil said:


    Is the question really how does a separate self and selves, survival, meaning, purpose, value and worth jive with integrity & authenticity, as far as nonduality, such that there isn’t hypocrisy etc?

    Interesting take.


    I guess that's one way it could be put. But no, the question is how to create, develop and market a "spirituality" business by infusing integrity and honesty, that is, without using superficiality nor hype, just communicating? Which is a challenge. Say your YouTube channel.

  7. @Phil I don't think this inquiry is useful for this thread.  However, noted. Useful questions to contemplate at some point. Perhaps that could be moved to another forum section.


    It'd probably be better if suggestions were grounded on the distinctions that the questioner held, or if the comments were similar to those distinctions in some way.


    I could ask you what "food" do "you" "eat" and the discussion would turn into a non dual meditation or some such. Otherwise we're using the same words but are talking different terms.


    Anyhow, let's ground it on business. How does Phil make a living through his business? How could a YouTube channel generate views? and all the questions in the first post. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Phil said:


    Like who’s?


    How is spirituality about manipulation?

    Like your business, the way you make a living through AoB, consulting calls or videos, etc. Services and products.


    Not spirituality, a business about it. if you want to play the games (business, politics, social interaction) as they lay, you will manipulate and pursue self-survival.


  9. How can you apply principles such as integrity and authenticity (for real) in your consciousness business and its marketing strategy?


    How to be authentic and at the same time be able to thrive as a business? Authentic, used here as an abnormally high standard, implies without hype nor superficiality.


    @Phil how is a business like yours to be successful, considering that the field of business itself is about manipulation? How to market a business like this honestly? What role does integrity play in business?


    Appreciate it.

  10. 2 hours ago, Rose said:

    You can use them as a learning opportunity. A very developed person would be “comfortable” around anyone. You can experiment with them. Try different things with them, different approaches. Find something you can use about the interaction to develop yourself.

    Appreciate your advice.


    But also, an analogy came to mind: how would you behave around a dictator?

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