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Everything posted by bardh

  1. Would you say I am enlightened? Answer me and you will see the truth.
  2. The truth of suffering is to realize that suffering exist only within you. It is up to you to make the next step. To put it metaphorically you are creating selfs within selfs as a means of dealing with suffering at the lost of misunderstandings who you really are. For example, now that you have a better understand of the 4 noble truths. In which self is this knowledge going to sit? Know that there is another one right in front of the one who needs this knowledge and there can be infinite selfs in front of the right one. Is all a game you play with your self.
  3. I don’t know men feels like its not made for me.
  4. Direct experience is two words and directly experiencing is magic? Aight?
  5. How do you understand this title? Any free’s?
  6. I am starting to believe that all the time I driven by non duality or whatever this force is, either if there is a self referent thought, discord or what have you still this force continues. Now that I am writing I realize that I don't really know how this force is continues. All I know is when I let go there is something that takes over. What if I don't let go? I guess then I would create a don't let go. It is just overwhelming.
  7. Drue Restful sleep i have to wake up in 1 hr.
  8. Okay another report, around 2 hrs of synchronicity have passed and now i am also getting bored of being synchronicitized. I think i should sleep.
  9. @Philhow do we know what is harmonious? jk Jk 🙂 No but really, can there be 0 discord and be dissociated at the same time? In this case i guess the dissociation would be the discord, a?
  10. Trust me you get hooked to it - like a synchronicity bot :d.
  11. Yeah man but it is weird if you think about it. The worse part about this experience is that now this thought or pack of thoughts is going to stay with me. Lets say you are sleeping and hear someone coughing you wake up coughing just to do your synchronicity part. It also creeps me up how weak we are towards our environment.
  12. I sleep in the same room with my friend. Been traveling for couple of days together. Tonight for the first night i notice that when i start inhaling or exhaling he starts too, if my stomach “burps”, his stomach does the same thing. Its wierd. I think it non duality in its nature projects. I am starting to think that also is harder for me to sleep sometimes because of non duality. Not sure if this occurred to you?
  13. Ty! 100% Ty both for your replies!
  14. Yes, and i did it again today and i went from wanting to get them back to feeling love and compassion. I was discussing with a friend of mine and at some moment i felt like he got me. I wanted to talk to him more, and make it up to him. I felt i needed more from him. Then i felt aversion that he got me and wanted to get him back. I relaxed and just now it is like this wanting more from him turned in loving him more. Is still not like the feeling i described in the post but it is better than feeling aversion. I am not sure what i am doing but sometimes i fix the discord. Sometimes it gets fixed by itself. I am not sure how to give it all away. The best i can come close to this is like letting it all go. Sort of like i can fall a sleep instantly and be awake. @Faith How would you suggest to become present when stuck in a chatter box mind?
  15. So it is like a mix of a thought emotion and presence. But it feels very natural. The other paragraphs make very much sense too.
  16. I noticed that when i meet new people i tend to be aggressive. If i am lucky after sometime it goes away. Yesterday something very good happened to me. As i was trying to be a good new friend to someone who just joined me and my friend, i noticed that i was stuck on self referential thoughts and concerns, doubts and. I was afraid i lose or look out stupid or i can be too negative. At some point i let go believing that my issue would get solved by themself. After, i had this opening up feeling but also felt super friendly and started to love the new guy. It was very easy to appreciate and actually looked forward to interacting with him. It was very similar to friendliness as a feeling. It got away then got back again later until it didnt. I believe its very much linked to non duality but it felt more full. Does it make any sense? Have you exp smth like this before? Not sure how to get it back as it felt just my fear, defensiveness and negativity ended by themself.
  17. There are moments when I think this is not relevant. It just the reality; there are moments were I am still directly experiencing but this kind of things is relevant.
  18. @PhilThis is what I think the communication is about. Specific conversation would be hard to describe since it is in a different language and also very contextual. But I can try. Smth like: Did you get Roshan? I say yes. Then i get angry because i never want to get it. Then i give it to them - then i try to get them. As many as i get the more rich i get. Then the ones i dont like i sell, which is like promoter. This is the idea in my head. I genuinely cant get more descriptive. Also, worth mentioning when they get you they put you in a circle. But then when I go to the barber shop, I do the same thing. I am like did you get Roshan? I just want him to do a good haircut for me but at that moment that is the only way I know how to communicate. The same is for negativity. Its like there is a place in me were things are stuck and there the direct experience were things are moving. For me direct experience is something that is happening by itself. I sometimes am successful with making it happen but sometimes its just worse.
  19. I just communicate. Not thinking too much about what to say. Just like Hi, negative negative, sex talk, sex talk then again Hi, then I want, then negative talk. Smth like this.
  20. The question is in the title. From the comments in the forums: I understood that my reality, and relationships with other people and the knowledge of the world, are entirely in me. I knew this idea but now I certainty experience it. In turn, I feel more curiously about other people, and weirdly enough I feel much better with myself, maybe, because I know I can be the solution for everything. Also I don't care so much about my behavior as I use to and sometimes I can come out negative for others. My goals is much more obvious - and I find it harder to not do the think that I want. I don't always want good things. Nevertheless, I feel much more protective towards my goals. My feeling of a separate self's is lost naturally, most often when I am doing something that I like but it also comeback. I can also shift to direct experience when I want to but it feels much more forced and mumbo jumboi, important to point out, it still has the same effects. I feel emotions sometime but more in quick burst. I definitely know emotions are there because I can rank myself in the emotional scales and I feel the mood.
  21. If you react from the thing which direct experience or attention points to then it is instantly. So once you get the red color you will identify it and press the mouse button at the same time. If you are in a 144 hz monitor you will get 130 ms - 155 ms if you are in 60 hz monitor around 150-180. Going to direct experience is something you do naturally so you don't have to think about doing it or that you dont have it. The moment you do this you create sort of like resistance or effort. A good analogy I saw in youtube is with breathing exercises. For sure you have noticed this, when you try to slow the breath or prolong the breath: you can try do this it will feel hard, or you can just let breathing happen by its own. Same is with direct experience or anything else. One can have problem with its body. But can't possible have a problem on running the body that is able to run. I hope it is making sense. A good analogy might be: If you tries to think about an apple and really focus on thinking about the apple. You will end up focusing, on focusing on thinking about the apple. Then nothing comes and one might say to themselves - it is a problem I cannot think. But if you let go of the idea that you have an issue with thinking then the moment you say apple images, thoughts will come before you really try to focus on them. So trying to focus on something is irrelevant and sometimes and issue, because it is happening by itself.
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