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The Sphere of the Lens Illuminated


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It operates like a mirror, it takes snapshots of the sphere of the world and mimics them. 


The perfect illusion for being a self. 


Every single "thing" is a reflection of the lens. 


Do you see this? Is there any thing that isn't inside this mirror? Is there anything you know that no one ever taught you?


Suffering is when the self is stuck in the lens, kind of like being trapped in a mirror, I actually got that analogy from a teacher on YouTube and it's so accurate. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Consciousness… from apparent birth and then from experience; “I’m like this, I’m not like that”, “I’m this way, I’m not that way”, and an identity is weaved & believed. 

Inevitably… ‘something just isn’t right here’, and then of course ‘the path’… ‘why is there suffering at all’, ‘how should I be’, ‘what’s the right thing to do’, ‘how is there good & evil’, ‘how did I even get here, now’, ‘where did I really come from’, ‘what am I really’, ‘is there an answer, an absolute truth’? 


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@Alexander nothing wrong with it at all. It's just not my preference. 


I think life is beautiful because it can be enjoyed even with the separate self delusion. 


But for me I prefer truth. 


@Phil what is it that keeps the lens constantly repeating? 


from a feeling standpoint, the lens is the pure infinite intelligence of source, it feels like knowing, knowing is a feeling. 

I think it's in the third eye, that feeling of knowing. It feels like a concentration. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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On 10/29/2022 at 8:28 AM, Alexander said:

What suffering?Grow up and live life as it is.

What's wrong with being separated self sick of this charade of spiritual nonsense.

Like you can't be happy on your own.

The ‘separate self’ is only of thought, and is what suffering is. 


10 minutes ago, Orb said:

what is it that keeps the lens constantly repeating? 


from a feeling standpoint, the lens is the pure infinite intelligence of source, it feels like knowing, knowing is a feeling. 

I think it's in the third eye, that feeling of knowing. It feels like a concentration. 

The lens is a concentration of consciousness / is consciousness. Consciousness is synonymous with intelligence, feeling & knowing. Thoughts arise of and as if in the lens, like… I am conscious, my intelligence, my feelings, what I know, my knowledge or my understanding. The thoughts seem to constitute a ‘separate self’. Namely, as the body. But body is also a thought, a conceptualization, while the actuality of “the body” is consciousness / intelligence / knowing / feeling. 🤍

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@Phil is the lens over use related to suffering? Kinda like a sore muscle?


it seems so draining to constantly make reflections of the world in front of us. 


I want to see the essence of the lens, but it doesn't seem to have a form. It's kinda like the shadows of consciousness, it's only formed by the world, and cannot be without it. Just like normal shadows need a light source.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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48 minutes ago, Orb said:

@Phil is the lens over use related to suffering? Kinda like a sore muscle?


it seems so draining to constantly make reflections of the world in front of us. 


I want to see the essence of the lens, but it doesn't seem to have a form. It's kinda like the shadows of consciousness, it's only formed by the world, and cannot be without it. Just like normal shadows need a light source.

You are nothingness but it goes full circle it's everything.No location.

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@Alexander you are beyond the lens but also being it simultaneously. 



"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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4 hours ago, Orb said:

@Phil is the lens over use related to suffering?

Use and over use don’t apply to the lens. Suffering would be the discord of a thought & the substance of the lens. A belief & the truth. 


4 hours ago, Orb said:

Kinda like a sore muscle?

Belief vs the truth has a corresponding bodily contraction like headaches / tension etc. 


4 hours ago, Orb said:

it seems so draining to constantly make reflections of the world in front of us. 

If you mean in regard to the lens, it’s a lens not a mirror. Whatever ‘making reflections’ is which is tiring, no one’s actually doing it. Maybe you mean reaction as an experience is getting tiring…?  Inspecting thought more acutely and ‘returning to’ awareness more swiftly will shed clarity. Be specific with precisely what is getting tiring, recognize what is not wanted, and focus on what is wanted. Fill up with the feeling of what is wanted. 


4 hours ago, Orb said:


I want to see the essence of the lens, but it doesn't seem to have a form. It's kinda like the shadows of consciousness, it's only formed by the world, and cannot be without it. Just like normal shadows need a light source.

The lens is what makes it seem like there is form, but all, including the lens is in-form-ation. Forming, as in vibrationally appearing or being, but never actually becoming things, objects, finite or form(s). Seeing & form are equally included in awareness-information. 


Consciousness is always consciousness, and never actually becomes anything or anyone. This is ‘always’ (right now) self-evident in un-thunk perception, sensation & feeling.


The lens is not a or the shadow of consciousness and is not formed, and is not formed by the world. The content of arising thought is influenced in the conditioning sense, yet technically not by the world. Arising or appearing thought activity can settle leaving only clarity as to whatever the suffering was about. Without ‘holding onto’ / keeping focus on / continuing to create a discordant perspective there would be no resistance to letting it go, and therein no longer the discord. Like uncorking a bottle of peace. 


A shadow seems to have a light source but doesn’t technically need a light source because there aren’t actually the two; light & shadow. Light isn’t actually coming from bulbs or the sun, it just seems like it due to thoughts. The light which illuminates doesn’t experience a shadow. Hence ‘shadow work’ and allowing ‘things’ into the light of awareness & self-realization. Not a becoming, an allowing / uncovering. Not a having to be x, y or z way, but a letting go of what isn’t resonating.


If there are discordant thought(s), empty of them via expression. An insight can’t be a supplement for expression, just like ‘getting to’ contentment’, peace, isn’t ‘done’ by trying to feel better or any doing which could result in feeling. 

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7 minutes ago, Phil said:

If you mean in regard to the lens, it’s a lens not a mirror. Whatever ‘making reflections’ is which is tiring, no one’s actually doing it. Maybe you mean reaction as an experience is getting tiring…?  Inspecting thought more acutely and ‘returning to’ awareness more swiftly will shed clarity. Be specific with precisely what is getting tiring, recognize what is not wanted, and focus on what is wanted. Fill up with the feeling of what is wanted. 

@Phil It seems reflective to me, at least loosely no its not literally a mirror. 


Im looking into it more, I think you know what i mean maybe not, but thought/memory creates copies of sensation. This is undeniable, ive had dreams of eating food and tasting it. I used to have a reoccurring dream of eating chicken nuggets that tasted so bad I wanted to puke. 


Then in direct experience theres the direct experience and the thoughts arising, so if theres a table then theres also a subtle thought/mental image of a table that tells me im looking at a table, hence the reflective property im pointing to. 


18 minutes ago, Phil said:

Maybe you mean reaction as an experience is getting tiring…?


I want to go deeper into this question, because constant thought is clearly tiring at least to me. All day occupied in thought, it takes focus off of daily activities and drains energy. 


^Thats a discordant belief, doesnt feel too good. 


This is good, lots of reactivity here right now, whats the source of the reactivity, thought? 


Okay I missed something in your response, what specifically is it thats tiring? Hm, certain dietary choices and the "replaying" of discordant thoughts.


But come on, you never felt this cheap dirty feeling when you were mind-identified? 


It feels like watching tv for 12 hours straight everyday, eyes feel groggy, sensation feels raw and irritated, its like watching tv since I was 3 years old non stop, im tired of it. 


Of course culture has created many temporary cures to this feeling. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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25 minutes ago, Orb said:

It seems reflective to me, at least loosely no its not literally a mirror. 


Im looking into it more, I think you know what i mean maybe not, but thought/memory creates copies of sensation. This is undeniable, ive had dreams of eating food and tasting it. I used to have a reoccurring dream of eating chicken nuggets that tasted so bad I wanted to puke. 


Then in direct experience theres the direct experience and the thoughts arising, so if theres a table then theres also a subtle thought/mental image of a table that tells me im looking at a table, hence the reflective property im pointing to. 

Not sure I get what you’re saying yet. There’s the thought ‘table’ and perception, like there’s a thought about something else, and a corresponding sensation felt?


27 minutes ago, Orb said:

This is good, lots of reactivity here right now, whats the source of the reactivity, thought? 

Have to keep inspecting to get to the source.  Thought’s involved though, yes, and how the thought feels. The reaction is thought veiling the source of feeling. If it’s self image, feeling better is thought to come from how one is seen. If it’s a substance, feeling is thought to come from the substance. A subtle shift of focusing on a discordant thought, to the self image or substance occurs, and is the actual feeling better / no discordant thought experienced. 


32 minutes ago, Orb said:

Okay I missed something in your response, what specifically is it thats tiring? Hm, certain dietary choices and the "replaying" of discordant thoughts

Yes. Or if it were alcohol for example, the tiresome aspect is the rollercoaster… discordant thought… drink… focus is off discordant thought… feels better… body feels discord of alcohol… discordant thoughts arise usually with some context of identification with body or ‘the separate self’… repeat… reaction. The more something is wanted which isn’t as enjoyable due to the discord, the more tiresome the repetition / reaction / rollercoaster is relatively speaking. 


35 minutes ago, Orb said:

But come on, you never felt this cheap dirty feeling when you were mind-identified? 

No. In this experience the flavor of conditioning was more anger, angst, resenting life, insta-rage, grief & fear. Transmuted though … compassion, patience, appreciation, understanding, joy and love.


45 minutes ago, Orb said:

It feels like watching tv for 12 hours straight everyday, eyes feel groggy, sensation feels raw and irritated, its like watching tv since I was 3 years old non stop, im tired of it. 

Relax more. Literally try to see how deep body relaxation goes. If the lens feels contracted & over used, apply relaxation to that area of sensation. Do so for more than just a few minutes to experience the shift, the un-contraction. Express, empty whatever comes up. Expressing emotions arising, de-contracts.


45 minutes ago, Orb said:


Of course culture has created many temporary cures to this feeling. 

Yeah but you created culture, and culture also offers nature retreats, reiki sessions & classes, massages, and a plethora of healing modalities. Get out ahead of the whole matter by scheduling some stuff. Get away from all potential influence of patterns & reactions for a few days. Go where you’ve never gone. Seen what you’ve never seen. Don’t wait and make it reactionary. 





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@Phil aaahh fine! 😡🙂 


It's not a mirror. 


I think memory points better to how I interpret the lens, it's a memory maker. 


I find it difficult to understand the lens bc when I focus on a thought and feel into it it disappears lol. 


Retreats sound cool, I don't have the money for retreats, I will in the future.


And I'm going through therapy with a specialist on trauma and I'm gonna be doing a new therapy technique with him tomorrow.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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31 minutes ago, Orb said:

I find it difficult to understand the lens bc when I focus on a thought and feel into it it disappears lol. 

I think memory points better to how I interpret the lens, it's a memory maker. 

The lens is prior to interpretations, memories, understanding, thinkers & thinking. 

It’s also like if you were reading a newspaper with a magnifying lens and when you pull away the lens there wasn’t a newspaper or magnifying lens.


31 minutes ago, Orb said:

Retreats sound cool, I don't have the money for retreats, I will in the future.

Camping is cheap.

Can also do an at home retreat with lots of free yogas, satsangs, breathwork, meetups etc online. 


31 minutes ago, Orb said:

And I'm going through therapy with a specialist on trauma and I'm gonna be doing a new therapy technique with him tomorrow.

Great to hear! 

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@Orb I've used an ocean side cabin with private beach to rent for $20 a night (owned by friends) and have done 5 retreats there. I'm also taking reiki 2 from the same guy soon for half price cause it's his first class since a long break due to illness. Maybe ask at your church if someone has a place you can stay, or you never know what might turn up. When I asked to stay at this place I thought it was an awful little shack or something but I could meditate there at least, and turns out it's pretty much just like paradise. Paradise with an outhouse to be fair. 😂


Go swim in the ocean, do some cold water swimming or showers, try Wim Hoff breathing, try yoga nidra, just sit and mediate for 3 hours straight if you want, whatever appeals to you. Plan and get creative and make your own kick ass retreat at/near home. I drive down the road and jump in the river whenever I need a reset/cold water slap upside the face. Act like a tourist in your own hometown, the discoveries are never ending. Exactly what you need and want has a strange way of just showing up. 

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@Mandy that inspired me, I can go to the beach on the weekends, get some color and get some freezing cold water 😍


Then some food and coffee after.


It's funny my moms actually going on a almost 2 week long retreat and she's in a poorer financial situation than me.


@Phil there are a lot of yoga/meditation based meetups in my area, I actually started one but was scared to do a meeting,

who am I to teach meditation? Feels like ripping people off, would be awesome to meditate with a group of friends though. 


The newspaper analogy is great, intuitively I see from it that thought can "retract" back into its original source. 


Thought feels like the pure knowing-feeling condensing itself into sharp mental sounds/images.


Intuitively I sense thoughts can evaporate back into pure consciousness/knowing/feeling if there's attention on thought to the point of feeling into thought.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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