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How do you manage lots of work?


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In terms of: time managment, managing psychological stress levels, separating work from play (in the sense of "not thinking about all the stuff you still have left to do while going out with friends"), staying healthy despite stress & little time, etc. Very standard kind of  question, I could've probably just googled it. But I didn't, because there's more wisdom gathered here than on google 😝 thanks in advance! 


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I recognized that I‘m working best and most efficient, when I‘m feeling good.


Maybe consider quality vs. quantity: 1 hour of full focus with a relaxed mind vs. 4 hours of overwhelmed thoughts with a stressed mind. When I recognized that I could get done more within a qualitative hour as opposed to 4 hours, it was a no brainer to me that feeling good is the number one priority. It also made the tasks I had to get done more fun.


One-pointed concentration is deeply relaxing for the mind. Combine one-pointed concentration with everything you gotta get done and then say byebye to  all stressful thoughts, which aren‘t serving your wellbeing and productivity. 


Oh yeah, it might be worth mentioning that it‘s not the load of work which stresses you out, but rather the overwhelming thoughts about the work which you gotta get done. One step at a time, always. Hope this helps. :classic_smile:

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