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Mushroom Trip Preparation


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How do you prepare for a mushroom trip? I'm planning on doing one in the near future, I got a whooole bag of lovely shit to work out and would like to do it right. Just dipping my toes into the water, I'd like to stay mentally coherent during the trip so it won't be a high dose, but still.

Does it depend on what your intention is that you adapt the way you prepare? Having a trip for fun and going out in the woods VS working on your emotional wounds requires diferent things, no?

As always, all advice is appreciated 🙂

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Are you experienced with psychedelics?


Anyways, I always "talk" to them. Not out loud, but with the inner voice. I tell them why I do it, what my intention is, and that I'm open to whatever the mushroom spirit wants to show me.


It seems to work: I never had a bad trip and I always "gained" what I wanted, though it sometimes didn't initially seem like it. Trust their intelligence! Trust love.

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And days prior to the trip: eating/sleeping healthy, moving my body a lot, and lots of fresh air. I guess it's a no-brainer, but take them when you're in the right mood.


If you find yourself in a good feeling mood, and it's all nice and prepared, but you're not really in the right mood, then I wouldn't take them. The right mood, as opposed to a good mood, is when you really want 'it' to take 'you' and dive deep in the psychedelic realm.


Once ingested, don't second guess anything, let go, take the ride, and trust that it will be a ride of love and only in your best interest. :classic_smile:

Edited by Lotus
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2 hours ago, Indisguise said:

Having a trip for fun and going out in the woods VS working on your emotional wounds requires diferent things, no?

In my experience, no. Every trip was precisely going out in the woods for fun as a retreat. It was just for the experience itself, never brought an intention such as working on anything. 

2 hours ago, Indisguise said:

How do you prepare for a mushroom trip?

If in question, take too little not too much. Slowly increasing with each retreat, if desired, is the way to go ime. 

This calculator is a nice resource. Be sure to read the disclaimers at the bottom. 🙂 

I’ve found the descriptions of the levels link within the calculator there to be accurate and helpful. It can be reassuring to know what you’re experiencing based on what amount you took, as not to ‘freak out’ or think ‘something went wrong’ etc. 

Read up on set & setting. I agree with foundation being fundamentally important. A good night’s sleep, a good mood, an empty stomach, days, weeks, or months of daily morning meditation prior, etc. I used to have only the loophole shake, and basically some fruits, nuts and vegetables as snacks for 3 or 4 days prior to and including the day of a retreat. Essentially, no ‘man made’ stuff, only naturally occurring or whole foods.  I also extended this to all soaps, deodorant, etc, products. 


2 hours ago, Indisguise said:

I'm planning on doing one in the near future, I got a whooole bag of lovely shit to work out and would like to do it right. Just dipping my toes into the water, I'd like to stay mentally coherent during the trip so it won't be a high dose, but still.

To reap some benefit while being completely coherent, try micro dosing. Generally that is .01 to .025 of a gram. There is a slightly noticeable background effect, but no typical effects of a ‘trip’ like thought loops, hallucination, etc, etc. (See that ‘levels’ link). 

2 hours ago, Indisguise said:

Does it depend on what your intention is that you adapt the way you prepare?

There are different ways of going about it, and no right or wrong way imo… but speaking from experience, I never once set an intention to fix, change or get anything specific. It was just always to get away, spend time in nature, and enjoy the retreat, which in hindsight seems aligned with life / creation / experience, and ‘worked’ perfectly well. Paradoxically in having no intentions, many insights arose, much was effortlessly cleaned out and much clarity was unobscured. 

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