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Meditation Vs Morning Sleepiness

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It would be great if I could maintain a consistent morning meditation routine, because otherwise it gets pushed further down the day which eventually leads to skipping days.


Can you share please your tips on what makes you feel energized and focused during the morning session rather than sleepy? (assuming I sleep enough).  I found that meditating after a morning workout is great, but usually in the morning I don't have time for both.

Edited by Valley2Mountain
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Visualize a light ball around the forehead, like condensing awareness into a ball, once it feels significantly condensed open up a channel from the ball to the belly, breath it into the belly, condense the breathing-awareness into the belly around the navel. 

The light ball visualization always make me feel more lively in the morning.

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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What do you typically do in the last hour of the day?

Is it better than, more preferred, than getting up an hour earlier so you do have time in the morning for exercise & meditation?

Which changes your day, your life? 


Careful with expectations upon meditation. Trying to make a you feel energized and focused is the very activity of thought let go in meditation, resulting in inspiration, feeling, energy & focus. Put another way, you are energy, you are focus… and trying to be this or beliving this to be a desired result or outcome, is the veil of this. Don’t try to make the cork float, or plan how to get it to float. When not held down, corks float. Beyond easy. No effort required (nor helps). 


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@Loop hmm interesting, I'll try it out. Thank you.

@Phil You mean doing the exercise & meditation before I go to sleep? In the last hour before sleep I prepare myself to go to sleep. Meditating at that time suffers from same problem as in the morning as I feel sleepy. I prefer not to workout late in the evening because that awakens me.


39 minutes ago, Phil said:

Careful with expectations upon meditation. Trying to make a you feel energized and focused is the very activity of thought let go in meditation

Just to clarify, I meant that I want to come energized into the meditation practice. I don't expect that mediation itself will make me energized. If I start the meditation sleepy, then I'll end up falling asleep several times or my concentration levels will be very poor.

Edited by Valley2Mountain
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I would think that 5 Minutes of something fairly intense, (pushups, kettlebell swings, jump squats), etc, is gonna be enough to do the job without cutting into your time much. 


I ended up doing 15 minutes meditation first thing in the morning and then 40 again later morning, (noon or afternoon if necessary). It's very rare that I have to skip the longer session. Around that time I want a break from doing/thinking and rather than a thing I need to do, the meditation session feels very welcomed. 

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2 hours ago, Valley2Mountain said:


 You mean doing the exercise & meditation before I go to sleep? In the last hour before sleep I prepare myself to go to sleep. Meditating at that time suffers from same problem as in the morning as I feel sleepy. I prefer not to workout late in the evening because that awakens me.

No… trading that last hour of the day & whatever activities therein… for getting up an hour early, and exercising & meditating before even starting what you’ve typically been waking up and starting. Like a power hour just for you, alignment, well being. 

2 hours ago, Valley2Mountain said:


Just to clarify, I meant that I want to come energized into the meditation practice. I don't expect that mediation itself will make me energized. If I start the meditation sleepy, then I'll end up falling asleep several times or my concentration levels will be very poor.

Gotcha, thanks. I’ve found first thing in the morning to be ideal. Also…. 🙂 …. even my concentration levels can be let go in meditation. Just being, if you will. I find I make a better window than door for concentration. 

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