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"Allowed To Be Felt"


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On AoB content I've heard this many times. That emotions are to be "allowed to be felt".


Though isn't the emotion already being felt?


What's the "allowing" about?


Doesn't the "allowing" - part convey a separate allower? Cause as the emotion is already being felt, isn't the "allowing" conveying some sort of a doing?


Accepting, surrendering, allowing - aren't each of these terms essentially conveying the same, as if there was a choice of accepting, surrendering and/or allowing made by, a chooser?



I've pointed this out many times, and it's hard to put into words exactly, but each one of "accepting, surrendering, allowing" is like a hamster wheel. Or the horse and the carrot.


There might for example, be the belief that a surrendering must happen. And then it is tried to make happen - but it doesn't really happen. As if there was something 'holding back' making it hard to achieve. It's always out of reach.


And that smells fishy to me.


Why not just snap your fingers and surrender, or accept, or allow? Like literally, what are you waiting for? Just snap your fingers and be done with it!


But it doesn't work like that, doesn't it? Why not?


I used to think it's because something's just holding me back. Like for example, that I'm just not brave enough to let go, surrender, accept or allow. Or that maybe I don't want it enough yet, and I need to just wait until I do want it enough. Or something like that.


But I've been suspecting that it just cannot be so. That there must not be these brick walls - there must be an easy way that actually works, instantly.


It's like trying to unlock a door, but the key just isn't working. The door isn't opening. Obviously there must be a key to actually open the door and let it open easily. There's no pushing, no effort, just 'click!' and the door opens. Isn't that just reasonable? Isn't that how we're supposed to expect for a key and a door to work?


If the door doesn't open, we don't go "oh, I just don't want it enough - I'm just not trying enough - I'm just not brave enough, cabable enough, just not as good as others who have the door open". It's obviously just the wrong key, and that's it.



What's the right key?


I expect the door to open.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Is entitlement, or "do A to get B" the unconditional love that's wanted? Seeds planted will be the crops reaped. Curiosity, or no longer averting because it's already believed that the feeling is bad and therefore needs to be avoided with thinking, is allowing. You can't look under the bed to see if there really is a monster or not with the insistence that what you find is one way and not another. In that insistence, there is no real looking, no curiosity, no awareness, it's conditional, it's transactional. The awareness, or what actually sees is unconditional. 


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4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

Why not just snap your fingers and surrender, or accept, or allow? Like literally, what are you waiting for? Just snap your fingers and be done with it!


But it doesn't work like that, doesn't it? Why not?


I used to think it's because something's just holding me back. Like for example, that I'm just not brave enough to let go, surrender, accept or allow. Or that maybe I don't want it enough yet, and I need to just wait until I do want it enough. Or something like that.


But I've been suspecting that it just cannot be so. That there must not be these brick walls - there must be an easy way that actually works, instantly.


It's like trying to unlock a door, but the key just isn't working. The door isn't opening. Obviously there must be a key to actually open the door and let it open easily. There's no pushing, no effort, just 'click!' and the door opens. Isn't that just reasonable? Isn't that how we're supposed to expect for a key and a door to work?


If the door doesn't open, we don't go "oh, I just don't want it enough - I'm just not trying enough - I'm just not brave enough, cabable enough, just not as good as others who have the door open". It's obviously just the wrong key, and that's it.



What's the right key?


I expect the door to open.



Your habit of resistant thought is the only thing that ever keeps you
from allowing the things you desire. And although you certainly did not
intentionally develop these resistant patterns of thought, you did pick
them up along your physical trail, bit by bit and experience by
experience. But one thing is very clear: If you do not do something that
causes a different vibrational offering, then nothing in your experience
can change.

The processes on the following pages have been designed to help you
gradually release any patterns of resistance. And, in the same way that
you did not develop your resistant patterns all at once, you will not
release them all at once—but you will release them. Process by process,
game by game (we use the word game interchangeably with process),
and day by day, you will gradually but steadily return to being a person
who allows your own natural Well-Being to flow to you.


From Ask and Its Given book


Edited by Isagi Yoichi


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On 10/6/2024 at 6:48 PM, Mandy said:

Is entitlement, or "do A to get B" the unconditional love that's wanted? Seeds planted will be the crops reaped. Curiosity, or no longer averting because it's already believed that the feeling is bad and therefore needs to be avoided with thinking, is allowing. You can't look under the bed to see if there really is a monster or not with the insistence that what you find is one way and not another. In that insistence, there is no real looking, no curiosity, no awareness, it's conditional, it's transactional. The awareness, or what actually sees is unconditional. 




I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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On 10/6/2024 at 11:11 PM, Isagi Yoichi said:
Your habit of resistant thought is the only thing that ever keeps you
from allowing the things you desire.


The word "habit" might make a bit more sense. 🤔

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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On 10/7/2024 at 3:42 PM, Phil said:

Separation is illusory, emotion is how apparent thoughts feel (to & as, that which is appearing). Just like there is no body, sensation is just how appearing feels to that which is appearing.


Yeah, and emotions are already being felt.


So what's the "allowing" about? Isn't that just needlessly confusing reference to a separate self which doesn't exist?


The moment that's heard, the interpretation will be so that emotions are tried to be allowed, surrendered to akd accepted as a separate allower, surrenderer and accepter. Cause that's what ithe word is conveying, no?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

So what's the "allowing" about? Isn't that just needlessly confusing reference to a separate self which doesn't exist?

Who or what does it seem is being asked?


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

The moment that's heard, the interpretation will be so that emotions are tried to be allowed, surrendered to akd accepted as a separate allower, surrenderer and accepter. Cause that's what ithe word is conveying, no?

Well that’s just weaving a trying out of an allowing. No one’s suggesting trying to allow, surrendering to or accepting emotions.

Conveying is a word. 

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23 minutes ago, Phil said:

Who or what does it seem is being asked?




26 minutes ago, Phil said:

Well that’s just weaving a trying out of an allowing.


Allowing is not a choice?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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53 minutes ago, Phil said:

What’s a you though?

And what’s a choice?


I don't know. Maybe thoughts.



Anyway, fear is being experienced now.


What's the allowing - part? What's the "feeling it fully" - part? What does that/those mean and how to let's say "experiment" with it now?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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6 hours ago, Phil said:


It means - ‘do nothing’. 


So practically speaking attention on feeling and sensation? That's all?


And recognizing the impulse to "not feel it" / aversion?



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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4 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


So practically speaking attention on feeling and sensation? That's all?


And recognizing the impulse to "not feel it" / aversion?

No, there’s no “practical”. That’s the ol sep self of thoughts sneaking in. The one which “itself” is not feeling - which is separate of feeling - which can ‘put its attention on feeling’. The one which knows it exists, as does “impulse”, the one which could feel or not feel an it, and knows what it’s looking for (an impulse). 

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39 minutes ago, Phil said:

No, there’s no “practical”. That’s the ol sep self of thoughts sneaking in. The one which “itself” is not feeling - which is separate of feeling - which can ‘put its attention on feeling’. The one which knows it exists, as does “impulse”, the one which could feel or not feel an it, and knows what it’s looking for (an impulse). 


Right so continue blaming and lashing out at people etc. as usual and "allowing feeling" and "feeling fully" is advice which doesn't mean anything? Kind of like saying "swim in water" to a person swimming in water.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Blame’s an emotion, self-inherent guidance for thoughts.

“Continue” is a concept about there being a sep self in time. 

“Blaming” is a conceptualization of the emotion “blame” felt. 

“Lashing out” is the ignore-ance of that blame is an emotion, via conceptualizing the emotion blame as “blaming”. 

As blame is fully felt, the ignorance is dispelled, and the lashing out doesn’t occur anymore. 

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“Never close your eyes, open up your mind, and you can have everything - EVERYTHING.”

Buck Cherry


”Blaming” is a facade, aversion - the “closing your eyes”. 

Allowing blame to be felt, opens up the mind - freed of the illusion, the facade.

The world-sphere is but an unconditional reflection of the lens-sphere. 

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39 minutes ago, Phil said:

Allowing blame to be felt


Blame is felt.


What's the allowing part? Why is that word there?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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